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Road Rage


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
there is no road rage in texas. that is because everybody has shotguns in the back of their pickup trucks
I went through Texas once on my way to Tamaulipas México. After what I saw them do to the guys in Easy Rider, I wasn't about to misbehave. Some of those small roads are scary.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Thank "God" for holidays, eh? Hardly anyone on the road this morning. Only problem I had was one of those guys that likes to go slow in fast lane just to bug people. Then you pull around them and they speed up to keep you from getting in front of them!!! Drives me nuts


Citizen Mod

1. Try to realize that you may not understand the reason that some people commit road rage.

This is not an excuse for the other driver but a realistic approach in identifying there might be some underlying reason why some drivers perform the way they do.

2. Do not involve yourself in road rage it is not worth it. Do not become part of the problem.

Egotistically humans have a desire to takes things personally. One must remember that most road rage incidents happen among people who do not know each other. Forgiveness is the key here and if possible, remove yourself from the situation by pulling off the road until the event has passed.

3. Wait 4 hours to drive after playing the videogame Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Or you will get cramps.


Well-Known Member
carrdero said:

1. Try to realize that you may not understand the reason that some people commit road rage.

This is not an excuse for the other driver but a realistic approach in identifying there might be some underlying reason why some drivers perform the way they do.

2. Do not involve yourself in road rage it is not worth it. Do not become part of the problem.

Egotistically humans have a desire to takes things personally. One must remember that most road rage incidents happen among people who do not know each other. Forgiveness is the key here and if possible, remove yourself from the situation by pulling off the road until the event has passed.

3. Wait 4 hours to drive after playing the videogame Grand Theft Auto: ViceCity

Or you will get cramps.

I am one of those people that does everything possible to avoid conflicts with others. I mean my whole philosophy in life is to not affect others. This same philosophy creates very little tolerance for others' errors, and problems. Due to the fact that most people out here in Southern CA are selfish, egotistical idiots with so many mental problems from all of their desires for material possessions they can go through the carpool lane even when theyre alone, because their big head looks like another person in the car.

I love Grand Theft Auto. I need to play it more, it may help.


Citizen Mod
huajiro writes: I love Grand Theft Auto. I need to play it more, it may help.
If I play GRAND THEFT AUTO and I have to drive someplace immediately afterwards I designate mrscarrdero to drive. One time I did drive after playing the game and I got pulled over by a policeman. I would have gotten away if he didn't notice my fingers twitching. He brought me into the squad car and had me play a mission of "VIce City" on their computer. I completed the mission under the designated time. I thought I was busted. The police officer was still not convinced so he set up some cardboard hookers and civilians and requested that I drive my vehicle for a quarter mile run. The first mistake I made was hijacking the police car to perform this test but when I completed the run I only hit two civilians and one hooker, that was enough for them to convict me. My Playstation was impounded and my license to play any video games was revoked.



Well-Known Member
carrdero said:
If I play GRAND THEFT AUTO and I have to drive someplace immediately afterwards I designate mrscarrdero to drive. One time I did drive after playing the game and I got pulled over by a policeman. I would have gotten away if he didn't notice my fingers twitching. He brought me into the squad car and had me play a mission of "VIce City" on their computer. I completed the mission under the designated time. I thought I was busted. The police officer was still not convinced so he set up some cardboard hookers and civilians and requested that I drive my vehicle for a quarter mile run. The first mistake I made was hijacking the police car to perform this test but when I completed the run I only hit two civilians and one hooker, that was enough for them to convict me. My Playstation was impounded and my license to play any video games was revoked.
LOL, the teacher in one of my college writing classes would have loved your imagination.:eek:


Well-Known Member
I have a new pet peeve:

I don't know how it is where you live, but here in San Diego people have the habit of trying to beat you into lanes. Any time you turn on your signal (something most people here don't do) the people in front and behind you make a mad dash for your lane. You can actually use this to get them out of your way. I can now control traffic like people control the weather, I do my little turn signal dance, and walla, the cars move to and fro like little schools of fish.


Kal-El's Mama
I went to visit my friend in NJ and they don't seem to understand the concept of signals. Isn't that why they designated directionals? They just pull in front of you. Drove in FL when carrdero and I went there for our vacation. I guess I was going too slow for them because they will run you over. NC...the speed limit is higher. In Rhoanoke, it's like 70 miles an hour. In NY City, everyone drives like they are playing Grand Theft Auto. :biglaugh:


Well-Known Member
mrscarrdero said:
I went to visit my friend in NJ and they don't seem to understand the concept of signals. Isn't that why they designated directionals? They just pull in front of you. Drove in FL when carrdero and I went there for our vacation. I guess I was going too slow for them because they will run you over. NC...the speed limit is higher. In Rhoanoke, it's like 70 miles an hour. In NY City, everyone drives like they are playing Grand Theft Auto. :biglaugh:
Here in San Diego if people use signals at all, it is when they are already half way in a lane or half way in a turn.

As far as speed limits, the only people who go under 80MPH are the people in the left lane trying to tick people off.:banghead3


Kal-El's Mama
huajiro said:
Here in San Diego if people use signals at all, it is when they are already half way in a lane or half way in a turn.

As far as speed limits, the only people who go under 80MPH are the people in the left lane trying to tick people off.:banghead3
Sometimes I feel like walking


Well-Known Member
Are you a dangerous driver? 10 ways to tell
[font=Arial,Helvetica]Bad habits range from road rage to eating while driving. Compare yourself with these accident magnets from Boston. Do you see yourself here?[/font]

Surely you've seen them on the road: They're swerving in and out of lanes, ignoring rules of the road, and engaging in other rude -- and dangerous -- behavior. Or maybe you are that bad driver?

