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Satanic Suicide


Well-Known Member
Well, any attempt to say what a Christian should or shouldn't do/believe is not taken very well by some people. But yes, it is obvious. But one can only say that if they have some sort of basic understanding of it. As you know, people don't think of cute bunnies and flowers when they think "Satanism". It takes some time for some people to get past the stigmas.

I was rather surprised to see that Satanist view fetuses (which you identified as "children") is such manner.
I have no idea if Satanists view fetuses as children or not frankly. I doubt very much that any Satanist will tell you it's acceptable to sacrifice one though for the very same reasons that it would be unacceptable to harm a child...they are untainted by religion. For that matter, a Satanist really wouldn't sacrifice an animal either. Beyond that, the term sacrifice in terms of Satanism is not a literal sacrifice.


I've only met one theistic Satanist and "could be" seems almost a bit hesitant toward them. But I wont get caught up in any theist vs. non-theist skirmish.

There is no skirmish Victor. I only know of Levay Satanism (Atheistic), but there could be some people who take those principles and still believe in the supernatural.


Ðanisty;836810 said:
I have no idea if Satanists view fetuses as children or not frankly. I doubt very much that any Satanist will tell you it's acceptable to sacrifice one though for the very same reasons that it would be unacceptable to harm a child...they are untainted by religion. For that matter, a Satanist really wouldn't sacrifice an animal either. Beyond that, the term sacrifice in terms of Satanism is not a literal sacrifice.
I'm sure that's how it is with most of them but I'm not entirely convinced that it's not literal for some. I get conflicting information.


Ðanisty;836959 said:
*shrug* I would say those that literally sacrifice do not understand Satanism.

I've read the Satanic bible a few times, these days usually for inspiration for song lyrics and sacrifice has never appeared to me, have i missed parts?

Sacrificing was more a pagan ideology from ancient times and more modern pagan times.


Well-Known Member
I've read the Satanic bible a few times, these days usually for inspiration for song lyrics and sacrifice has never appeared to me, have i missed parts?

Sacrificing was more a pagan ideology from ancient times and more modern pagan times.
The only mentions of sacrifice in the Satanic Bible are explicitly figurative. There is no mention of actually killing people.


New Member
Suicide is for the weak. It's not even a question. I'm not talking about ridiculous situations like if you don't sacrifice your self a school bus full of orphans dies - I mean just offing yourself because you couldn't deal anymore. *****'s way out plain and simple and I believe Satan would agree.


Well-Known Member
Suicide is for the weak. It's not even a question. I'm not talking about ridiculous situations like if you don't sacrifice your self a school bus full of orphans dies - I mean just offing yourself because you couldn't deal anymore. *****'s way out plain and simple and I believe Satan would agree.

I disagree on this. Suicide should only be contemplated when life offers more pain than joy and this situation is unlikely to change... nothing wrong with it then. If I was in constant pain with no chance of recovery I would certainly consider suicide a perfectly viable option.
Generally speaking of course, it's better to do everything possible to overcome your pain and continue living.


Premium Member
I can say with certainty that suicide is frowned upon by both the Setian and Satanic religions. Someone claiming to be Satanist commiting suicide because he was afraid of getting old and frail was never a true Satanist. The LHP is a philosophy of Life not death. I have dealt with depression off and on through out my life and at times have contemplated suicide, but I would never go through with it as it goes against my Setianism.

My brother commited suicide a year ago, he was a Christian. And as he never strived towards self-directed self-deification, I have come to accept the fact that his body and soul are no more. Though he does live on in my memories.

Personally, I don't fear getting old or the death of my physical body as I hold my psyche to be Immortal so long as I continue to Xeper and Remanifest towards Becoming the ever lasting Truth of my own Being.

However, in the case of someone who is in constant agonizing pain, dying of cancer or some other horrible painful terminal disease, for these poor souls I find it only humane to let them die in peace if it is their wish.

No, getting old doesn't scare me. If I live to be in my 90's or longer, if I am able I'll still be composing my music, bringing into being a little more Magic into the world of horrors. Franz Liszt, the greatest pianist who ever lived, lived to be in his early 90's back in the 1800's and was composing his music until the day he died. The same with the great Beethoven, who himself suffered from depression. These two great men were and are defacto Satanists.

Oh, and one more thing. The idea of "Satanists" stealing babies from hospitals in order to sacrifice them to the Devil is totally obsurd, more xtian propaganda.

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Jon Nödtveidt was a member of a gnostic theistic satanist group called the Temple of Black Light. I´ve studied their website quite thoroughly.

From what I know of their believes, I don´t think he really committed a suicide. I think he wanted to achieve a higher form of being, which came through death.


I Am

My brother commited suicide a year ago, he was a Christian. And as he never strived towards self-directed self-deification, I have come to accept the fact that his body and soul are no more. Though he does live on in my memories.

Personally, I don't fear getting old or the death of my physical body as I hold my psyche to be Immortal so long as I continue to Xeper and Remanifest towards Becoming the ever lasting Truth of my own Being.

I must ask, is it not hypocritical to think that on one hand your brother's "psyche", "soul", "Self", etc.. are "no more" because he does not view Life the same way and practice the same method(s), yet on the other hand you hold that the concept of Xeper and Remanifestation of your Truth of Being will ensure your psyche to be "Immortal" and survive your "physical death"?

