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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
All the traits that we have today as human beings IMHO developed via the process of evolution. There are some who believe that God tweaks evolution. I'm more of the opinion that God simply designed the laws of nature, and then just let them run their course.

I have a lot of speculations on why and how conscience evolved, but nothing nailed down. This is mostly because modern Scientific Method is a very recent thing, and we are still so very ignorant of most things in the universe. Let me share two different ideas.

The first is that the laws of morality, just like the laws of physics, may be built into the fabric of the universe. But just like it took time to evolve the kind of intelligence necessary to explore electro-magnetism, we needed a certain amount of intelligence and awareness to perceive these laws of morality.

The second is more complicated. There are different kinds of natural selection: individual selection, sex selection, and group selection. In individual selection, selfishness is going to be passed down, because by being selfish we increase our odds of staying alive and passing on our own personal genes. However, in GROUP selection, it is cooperation that increases the odds that a group will survive and be, well, prolific. :) Thus group selection opts for traits like altruism and fairness. In this respect, a conscience evolved because it contributes to the cooperation of the group.

Again, a very interesting perspective. Not necessarily agreeing with all of it but very informative.

I guess ultimately I would question on how can one trust one’s own morality if it is continually evolving as there would be no standard.

I agree. That is certainly the case for many people. Every time we do a specific good deed, even if hard, it becomes easier and easier. And anytime we do something wrong, it because easier and easier too. I'm sure you are familiar with the Cherokee story of the two wolves, and which one you feed.

In the Torah, this is best taught by the story of Pharaoh. In the first five plagues, Pharaoh hardens his own heart. It is only after that, that God hardens his heart. Clearly, the expression that God hardened Pharaoh's heart refers to the fact that Pharaoh had so habitually said, "No," that he had lost the capacity to say Yes.

So true.

But I would also like to add this. There are some people who lack a conscience not because they have numbed it, but because their brains are wired wrong. Like most traits, there are many factors cementing this. Genetics. Epigenetics. Violent trauma. With some, it is clearly being born this way. With others, the inborn biology is exacerbated by life events.
But however they get there, there is a certain syndrome of traits that all seem to come together. They do not have the same fear response as normal people. Nor are they as sensitive to pain. Their ability to control impulses is impaired. They learn to express emotions by mimicking what they see others do, rather than having the inborn ability. And most notoriously, they just don't care when others suffer--no empathy, no remorse. In fact they may be fascinated by the suffering of others.
All of this coming back to say: they have no conscience. They are aware what OTHERS think is wrong. They are aware what the LAW says is wrong. But they have no internal voice that says, "This really IS wrong."

Yes! Brains wired wrong can affect the mental and physical arena even as an extra chromosome.

Another question...

Does mankind have a spirit in your view? And if “yes”, qualities, capacities, make-up?
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Christian Evolutionist
Monday 6-17-24 2nd. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Sivan 10 5784 91st. Spring Day

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


What Is Salvation?

Many people refer to themselves as saved. What is salvation? Is it a place, a destination, a state of mind—or what? What does the Bible say about being saved?

Love, Walter And Debbie
It's a narrow save by grace, which is why grace and salvation are considered to be the gift. I won't argue that point. Looking back at my own life, I'm surprised I'm still alive. That's grace...I've had a few too many close one's not to understand this truth. The question becomes "what am I going to do to show gratitude for the gift of grace granted"? I do the best I know how and I try to live in truth. That's about all I know how to do anymore.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Does mankind have a spirit in your view? And if “yes”, qualities, capacities, make-up?
I'm a complete agnostic on the subject. Maybe we do, maybe we don't. The study of consciousness in science is so new, that scientists don't even agree on a definition of it. I'm sure that in the future, good research will discover more.