Skanky Old Mongrel!
I thought the obvious basis of the thread was to point out everyday sexism..
Luckily, today in the UK, the Equality Act has abolished the kind of disgraceful and disgusting sexism that I faced in the 70's.
My wife was in hospital for many many months, and I had two infant children to loom after, plus expensive visits to London to see my wife, plus mortgage, work.... etc you get the picture.
Mothers in this position had many different services, charities and aids queuing to assist and help. Not only was I absolutely isolated, but I was constantly bombarded by the following:-
Social Services had a policy to to try (wherever possible) to separate lone fathers from children.
The health visitor would not visit me, but visited my neighbours in an attempt to obtain unsatisfactory reports about my progress.
The hospital where my wife was at was often staffed by people who would not give information to me over the phone, but if my mother or mother-in-law called they would give help, assistance and updates.
The government offered no financial assistance, such as travel-for-visits etc.
If a neighbour's wife offered to help with our children, or to come round to look after them while I was at work, she was abused by other neighbours.
Yeah..... I remember sexism in the 70's.
Thank goodness and common sense for the UK's Equality Act, and for new European laws which make similar common sense. This in no way is intended as an attack on either sex, it just shows how men have sometimes had to cope....... alone.