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Rename FOX News?

Should "FOX News" be renamed to "FOX Opinion"?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Good point! Why is it that we need to have 24-hour news that's basically just filler? I doubt there's that much more news today than there was back when a nightly news hour (30 minute national, 30 min local) and a daily paper seemed to cover it.

I guess for the same reason that we need 24-hours of animals on TV. People will waste their time watching it and advertisers will pay to promote their products.

I personally like some of the shows. For example, last night Greta Van Susteren was able to do about a 15 minute segment on Mitt Romney's sons. You'd never get to see something like that on the nightly news because devoting half of a 30-minute news program to something like that doesn't make sense.

CNN recently has shifted their format so that they are doing more stories like this also. I like shows where you get an opportunity to get to meet different people thoughout the country. There are so many wonderful people here who have interesting lives for whatever reason. These types of segments on CNN and Fox News are interesting. True, we had 60 Minutes before we had CNN and Fox News, but even one hour a week isn't enough to get deep into "human interest" stories.

What I hate about Fox News is the bickering between the liberals and conservatives. Anyone who watches Fox knows that they have balanced debate in most of their prime time shows. I think its digusting - not because of the balance, but because I don't like this type of dialogue.

I believe that cable news and the internet have divided our country more than anything else. The bickering between the right and left makes me sick. All you have to do is go on YouTube and see the small-brained political discussion that people have there. It's pathetic. Sure, everyone gets a voice, but some voices are just not worth listening to. Lots of things are said and done, especially on the internet, that people would NEVER say or do in person.

Kind of off the subject, but this is one reason why I'm in favor of a system that would verify the identity of anyone who accesses the internet. The internet is a corrupt, dishonest, and hateful place because people can run around anoymously and do what they want. I'd rather have a system where people had an online identity that was unique to them, the same wherever they went online, and traceable back to the owner.


Always Changing
and what should we call the democratic party spin machine?
........there specialty is?
Specialty? Ummm....They suck at spinning things like the Republicans do. All the Democrats really do is whine about all the crap they got tossed at 'em. :)


Done here.
doppelgänger;894926 said:
They should change the name to "The Dung-Throwing Monkey Network."
An insult to dung-throwing monkeys everywhere, but I like it anyway.


Deviled Hen
CNN recently has shifted their format so that they are doing more stories like this also. I like shows where you get an opportunity to get to meet different people thoughout the country. There are so many wonderful people here who have interesting lives for whatever reason. These types of segments on CNN and Fox News are interesting. True, we had 60 Minutes before we had CNN and Fox News, but even one hour a week isn't enough to get deep into "human interest" stories.

Oh, I wouldn't mind the human interest on CNN at all, if they covered more interesting humans (which Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole Smith are NOT). Also if they did some analysis that would be nice, but they do precious little of that any more. They certainly have the air time for it.

What I hate about Fox News is the bickering between the liberals and conservatives. Anyone who watches Fox knows that they have balanced debate in most of their prime time shows. I think its digusting - not because of the balance, but because I don't like this type of dialogue.

Jonny, putting a bear and a gnat together in a "debate" is not "balanced." And that's exactly what Fox likes to do. Hannity and Colms...what a mismatch. :rolleyes:. Oh yeah, they have Geraldo, which is not exactly like my idea of a shining light on the liberal end of things.

I believe that cable news and the internet have divided our country more than anything else. The bickering between the right and left makes me sick. All you have to do is go on YouTube and see the small-brained political discussion that people have there. It's pathetic. Sure, everyone gets a voice, but some voices are just not worth listening to.

Actually, Jonny, as a moderate I believe that everyone does NOT get a voice. Moderates are the biggest portion in this country, and no one is speaking to us at all. We're not controversial enough, apparently.

Kind of off the subject, but this is one reason why I'm in favor of a system that would verify the identity of anyone who accesses the internet.

All that will do is guarantee that children and women have no voice on the Internet.

Sorry, but I won't support that for a minute. I don't need creepy guys showing up on my doorstep. And Jonny -- if they can find you, they do.


Always Changing
And they all slant right [capitalism]. Fox just does it the best. :p
OK...I may have to agree with that one.
Part of the problem is that there isn't 24 hours of national news to cover, so they have to fill up time with Paris Hilton & car chases.
...and Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie and Britney Spears and the video of Beyonce falling down every five minutes. Not to mention Larry King every other hour! And what happened to Headline News? Used to be, if I hadn't watched the news in a while and I wanted to find out what was going on, I could turn on Headline News and get the gist within a half hour or less. Now every time I turn it on it's either Nancy Grace or Glenn Beck. Ack! I wanna throw rocks at both of 'em :)


Always Changing
Jonny, putting a bear and a gnat together in a "debate" is not "balanced." And that's exactly what Fox likes to do. Hannity and Colms...what a mismatch. :rolleyes:. Oh yeah, they have Geraldo, which is not exactly like my idea of a shining light on the liberal end of things.
SO true.


