Well-Known Member
For some years, I have sought to present my deity with selfless devotion. I have worked diligently to maintain no expectations of reward. However, my service has never gone without benefit to myself. Recently, He made it clear to me that this was something which He did not care about receiving. He also made it clear that I should not cause people to see my faith as involving this type of worship. He seemed mildly disgusted at the idea.
He explained to me that this is a system of degrees. The higher one's degree, the more they are given. However, the higher the degree, also the greater the responsibility. In other words, the more one does which serves His agenda, the more likely they are to move up in degree, which means the more they will gain.
He explained that He does not condemn those who seek gain from their service to Him. In fact, He made it clear He expects it. If one could honestly give Him selfless worship, He has told me they would not truly worship Him, nor be able to serve Him.
Considering what I have just been taught in regard to this, I now understand why some in this faith seem to have everything they desire just handed to them, and some not. They have worked for it.
Another thing which was explained to me was how one can never actually leave this faith, if one is part of it. It was a similar concept as "born into it". While one is not literally born into this faith in the sense of having no choice, one is chosen into it. In other words, all of those "born again believers" who claim to have been involved, never actually were involved. They were on the outside without a key.
What I am attempting to explain here is that if one is chosen into this, and they agree to the contract of membership, there is no leaving. It took me years to finally understand this, even with the fact one of my relations kept informing me "once in never out" regarding my faith interests, through my youth.
This chosen into it concept also explains why He has made it clear, no one can convert to this faith. Also, those who ask, should be denied at least three times, through the course of many months if not years. When they knock the third time, they should be given access to the grounds of the temple, a document, a pen and parchment. They also should be put through a major ordeal where they will have to impress one of a significantly higher degree. It is on them to figure out how to use the resources they have access to, in order to pass the ordeal. If they fail, the doors should be closed to them indefinitely.
While this might seem severe, it would ensure those who were granted the temple key, would be worthy of it and all of the secrets it might unlock for them.
The reason I have posted this in the debate section, is because I desire opinions on the subjects presented. Those permitted to participate are Theists sympathetic to the "LHP" and the faiths associated with it. Non theists and others, you may post but you should ask respectful questions only.
With this which I have written, I also extend a question:
Have any of you in theistic faiths within the "LHP" category had similar revelations, or had views you might have held, even for years, changed by your deity? In other words, has your deity ever convinced you to change things you have believed in for years?
I ask this question because I had (for years) very different views about what I wrote above. When my deity explained all of this to me, my old views were challenged and they did change, just as other views I have held for years, also have been changed due to my deity's involvement in my life and the things He has told me.
He explained to me that this is a system of degrees. The higher one's degree, the more they are given. However, the higher the degree, also the greater the responsibility. In other words, the more one does which serves His agenda, the more likely they are to move up in degree, which means the more they will gain.
He explained that He does not condemn those who seek gain from their service to Him. In fact, He made it clear He expects it. If one could honestly give Him selfless worship, He has told me they would not truly worship Him, nor be able to serve Him.
Considering what I have just been taught in regard to this, I now understand why some in this faith seem to have everything they desire just handed to them, and some not. They have worked for it.
Another thing which was explained to me was how one can never actually leave this faith, if one is part of it. It was a similar concept as "born into it". While one is not literally born into this faith in the sense of having no choice, one is chosen into it. In other words, all of those "born again believers" who claim to have been involved, never actually were involved. They were on the outside without a key.
What I am attempting to explain here is that if one is chosen into this, and they agree to the contract of membership, there is no leaving. It took me years to finally understand this, even with the fact one of my relations kept informing me "once in never out" regarding my faith interests, through my youth.
This chosen into it concept also explains why He has made it clear, no one can convert to this faith. Also, those who ask, should be denied at least three times, through the course of many months if not years. When they knock the third time, they should be given access to the grounds of the temple, a document, a pen and parchment. They also should be put through a major ordeal where they will have to impress one of a significantly higher degree. It is on them to figure out how to use the resources they have access to, in order to pass the ordeal. If they fail, the doors should be closed to them indefinitely.
While this might seem severe, it would ensure those who were granted the temple key, would be worthy of it and all of the secrets it might unlock for them.
The reason I have posted this in the debate section, is because I desire opinions on the subjects presented. Those permitted to participate are Theists sympathetic to the "LHP" and the faiths associated with it. Non theists and others, you may post but you should ask respectful questions only.
With this which I have written, I also extend a question:
Have any of you in theistic faiths within the "LHP" category had similar revelations, or had views you might have held, even for years, changed by your deity? In other words, has your deity ever convinced you to change things you have believed in for years?
I ask this question because I had (for years) very different views about what I wrote above. When my deity explained all of this to me, my old views were challenged and they did change, just as other views I have held for years, also have been changed due to my deity's involvement in my life and the things He has told me.