Not trying to be disrespectful to your beliefs, so please do not take it this way. Only constructive criticism. Would it not be more rational and honest to assume that anything after our physical death is unknown as of right now and that assuming your idea of securing life after death (which is pure speculation at this point) is more effective or true than another individual's is a bit naive?

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A friend of mine was telling me that Satanists usually commit suicide before they become old or ill. This seems unbelieveable to me as Satanism is a life-affirming religion. He mentioned the Black Metal Vocalist Jon Nödtveidt who commited suicide because he did not want to become old or ill. I doubt he was a true Satanist, but my friend insists that he was. Ergo, I come to you friendly peoples of the Left-Hand Path to answer this conundrum of mine.
Suiside is Frowned upon - Live is the great indulgence, any one who would pull the wings off a butterfly is sick , people who commit suiside, -their enemy is themselves, and need to create an enemy , preferably GOD , Christian, muslim, Buda, and Jew , toss that stuff among the worthless wreckage - what weak Idiot minds some poeple have. I live to masterbate just one more time ,,


I Am
A friend of mine was telling me that Satanists usually commit suicide before they become old or ill. This seems unbelieveable to me as Satanism is a life-affirming religion. He mentioned the Black Metal Vocalist Jon Nödtveidt who commited suicide because he did not want to become old or ill. I doubt he was a true Satanist, but my friend insists that he was. Ergo, I come to you friendly peoples of the Left-Hand Path to answer this conundrum of mine.

I will just give advice from my perspective then. Think for yourself and answer your own question accordingly. This would also solve the source of this question as well, realizing what your friend said is his opinion and perspective alone, not the mass of people he is assuming fit into his narrow assumption. But don't take my advice. :yes:

Delilah Roo

I would never kill myself. Or want to die. If I could live forever I would. I love the balance of the world. Good and Evil mixing. When you then seperate into heaven and hell, it takes the fun out of everything.


Premium Member
I must ask, is it not hypocritical to think that on one hand your brother's "psyche", "soul", "Self", etc.. are "no more" because he does not view Life the same way and practice the same method(s), yet on the other hand you hold that the concept of Xeper and Remanifestation of your Truth of Being will ensure your psyche to be "Immortal" and survive your "physical death"?

Not trying to be disrespectful to your beliefs, so please do not take it this way. Only constructive criticism. Would it not be more rational and honest to assume that anything after our physical death is unknown as of right now and that assuming your idea of securing life after death (which is pure speculation at this point) is more effective or true than another individual's is a bit naive?

Dear JWG,

Hypocritical, no. Naive, :sarcastic. However, you do make a very good point. Nobody can say for certain what lies beyond death. It could very well be that this life is it, and that death is absolute nothingness. Or it could very well be that the soul or life-force or whatever continues on in some shape or form after this life. Death is probably the ultimate Mystery of which nobody can claim to know the answer to or secret of. My views of life, death, the soul, Magic, are my own, but they are not written in stone and are always subject to Change upon my attainment of further knowledge and Understanding.

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Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
A friend of mine told me that when you are contemplating suicide, it is complete selfishness, because your pain is clouding all thought beyond your pain and it is all you can comprehend.

Quite a few of my family members have committed suicide. It seems to run rampant in my tree. I have never been in so much mental or emotional pain that I have considered it.

I finally decided that people who commit suicide cannot be judged, because our chemistry is so complex, there is no way to know what they were experiencing or why they did it. If you could step inside their mind, there is no way to be sure if you would overcome the desire or not.

I have to agree with the statement about it being a way to take control. It is an... odd overly easy way to "take control."


Premium Member
A friend of mine told me that when you are contemplating suicide, it is complete selfishness, because your pain is clouding all thought beyond your pain and it is all you can comprehend.

Quite a few of my family members have committed suicide. It seems to run rampant in my tree. I have never been in so much mental or emotional pain that I have considered it.

I finally decided that people who commit suicide cannot be judged, because our chemistry is so complex, there is no way to know what they were experiencing or why they did it. If you could step inside their mind, there is no way to be sure if you would overcome the desire or not.

I have to agree with the statement about it being a way to take control. It is an... odd overly easy way to "take control."

Hey Tigeress,

Nobody really knows what was going through my brother's mind or had any real understanding of his emotional termoil because he didn't leave any suicide note. These are things about him that I do know (I will not share everything about him that I know here do to privacy issues) but I will say that he was an alchoholic, a former "crank" addict, and it is very likely that he may have had lung cancer because he was a heavy smoker and I personally saw him cough up blood on a number of occasions. I personally feel that he knew he was dying and just simply did not want to go through himself, or put the family through the agony of it all.


A pile of urban legend bs, most likely. Sacrifice is not a part of Satanism unless you are an Order of the Nine Angles person, or something similar, and even they don't condone sacrificing babies.

Don't know much about it, but I remember reading a book that talked about fetuses being taken from hospitals and being sacrificed by Satanists. The doctor himself was in on it all and not once did it ever talk about a Satanist actually committing suicide, but only sacrificing. Don't know how much truth there is in that.