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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Truth Consciousness Bliss of how I was told, Truth equals the Consciousness of Bliss.

My question is mainly about Truth.

The meaning of the individual words of sat-chit-ananda are as follows:
  • Sat: truth, absolute being or existence-- that which is enduring and unchanging
  • Chit: consciousness, understanding and comprehension
  • Ananda: bliss, a state of pure happiness, joy and sensual pleasure
What is Sat-Chit-Ananda? - Definition from Yogapedia

Consciousness, I assume what we all have knowledge of, part of our ongoing daily experience.

Bliss, maybe self-explanatory. Pure happiness/joy/pleasure. Sometimes I believe I experience this during meditation. It is always there but not something we are always aware of.

The "truth" of reality that I experience is constantly changing. The physical world is always in motion.

My question is what truth that we have knowledge of is unchanging?

The other two consciousness and bliss, I can identify with but the idea of an unchanging truth is not something that can be easily grasped/reasoned about.

If you want to say God is that unchanging truth that's fine but not very helpful. There are so many concepts about what God is. In the mind of men, God is also constantly changing.

What do we know of that does not change?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Truth Consciousness Bliss of how I was told, Truth equals the Consciousness of Bliss.

My question is mainly about Truth.

The meaning of the individual words of sat-chit-ananda are as follows:
  • Sat: truth, absolute being or existence-- that which is enduring and unchanging
  • Chit: consciousness, understanding and comprehension
  • Ananda: bliss, a state of pure happiness, joy and sensual pleasure
What is Sat-Chit-Ananda? - Definition from Yogapedia

Consciousness, I assume what we all have knowledge of, part of our ongoing daily experience.
Not quite. The Consciousness being referred to is the singular consciousness of all that is. It's what we find in our own selves when we silence the discursive thinking mind. It is the state of pure Awareness which is seen in everything that exists. These are things that open in the deeper states of meditation.

Bliss, maybe self-explanatory. Pure happiness/joy/pleasure. Sometimes I believe I experience this during meditation. It is always there but not something we are always aware of.
I think the metaphors such as "Joy Unspeakable" describe it. It is joy, but transcendent Joy. Harmony and peace in the state of oneness with the All. It is a vital living joy that radiates in all that is, felt in yourself and all that is as its basic reality.

The "truth" of reality that I experience is constantly changing. The physical world is always in motion.

My question is what truth that we have knowledge of is unchanging?
I like to use Truth with a capital T to distinguish it from relative truth, which is about propositional statements of reality. When you set aside all that inquiry of the mind, what you are left with is more like the Answer with no questions. It is just what IS, not what we think it is. It is beyond the mind of reason to collect and know, and contain in propositional statements of truth. It's the Ground of Reality. The Truth.

What is untruth, is when we slip into thinking we know the real truth of something. What we do have in reality, is provisional truths, not the Truth itself. That is why these are relative, and not Absolute. The eye cannot use itself, to see itself with.

The other two consciousness and bliss, I can identify with but the idea of an unchanging truth is not something that can be easily grasped/reasoned about.
Precisely. It cannot be reasoned and grasped at all. Don't try, you'll just exhaust yourself. :)

But the other two, are likewise transcendent. When you experience that, there is no doubt present.

If you want to say God is that unchanging truth that's fine but not very helpful. There are so many concepts about what God is. In the mind of men, God is also constantly changing.

What do we know of that does not change?
You taste it. You don't reason it. Think of it as falling weightless into the Ocean. That's not something you'll ever realize by the use of reason. You have to let go, and fall.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I had to read this a couple of times. I don't believe there is any truth that does not change. I just think we naturally try to find stability in order to predict future situations and stimuli from our external environment we would have not been prepared for otherwise. So, if someone is of X religion he or she may think in their experiences, they will not change to another religion since they are 100% devoted. In a changing reality, that's just not true.

Spiritually speaking, what's the purpose of a fixed reality?


Veteran Member
Sat Chit Ananda = Being, Awareness and Bliss
My question is what truth that we have knowledge of is unchanging?
Terminus in contradictio

The other two consciousness and bliss, I can identify with but the idea of an unchanging truth is not something that can be easily grasped/reasoned about.
IF you really can identify with Consciousness and Bliss
THEN you also can identify with Sat AND below question does not arise

What do we know of that does not change?