Done here.
I don't agree with any of the choices in the poll.
You don't believe Fox News is "fair and balanced" or biased?

there are more than a few moderate journalists of note who dislike Fox News not because it has a slant, but because it has lax journalistic standards.
Not Fox!



Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
All video based media is based on what will get them more ratings. If Fox is slanted right it isn't because they are conservative, its because they think it will bring in more viewers. Objectivity within the journalistic world is a myth.


Well-Known Member
All that will do is guarantee that children and women have no voice on the Internet.

Sorry, but I won't support that for a minute. I don't need creepy guys showing up on my doorstep. And Jonny -- if they can find you, they do.

I don't mean having the information available to the public, but the information should be available to police. The main reason I support this is to keep child predators off the internet. MySpace deleted profiles from 27,000 sex offenders this weekend. You and I both know that unless there is some way for MySpace to verify the identity of every single user on its system, that they can't keep them off. Anyone can put a false name and birthday into a form on the internet. If there were some number or code that you could use to verify the accuracy of that name and birthday, it would be a different story.

The internet will need a lot more regulation if we want to solve the problems it has created.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;894926 said:
They should change the name to "The Dung-Throwing Monkey Network."

Best. Fox News. Nickname. Ever!

then who is allen combs? if they were the conservative speciality network, why even have him rebut?

or why give any libs a chance to appear on the network?

Alan Colmes, as Booko mentioned, is waaaay less powerful than Hannity is. FYI that's by design. He is not the bully that Sean Hannity is, either.

Part of the problem is that there isn't 24 hours of national news to cover, so they have to fill up time with Paris Hilton & car chases. The stuff that they pretend is national news, is mostly just the news in New York, Washington DC or Atlanta (the places where the stations are based). Stuff that matters to people in states like Utah is largely ignored except for the random times where they pick up an Elizabeth Smart story. That's the way it is though because the reporters are based in these bigger cities and there is a larger audience. You have the same problem the ESPN and college sports. They concentrate on the big eastern conferences and ignore the smaller conferences. It got so bad that the Mountain West Conference actually created its own TV station and dumped ESPN.

So true.

Why do sports channels LOVE certain teams (*cough* New York Yankees) over others?
Why does The Weather Channel give a lot of attention to the weather in the Atlanta area?
Why do the World Trade Center attacks still receive a lot more attention than the attack on the Pentagon?

It's all because of the reasons you mentioned, news media's regional bias.

Oh and speaking of sports. You a BYU fan?

Anyway, most of what people complain about on Fox isn't "journalism" and they don't even pretend that it is. It's commentary. I'd equate it to the editorial page in a newspaper. There are liberals and conservatives on Fox. Some people just have a hard time letting both sides have a voice - or maybe they're afraid that there arguments look stupid when put up against the other side.

Um. Do the words "Fair and Balanced" ring a bell?

Other than Sean Hannity, I don't think that any of Fox News' anchors are as openly conservative as people like MSNBC's Keith Oberman are openly liberal.

If you mean that they are honest about their leanings, then I agree.


Well-Known Member
Oh and speaking of sports. You a BYU fan?

I've had the BYU Quarterback as my avatar since the day I joined the forums if that tells you anything. :) I still haven't decided if I change my avatar to John Beck in a Dolphins uniform, or use the new BYU QB Max Hall when the season starts back up.

Having a TV station devoted to the Mountain West Conference is cool - if you live in the footprint of the conference. Those who live outside of these states can't see BYU play because of our crummy TV contract. It's especially stupid since BYU has it's own TV station with a much larger coverage than the mtn.


Resident Schizophrenic
Who cares if they are slanted to the right but claim themselves fair an balanced? It is their constitutional right to do that.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Who cares if they are slanted to the right but claim themselves fair an balanced? It is their constitutional right to do that.

Because, for one, it reinforces the idea that American social conservatives preach a platform of dishonesty.

In other words, the Big Bad Liberals are actually attempting to do them a favor here.


Resident Schizophrenic
Because, for one, it reinforces the idea that American social conservatives preach a platform of dishonesty.
In other words, the Big Bad Liberals are actually attempting to do them a favor here.
Once again, if they want to be slanted to the right yet still claim they are fair and balanced- it is their constitutional right.