If you were to compare RFers as a group to the internet's English-speaking population on the whole, how do you suppose RFers rank in terms of their reading comprehension?
This is something I'm genuinely interested in, but I do not believe I am sufficiently qualified to rely on my own opinions in this matter. That's because I seldom read comments left on social media sites other than RF, and hence, do not have much to compare RFers to.
The exception is my blog. I have read almost every comment that's ever been left on it since launching it 16 years ago. Back when I kept it active, my blog averaged about 400 'unique visits' (i.e. different visitors) per day and those visitors left thousands of comments each year. I knew some of the regular commentators well. My commentators (the ones I knew) tended to be scientists more than other professionals, and professionals more than any other occupational group. They also seemed to have superb reading comprehension skills.
To me, RFers as a group are quite distinct from that blog audience. But are RFers also distinct from the internet's English-speaking population, too?
Obviously, I'm most likely to never arrive at a firm conclusion to that question, but perhaps you folks can offer me some insights.
Very superior to most people.
Somewhat superior to most people.
About the same as most people.
Somewhat inferior to most people.
Very inferior to most people.
Somewhat superior to most people.
About the same as most people.
Somewhat inferior to most people.
Very inferior to most people.
This is something I'm genuinely interested in, but I do not believe I am sufficiently qualified to rely on my own opinions in this matter. That's because I seldom read comments left on social media sites other than RF, and hence, do not have much to compare RFers to.
The exception is my blog. I have read almost every comment that's ever been left on it since launching it 16 years ago. Back when I kept it active, my blog averaged about 400 'unique visits' (i.e. different visitors) per day and those visitors left thousands of comments each year. I knew some of the regular commentators well. My commentators (the ones I knew) tended to be scientists more than other professionals, and professionals more than any other occupational group. They also seemed to have superb reading comprehension skills.
To me, RFers as a group are quite distinct from that blog audience. But are RFers also distinct from the internet's English-speaking population, too?
Obviously, I'm most likely to never arrive at a firm conclusion to that question, but perhaps you folks can offer me some insights.