Inspired by the Consequences of Suicide thread I thought I'd pose more specific questions. In some places there are laws concerning the right to die for terminally ill patients. What are your personal feelings on terminating life when one is already going to die? And how do you think your faith plays into your position? Does it? Does your religion have a stance on it at all?
For the "terminally" ill, that are tasting/feeling the body go, would have to be their own call. The physical body has broken down and can no longer sustain the energy inside of it. The places where there are laws against, I suppose they are designed to keep one without a choice. Designed to keep one tasting/feeling agony in mind.
Personally, if my body were terminal... I'd want to stay as long as I can by the power within me, when that power ceases to keep my body functioning, I'd want no assistance in my body kept by machine energy. Use my organs to help another.
Pain and suffering is of the brain/mind, I've learned to control it, and through the great energy within, heal and reconstruct my mind. But that's me, and is not applicable to the freedom another has in choosing their route, or how they experience and handle their own pain. Everyone is unique.
External religion plays no role for me. If a mind has any salvation(freedom)... It would be their own free desire. No matter what a religion or anyone believes, what's going to happen will be true. Even if by our train of thinking, and our thoughts... an alternate reality in an alternate universe we create for ourselves exists... it still would be true.
One scenario has nothing we can do about it, while the other scenario does.