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Road Rage


Well-Known Member
I seem to have problems on the road every day. I have some not so pleasant thoughts when I go through this. I thought it would be nice to have a thread where we could share our experiences and vent them (it is either this, or therapy ).


Religious Zionist
I get road rage really bad. If i went into any greater detail i'd probably get in trouble but lets just say i suddenly appear to have a bad case of Tourette's Syndrome:D


Well-Known Member
LOL, I cause it sometimes...shhhhhh,

Trying t push yourself down the main road in a shopping trolley was always fun though.


Well-Known Member
Whatever your experience I am sure we all have done similar things, I would love to hear what other people go through, as I sometimes feel like i am capable of killing someone with what I go through.


Well-Known Member
SoulTYPE01 said:
LOL, I cause it sometimes...shhhhhh,

Trying t push yourself down the main road in a shopping trolley was always fun though.
Good idea with the shopping (cart?)....put the guy at your house in one and let it go, and your problem is solved. :eek:


Citizen Mod
I have a job where I have to listen to road conditions via a radio intercom almost everyday and with the advent of cell phones you have to sometimes wonder why people attempt road rage at all. I am also privy to the aftermaths of road rage like patrons getting out of their cars and fist fighting or people singularly smashing each others vehicles or even people getting arrested. Another disturbing fact that I hear over the intercom is the large amount of "hit and run" accidents that occur daily. These incidents are also reported through the convenience of cell phones. Whatever happened to stopping to find out how the patrons are doing and exchanging information? Whatever consequences come out of these legitimate procedures can they be so detrimental as to leave the scene of an accident and have your license revoked or going to jail?


Well-Known Member
Drag racing seems popular here. On the main road too. The guys pump up their "oots oots" music, and go for it. Every Friday or Saturday night. All night.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit with all the shame in the world that I am very bad about that. I take it too personally when someone does something to me. I confront people at least 4 times a week. That is one of the reasons I started this thread, I need help.


Returning Noob
I do not drive, but I do have road rage. In my town there are so many vehicles with opitional turn signals and obvious blinders that I tend to make comments.

There was one day a jeep was tailgating us because there was a vehicle on the other side and he was in a hurry. We had my daughter and god-daughter in teh car with us or else we would have just hit the brakes.

I also have a habit where if a car is sitting at a green light I ask if they are going to go or what. My 4 year old does the same thing now. It's not too bad most of the time because I make my comments behind a closed window, but there are times when she will just blurt it out.

My favorite thing she does when a tailgator passes us is yell out the window "SO LONG SUCKAAAAAA!!!!"

I have been know to flip off a few motorists who would rather talk on a cell phone against NY State Law than drive properly.

These drivers are the reason I am too scared to get my drivers license. I am afraid that I would not be able to control myself if I was cut off or tailgated. My temper is bad enough without a license, unless I can control myself I would rather not be in charge of a possible murder weapon.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I'll fuss every now and then, if I'm late (which I can't stand being late), but on the whole I'm pretty calm in the car.


Well-Known Member
FyreBrigidIce said:
I do not drive, but I do have road rage. In my town there are so many vehicles with opitional turn signals and obvious blinders that I tend to make comments.

There was one day a jeep was tailgating us because there was a vehicle on the other side and he was in a hurry. We had my daughter and god-daughter in teh car with us or else we would have just hit the brakes.

I also have a habit where if a car is sitting at a green light I ask if they are going to go or what. My 4 year old does the same thing now. It's not too bad most of the time because I make my comments behind a closed window, but there are times when she will just blurt it out.

My favorite thing she does when a tailgator passes us is yell out the window "SO LONG SUCKAAAAAA!!!!"

I have been know to flip off a few motorists who would rather talk on a cell phone against NY State Law than drive properly.

These drivers are the reason I am too scared to get my drivers license. I am afraid that I would not be able to control myself if I was cut off or tailgated. My temper is bad enough without a license, unless I can control myself I would rather not be in charge of a possible murder weapon.
My big pet peeve is the people who do not use turn signals and are all over the road. The ones that get me out of my car are the ones that go slow when youre behind them, and speed up as you try to pass, and then, ride you when you get in front of them.

I wish I lived closer to my job. I swear I want to just ride my bike!!


Well-Known Member
Maize said:
I'll fuss every now and then, if I'm late (which I can't stand being late), but on the whole I'm pretty calm in the car.
Do you drive pretty slow?

I wonder if I have more problems because I drive a little fast, not dangerously fast, but safely fast :sarcastic


Active Member
My mom has horrible road rage. Last time I was home visiting, we got cut off by an SUV in a really narrow, dangeous area. My mom got pissed and cut the lady off once we were in a safer area. Then the lady followed us and kept trying to hit us from the side. It was so scary :(


Well-Known Member
Lintu said:
My mom has horrible road rage. Last time I was home visiting, we got cut off by an SUV in a really narrow, dangeous area. My mom got pissed and cut the lady off once we were in a safer area. Then the lady followed us and kept trying to hit us from the side. It was so scary :(
What is even more scary is how satisfying it really is to get revenge at someone that does that to you.:verymad:


Veteran Member
there is no road rage in texas. that is because everybody has shotguns in the back of their pickup trucks


Well-Known Member
I'm good until some pops out of nowhere and is suddenly in my path. I have invented swear words (long strings) that I know no one has ever heard before. I also don't like to be honked at. One lady honked at me the other day, when I was pulling out of my drive way. She passed me and I happened to follow her for a few miles. She pulled in front of me and I laid on my horn. I could see her jump a foot. I don't forget easily.