The OT is primarily a narrative of humanity and more often than not, humanity’s evil behavior and depravity in rebellion against God. In attempting to turn the focus on your opinion about “an evil God” you are diverting from the topic of this thread. I realize that a favorite topic of atheists is their claim that the biblical God is immoral and/or evil, but you’re free to start your own thread on the subject. Before you do you may want to do a little more research on the slavery of biblical times, which was more like servanthood with compensation of some kind, as compared to brutal forced labor slavery or slavery rooted in racism which occurred in the U.S. and Great Britain. People are still in rebellion against God and His commandments for treatment of those He created:
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.’ This
is the first commandment. And the second, like
it, is this:‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’, There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31
If humanity acknowledged God who created human beings in His image and who we are supposed to love as ourselves, there would be no such thing as slavery, human trafficking, etc. Yet, abusive slavery has existed throughout human history and modern day slavery is still prolific in this sinful world…
50 million people in modern slavery: UN report | United Nations
Now, back to the subject of Satan preparing the world to accept the antichrist. Delusional thinking is a big part of this preparation. Two very possible avenues of deception are demons masquerading as extraterrestrial beings and/or demonic influences coming through AI. Much of the world has already been prepped to believe in the existence of aliens from space and AI technology is quickly taking off.
Finally, the most important indication we are in the last days; the nation of Israel.
“I wish to call your attention to what is arguably the most dramatic and exciting Sign of the Times pointing to Jesus’ soon return: the resurrected nation of Israel. As foreseen by Ezekiel, the dry bones made a great rattling sound as they gathered back together beginning at the turn of the 20th century. As muscle and flesh were added to the skeletal frames, they finally stood up and claimed their ancient homeland.”
Most Dramatic Sign Of The Times: The Resurrected Nation Of Israel
And since we are in the final days before the return of Christ, it means that Satan is very actively speeding up his delusions, distractions, lies, and confusion.