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
My question is what truth that we have knowledge of is unchanging?

What do we know of that does not change?
The experience of Truth in that sense is beyond the thinking mind. That we are eternal unchanging consciousness in sat-chit-ananda; being-awareness-bliss.

Here's an analogy. During sleeping dreams we have all kind of crazy and scary experiences but the Truth is that we are sleeping safely in our bed in no danger. So in the waking state we have all kinds of experiences with our mind but the Truth is that we are eternal consciousness in sat-cit-ananda. The world of illusion (Maya in Advaita thought) seems real while we are in illusion just as the sleeping dream seems real while being experienced.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Sat Chit Ananda = Being, Awareness and Bliss

Terminus in contradictio

IF you really can identify with Consciousness and Bliss
THEN you also can identify with Sat AND below question does not arise

I've considered this as the equation I stated before. Truth=Consciousness of Bliss.

What I've experienced, consciousness is not constant. There exists gaps in consciousness.
Bliss is not constant. There exists gaps in the experience of bliss.

This is a reality of the human experience, therefore in this state, Truth is not unchanging.

However, I've also read very few Master achieve the state of Sat Chit Ananda. I assume to be in a state of being aware of unchanging bliss. It is the ideal to be achieved.

To believe in this Truth, ok, fine. It is something a person can choose to believe. To have actual knowledge of this truth is beyond the ability of a majority of humans.

However to say it is Truth, one having achieved this state, does this mean it is the only truth, all else is known to be illusion? Or is it a truth? One among others to be discovered?


Veteran Member
I've considered this as the equation I stated before. Truth=Consciousness of Bliss.
IF you use the Sanskrit language when saying "Sat Chit Ananda"
Then it is important to use correct definition of the word Consciousness
Same with Love when speaking about spirituality has nothing to do with human love

Note: These things can't be put properly in words; experience is the key


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
IF you use the Sanskrit language when saying "Sat Chit Ananda"
Then it is important to use correct definition of the word Consciousness
Same with Love when speaking about spirituality has nothing to do with human love

Note: These things can't be put properly in words; experience is the key

I agree it's important, hence the OP.
While this may be true, I understand some experiences can be very difficult to put into words. However, this also allows assumption, misunderstanding as to what is being talked about.
So some people may assume this experience because of misunderstanding.

Consciousness is awareness. Bliss is I assume as defined, pure happiness, joy sensual pleasure.

Do you feel this is lacking?


Veteran Member
I agree it's important, hence the OP.
Okay, and I agree, and this is the most useful subject for me, hence I replied. I see this is in debate. FYI, I do not debate about "God" stuff, I share

While this may be true, I understand some experiences can be very difficult to put into words
When I said "experience is key", I did not mean that "experience is answer". I just meant that "Bookish knowledge won't get you Self Realization"

Consciousness is awareness. Bliss is I assume as defined, pure happiness, joy sensual pleasure.

Do you feel this is lacking?
IMO: below comes closer without the stricken out words:
"Consciousness is awareness".
Bliss is I assume as defined, pure happiness, joy sensual pleasure.


New Member
I agree it's important, hence the OP.
While this may be true, I understand some experiences can be very difficult to put into words. However, this also allows assumption, misunderstanding as to what is being talked about.
So some people may assume this experience because of misunderstanding.

Consciousness is awareness. Bliss is I assume as defined, pure happiness, joy sensual pleasure.

Do you feel this is lacking?

' Consciousness is awareness

You can be ' Aware ' without Consciousness.
Awareness is uncaused, consciousness is ' On contact '.


Active Member
it is the balance of it all,

the truth of the changes are all a dance

you can accept the 'good' in your life fully when you accept the 'bad',
you can accept the 'bad' fully when you accept the 'good'

in that sense, nothing changes because everything changes

feeling the stability of the instability


Well-Known Member

Re: (Jai Sat-Chit-Anand)

When I first heard the phrase as a greeting between premies, I was told what it meant. i.e "Victory to the truth which is the consciousness of bliss"
I said that I understood the translation, but asked what it
really meant when used as a greeting between people.

