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Satanist groups reinforcing stereotypes?


Zombie Killer
I personally find the idea of Satanism as a form of atheism to be quite simple. Atheism, with the added "ideas" of self-love, self-improvement, and not allowing people to boss you around. But how come every single group that claims to be a Chruch or Grotto of Satan, and most agree to the Atheistic Satanism, goes out of their way to reinforce the classic "devil-worshipper" image? Vampires, goths, werewolves, blood, magic(k), 666, inverted crosses/pentagrams, the color black, ancient languages for the sake of sounding esocteric. I think a simple upside-down pentagram as a necklace or wearing black clothing, even the practice of magic, is all swell. I understand the want/need for a little imagery. It's pretty cool, actually. If you truly agree with all of those things I just said, then more power to you. But every group, Church of Satan, First Church of Satan, Modern Church of Satan, etc. etc., all are obsessed with having dark, Anti-Christian imagery simply for the sake of shock value.

tl;dr version:
While "demonic" or Satanic imagery is fine, why do groups go out of their way to say "we do not condone animal sacrifice murder etc. etc." but then go and have devils and vampires appear all over their website?


Satanism inevitably attracts folks who get off on dark aesthetics. Unfortunately there's a low trend in those who can use the imagery in a mature stimulatory form. Folks who display their occult interests in their public persona tend to be oddly goofy--as an observation.

While "demonic" or Satanic imagery is fine, why do groups go out of their way to say "we do not condone animal sacrifice murder etc. etc." but then go and have devils and vampires appear all over their website?

It's a legal issue. It is also possible to divorce dark aesthetics from criminal activity, although it's still iffy. I also want to ask, why aren't you just an atheist? Why choose "Satanism" as a self-label? The same concern over imagery can be applied to your self-identification as well.
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Zombie Killer
I also want to ask, why aren't you just an atheist? Why choose "Satanism" as a self-label? The same concern over imagery can be applied to your self-identification as well.
Because I agree with the ideas of Satanism, and to me it's like believing Jesus is the Savior but saying I'm not a Christian. I don't mind the term Satanism, nor the somewhat dark imagery, I just wonder why everyone takes it so far.


Immaturity. Insecurity. Attention-seeking. Number of reasons. It's increased exponentially with the internet.

Satanism is somewhat of fascinating phenomenon if you explore Lavey's personal route, which goes quite deep into areas missed by many who read his works. Plenty of fun and shock-factors, but plenty of serious explorations. Good for you!


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
I personally find the idea of Satanism as a form of atheism to be quite simple. Atheism, with the added "ideas" of self-love, self-improvement, and not allowing people to boss you around. But how come every single group that claims to be a Chruch or Grotto of Satan, and most agree to the Atheistic Satanism, goes out of their way to reinforce the classic "devil-worshipper" image? Vampires, goths, werewolves, blood, magic(k), 666, inverted crosses/pentagrams, the color black, ancient languages for the sake of sounding esocteric. I think a simple upside-down pentagram as a necklace or wearing black clothing, even the practice of magic, is all swell. I understand the want/need for a little imagery. It's pretty cool, actually. If you truly agree with all of those things I just said, then more power to you. But every group, Church of Satan, First Church of Satan, Modern Church of Satan, etc. etc., all are obsessed with having dark, Anti-Christian imagery simply for the sake of shock value.

tl;dr version:
While "demonic" or Satanic imagery is fine, why do groups go out of their way to say "we do not condone animal sacrifice murder etc. etc." but then go and have devils and vampires appear all over their website?
I am not a Satanist but I would like to comment on some of your inquiries;
Satanism as a form of atheism
Please explain that?
That many if not most 'Satanists' go off on the 'evil bad ***' tangent is more than likely to b the reason of Self-Delusions.
For those that follow the path Siriusly it is not uncommon to study occult subjects such as devil worship (Yintak Dinoih), vampirism (predatory spiritualism), blood magick (manipulation of vital energy), 666 is also the Gematriac number of the Messiah, inverted pentagrams are ancient Pagan symbols, ancient languages are a part of any study, Black absorbs all the colors, it is a tool of occultists.

"devil-worshipper" image? Vampires, goths, werewolves, blood, magic(k), 666, inverted crosses/pentagrams, the color black, ancient languages for the sake of sounding esocteric.


