It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Maybe you need a better business model. Our business has thrived equally under both administrations.
Personally and professionally, my family and extended family have also done well. We haven't done as well in the stock market or on interest earned on savings, but we've benefited from lower interest rates when it comes to our home mortgage and borrowing power, and our business has grown quite a lot, which means an increase in actual income.
Not that I don't realize it could all go to hell in a handbasket given the perfect financial storm -but so far so good.
Personally, however, I see a lot of truth to the accusation that our current tax structure is weighed in favor of the wealthy and burdens the middle class (though it definitely does NOT burden lower income classes - I'm AMAZED at the size of most tax refunds!).
If you own a business, there are many, many tax shelters and tax breaks that are not available to the average Joe. So even though your tax bracket may be significantly higher, if you have a good CPA and a good business plan, you can end up paying a lower percentage of your income in taxes than the middle class guy working for someone else pays.
This seems like a good way to go broke as a country. Hey, wait -isn't that pretty much what's happening? Send people a "refund" for more than they even paid in, and then don't collect enough in taxes from the wealthy, and expect Joe the Sales Manager to carry the brunt of the tax load, while the owners of his business try to decide whether or not to move their production line to Mexico to get out from under union costs...