In a sense, the most revealing answer to why executives get these big payouts is to found by going back to the year it began, which I recall was sometime in the 1980s, and see if you can come up with a line of inquiry that leads you to the change in a government regulation that openned wide the doors to these things.
That's what let it happen, I have only forgotten too many of the non-essential details to recall it enough to know how to google it up.
I probably don't have to add this, but to be sure: The change was an example of what lobbyists can get accomplished while dealing only with bureaucrats -- flying under the radar of the media on any side of the aisle.
Two things about that. There is no better reason why the Government's Inspectors in General are necessary than for the reason shown here. No one fires an IG for an honest reason that they can't tell the public about.
Second, this is also an example why you don't want to count yourself safer when you cut the size of government. You are then slashing the Federal Government down to a size where it's as easy for outsiders with money to toy with it as they toy with all but largest state governments. And they certainly toy with even them more than enough.
Go ahead, if you must. Give me your best shot at telling me why I'm wrong about something that was taught nuts and bolts to me by a professor with years hands on experience working in government and who dealt with lobbyists as a routine part of his job. I'm not really talking here to anyone unlikely to suspect I might know what I'm talking about. Anyone who does know who I'm talking to, should consider checking this stuff out. Very useful to learn in so many ways.
As a rule, the smaller the government, the more it honestly needs to risk relying on outside help to get some idea of what laws to pass, and what they might do once passed, along with almost every bit of information it must gather to figure out how to turn a law into a set of useful regulations. Imagine what unguarded candy stores small governments seem in the eyes of lobbyists.
Fun challenge. See if you can back trace the source of any ideas you might have that your freedoms and liberties are safer the smaller your government. Tell me who you find was the source if and when you do.
Ain't never been a substitute for citizens keeping a sharp eye on their governments. Too bad humans are always too lazy to do something they don't constantly enjoy doing. I think anyone would need to be somewhat like me to even want to try: Scared to death what the histories show can happen when citizens slack off too much from ever trying to get an accurate understanding of who this morning is trying to use their governments to screw them now.
Life is tough for citizens in a democracy. If that's too much for you, then try being grateful you have more sex than me. Or if that doesn't work, try being grateful you or your closest female friend has never been one of my partners.