I was told that it meant, in that context, something like, "I acknowledge and greet the Truth/Light that is within you."

That sweetened me. :)



Premium Member
Truth Consciousness Bliss of how I was told, Truth equals the Consciousness of Bliss.

My question is mainly about Truth.

The meaning of the individual words of sat-chit-ananda are as follows:
  • Sat: truth, absolute being or existence-- that which is enduring and unchanging
  • Chit: consciousness, understanding and comprehension
  • Ananda: bliss, a state of pure happiness, joy and sensual pleasure
What is Sat-Chit-Ananda? - Definition from Yogapedia

Consciousness, I assume what we all have knowledge of, part of our ongoing daily experience.

Bliss, maybe self-explanatory. Pure happiness/joy/pleasure. Sometimes I believe I experience this during meditation. It is always there but not something we are always aware of.

The "truth" of reality that I experience is constantly changing. The physical world is always in motion.

My question is what truth that we have knowledge of is unchanging?

The other two consciousness and bliss, I can identify with but the idea of an unchanging truth is not something that can be easily grasped/reasoned about.

If you want to say God is that unchanging truth that's fine but not very helpful. There are so many concepts about what God is. In the mind of men, God is also constantly changing.

What do we know of that does not change?

The Truth is non-dual and is not a dumb thing. Its intrinsic nature is consciousness (power to illuminate and know) and bliss.

As per Taittiriya Upanishad, an equivalent and possibly more robust indicatory definition of Brahman (the Truth) is ‘Satyam (real), Jñānam (knowledge), Anantam (infinite)’. I note that as per Upanishad, 'Bliss' and 'Infinite' are equivalent terms. Let me link a thread that I had made earlier.

Brahman defined in Taittiriya Upanishad

It contains a link to a longish but exhaustive unpacking of the terms that make up ‘Satyam (real), Jñānam (knowledge), Anantam (infinite)’. It is an optional viewing.

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
What I've experienced, consciousness is not constant. There exists gaps in consciousness.
Bliss is not constant. There exists gaps in the experience of bliss.

This is a reality of the human experience, therefore in this state, Truth is not unchanging.
You can't constantly look in the Sun but nevertheless you know the Sun is constant.


If you want to say God is that unchanging truth that's fine but not very helpful. There are so many concepts about what God is. In the mind of men, God is also constantly changing.
What do we know of that does not change?

Love can change direction. But, love always remains love.


Well-Known Member
Consciousness, I assume what we all have knowledge of, part of our ongoing daily experience.

Bliss, maybe self-explanatory. Pure happiness/joy/pleasure. Sometimes I believe I experience this during meditation. It is always there but not something we are always aware of.

The "truth" of reality that I experience is constantly changing. The physical world is always in motion.

My question is what truth that we have knowledge of is unchanging?
I'll refer to a German mystic Meister Eckhart. In his sermon (numbered 69) he explains how God (truth/pure Being), awareness (consciousness/knowledge) and blessedness (bliss) are connected:

A master declares - and the best of our masters with him - that blessedness depends on our understanding and knowing, and we have a compulsive urge to know the truth. I have a power in my soul which is ever receptive to God. I am as certain as that I am a man, that nothing is so close to me as God. God is closer to me than I am to myself: my being depends on God's being near me and present to me. So He is also in a stone or a log of wood, only they do not know it. If the wood knew God and realized how close He is to it as the highest angel does, it would be as blessed as the highest angel. And so man is more blessed than a stone or a piece of wood because he is aware of God and knows how close God is to him. And I am the more blessed, the more I realize this, and I am the less blessed, the less I know this. I am not blessed because God is in me and is near me and because I possess Him, but because I am aware of how close He is to me, and that I know God.​

Ancient Soul

The Spiritual Universe
Sat Chit Ananda = Being, Awareness and Bliss

Terminus in contradictio

IF you really can identify with Consciousness and Bliss
THEN you also can identify with Sat AND below question does not arise

Is this state of "Bliss" a part of your beliefs?