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Repuplicanism is a culture of death


Uber all member
Quoted from the complete article here

Will the Real 'Party of Life' Please Stand Up?

By Bob Burnett, AlterNet. Posted May 4, 2005.

Democrats need to go on the offensive and remind voters that the Republican record does not show the GOP to be 'pro-life.'
...UC Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff noted that it makes no sense for Republicans to act as if they have exclusive use of life as their "brand." Historically, Democrats are the party of life, in the sense that they have taken seriously the task of guaranteeing the right of every American to live a life of dignity. From this moral high ground, Democrats are concerned with the quality of life at each point along the continuum of existence -- health care, education, jobs and the environment -- rather than to fixate, as the Republicans do, exclusively on the endpoints: life of the embryo/fetus and death.

Lakoff observed that rather than Republicans being the "Party of Life," it would be more accurate to describe them as the Party of Death, since they are indifferent to the life and death struggles of the average American working family.
Bush oversaw a record 152 executions, and as president he launched a preemptive attack on Iraq, which has resulted in the deaths of 20,000 civilians and 1,700 military personnel. Lakoff argued that Democrats should go on the offensive by constantly reminding voters that the Republican record does not show them to be "pro-life."
More than 4 million women are physically assaulted each year; roughly 600,000 are raped; and 28,000 experience the horror of a criminally induced pregnancy. Republicans avoid directly addressing these issues. Their anti-choice position means that most Republican lawmakers insist that a pregnant victim of rape carry her fetus to term. (A position shared by only 16 percent of voters.).

The article is focused on a Democratic response. One is desperately needed and be successful


Uber all member
Complete article here

No Abortion, No Exceptions

By Stephanie Poggi, Center for American Progress. Posted April 28, 2005.

For most low-income women, the "rape exception" that allows them to get funding to terminate pregnancies that are the result of rape or incest is a myth.

What rights do poor women and girls have in the United States when they want to end a pregnancy that is the result of rape or incest?

Very few. Despite laws protecting the right to assistance in these circumstances, poor women and girls who have been raped are routinely refused funding for abortion under Medicaid, the government program that is the primary source of health care for those with the fewest resources. Like other poor women seeking abortion, they are often unable to get the care they need.
Add THIS to the opening post


pah said:
Democrats need to go on the offensive and remind voters that the Republican record does not show the GOP to be 'pro-life.'
They've been on the offensive and exposing the GOP record for quite a while now, but the "liberal media" just doesn't report it.


Veteran Member
George lakoff is brilliant. If you ever have a chance to google him. He is a linguistic prof at Berkley. His has a theory on our "language of metaphores" has really pointed out the GOP for what it is..a propoganda machine.

Fat Old Sun

Active Member
robtex said:
His has a theory on our "language of metaphores" has really pointed out the GOP for what it is..a propoganda machine.
And this makes them different from the rest of the politicians because...?

As far as I'm concerned, they are all suspect regardless of party affiliation. Most of them are there to feed their egos and feather their nests. Unfortunately, we put them there.