Compare yourself with a focus group of 30 drivers from Boston who have collectively been involved in 84 accidents over the past three years and received 49 speeding tickets, 39 moving violations and 92 parking tickets. Take a look at these questions to find out if you fit the profile.
  • When you reach a stop sign and no one is coming from another direction, do you roll through instead of stopping? An overwhelming majority (87%) of the bad drivers say they should be able to speed, go through stop signs, and break other driving rules and regulations as long as no one gets hurt.
  • Do you talk on the cell phone while driving instead of pulling off and stopping to talk? A total of 77% of bad drivers say they do this either frequently or occasionally. Only 13% say they never talk on a cell phone while driving.
  • Do you take your coffee and muffin or other food and drink on the road with you, driving with one hand while using the other to eat? Some 60% of those in the study say they either frequently or occasionally eat while they're driving. In fact, several of the participants say they have spilled drinks and attempted to clean up the spill while driving.
  • If you're out shopping in a crowded area and are looking for a parking space, do you become so focused on your search that you lose sight of the cars and pedestrians around you? More than half of the participants say that when they're trying to find a parking space in a crowded area, they can become so focused that they become oblivious to other drivers and pedestrians and often get into accidents, whether on the street or in a parking lot.
  • Do you hate driving behind SUVs or other large vehicles that obstruct your view? More than 60% of bad drivers say they are frustrated driving behind SUVs because they are wide and tall and block their vision. In fact, more than 70% believe SUVs should be required to drive in a separate lane on the highway.
  • Does your driving change when you go into areas with higher police presence? Nearly all of the participants strongly agree with the statement that they drive more carefully when they know police are in the area. In addition, most participants say they check their rearview mirrors regularly for police cars.
  • Does listening to music while you drive sometimes leave you oblivious to all but the music? Some 93% of participants say they listen to the radio while driving, and 73% of them listen to music. Most say listening to the radio has often caused them to become distracted and in some cases they say listening to loud music has caused them to be more aggressive on the highway.
  • Do you find yourself in confrontations on the road, either through verbal arguments or hand gestures, because of either your own driving habits or the habits of others? While 87% of the bad drivers consider themselves at least somewhat courteous drivers if not very courteous, at least half also admit making obscene or rude gestures or comments to other drivers, particularly those who cut in front of them on the highway. Participants also say, however, that they appreciate a thank-you gesture for letting another driver into their lane, and often give a wave of thanks themselves when they cut into traffic.
  • Does your "work hard, play hard" lifestyle leave you sleepy behind the wheel at times? About 50% of those in the study say they have almost fallen asleep while driving and an additional 10% say they have wanted to shut their eyes while driving and almost did. The study found that most participants lead a busy lifestyle that sometimes leaves them sleep-deprived.
  • When you're driving with passengers, do you turn around to talk, taking your eyes and mind off the road? Nearly all group members acknowledged that they are distracted when they have passengers in their vehicles, and most say during conversations they'll turn their heads and stop paying attention to the road. This held true especially for drivers with small children.
If your answers agree with the answers from the focus group, it's likely you tend to be a more aggressive driver than average. Like members of the study, you may also pay more for your auto insurance. Within the study group, 53% pay a surcharge on their auto insurance because of their driving records.

!Outgoing, confident, and a menace
These bad drivers have other characteristics that you may recognize in your own life. Most say they lead very stressful lives without enough time to accomplish all their activities in a day. They all consider themselves either somewhat or very outgoing, and all have a fair to great amount of confidence in the way they behave. And 90% say they've told a "little white lie" to protect someone's feelings.

The group was broken down into three age groups, from 18 to 25 years old, 26 to 45 years old, and 46 to 59 years old. There were 19 men and 11 women in the study, commissioned by RightFind Technology, a company developing new products to help insurers make better decisions on auto insurance rates for specific drivers.

While the study is based on a small group and should be considered a hypothesis rather than a conclusion, "our study identified several personality attributes that seem clearly linked to accident involvement," says Donald Bashline, one of the owners of RightFind. "Witnessing these focus groups was a revelation."

I am guilty of many :jiggy:


Well-Known Member
My biggest problems are slow drivers and tailgaters. I always drive extra slow (or speed up and slow down) when someone is riding my tail. I don't get angry, I have fun whith it.

My brother is a different story though. He once threw a Subway Sandwitch at a car he was mad at.


Well-Known Member
I really want to start driving slower....I think that will be my promise to my son on his birthday next year :)


Well-Known Member
carrdero said:
Huajiro, when was the last time that you have taken a defensive driving class? Just curious.
Wow...Germany, 1979. We used to have to take these classes, don't really remember why.


Citizen Mod
huajiro writes: Wow...Germany, 1979. We used to have to take these classes, don't really remember why.
You are due, and don't forget to take advantage of the insurance discount.


Well-Known Member
:verymad: Believe it or not I get all the good driver discounts. I need to get help before I get caught....I have tried to drag people out of their cars (I know it is stupid, I just have a very low tolerance for bs on the road).


Well-Known Member
A thing I despise here is the "homies" that drive slow down the main road, along the sides. They do this as an "attempt" to get female perusal. they think it is cool going down the street at 10 an hour,
arms resting on window and blaring their dancetron music that sounds like a laser gun.


Well-Known Member
:areyoucra My new pet peeve is becoming people who drive while on cellphones, they dont pay attention to anything and just go wherever the want, oblivious to us all.