Zombie Killer
I am not a Satanist but I would like to comment on some of your inquiries;
Satanism as a form of atheism
Please explain that?
One of Satanism's (at least the form LaVey created) foremost thoughts is "I am my own God". Gods are manmade, so who better to worship than yourself? Theistic Satanism is a different story entirely. And yes, study of the occult is common, but there blatant obsession with evil imagery is overdone. Satanism is atheistic, and I choose to follow the tenets for the most part without really studying magic(k) and the occult.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
One of Satanism's (at least the form LaVey created) foremost thoughts is "I am my own God". Gods are manmade, so who better to worship than yourself? Theistic Satanism is a different story entirely. And yes, study of the occult is common, but there blatant obsession with evil imagery is overdone. Satanism is atheistic, and I choose to follow the tenets for the most part without really studying magic(k) and the occult.
Have you read my thread on Redefining Luciferianism?

I agree, the over indulgent use of 'Satanic' I am soooo evil, propaganda has been abused to the max.
I have a problem with the "I am my own God" thinking. None of us are Gods while incarnated on this Material Plane / Malkuth.

Luciferianism shows us the proper steps to be taken in order to be Spiritually Reborn and Self-Deified.

I don't agree that Gods are man-made either, my understanding is that they are different consciousness' of the Universe.

What is Modern Satanism about?


Zombie Killer
I have a problem with the "I am my own God" thinking. None of us are Gods while incarnated on this Material Plane / Malkuth.
We have one life to live, make the absolute best of it. I am the center of my universe.

Luciferianism shows us the proper steps to be taken in order to be Spiritually Reborn and Self-Deified.
I see Lucifer only as a symbol of the quest for knowledge. Knowledge and intelligence are incredibly important to me.

I don't agree that Gods are man-made either, my understanding is that they are different consciousness' of the Universe.
The universe is immense, and there probably is power beyond humanity's imagination, but "gods" as anthropomorphic deities are a lie in my opinion.

What is Modern Satanism about?
Agreeing with the tenets of LaVeyan Satanism without the overdone evil imagery.


Luciferianism shows us the proper steps to be taken in order to be Spiritually Reborn and Self-Deified.

Could you provide coherent definitions for these terms? What it means to be spiritually reborn in comparison to one who isn't, and what it means to be self-deified with a proper measurement of how these states are evaluated and known to exist.

I don't agree that Gods are man-made either, my understanding is that they are different consciousness' of the Universe.

Disembodied consciousness is a rather hard thing to prove. Cognitive and biological evidence points to consciousness as being an integral part of biological machinery.


I personally find the idea of Satanism as a form of atheism to be quite simple. Atheism, with the added "ideas" of self-love, self-improvement, and not allowing people to boss you around.

Satanism is a religion with values, ethics, and aesthetics, atheism is not. You are oversimplifying things. And Satanism has nothing to do with not letting people boss you around; sometimes it's appropriate to be "bossed around" by someone more capable than yourself, in certain contexts.

But how come every single group that claims to be a Chruch or Grotto of Satan, and most agree to the Atheistic Satanism, goes out of their way to reinforce the classic "devil-worshipper" image? Vampires, goths, werewolves, blood, magic(k), 666, inverted crosses/pentagrams, the color black, ancient languages for the sake of sounding esocteric.
There is no need to say "Atheistic Satanism" because there is no other kind. Satanism is Satanism. Satanist reading material explains the reasoning behind the symbology.

I think a simple upside-down pentagram as a necklace or wearing black clothing, even the practice of magic, is all swell. I understand the want/need for a little imagery. It's pretty cool, actually. If you truly agree with all of those things I just said, then more power to you. But every group, Church of Satan, First Church of Satan, Modern Church of Satan, etc. etc., all are obsessed with having dark, Anti-Christian imagery simply for the sake of shock value.
I disregard all groups claiming to be Satanists besides the Church of Satan, especially people who believe in spirits, deities and the supernatural. Those are the kinds of things our Church is against.

We aren't "obsessed with Anti-Christian imagery". We are producing books, living our lives, fulfilling goals. We're actually doing noteworthy things.

Why is it people here are only concerned with imagery and appearances, and not ideas, practices, and aesthetics? I find it all very shallow and empty. People who concentrate only on what they are against, and not on asserting their values, are empty cans.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Could you provide coherent definitions for these terms? What it means to be spiritually reborn in comparison to one who isn't, and what it means to be self-deified with a proper measurement of how these states are evaluated and known to exist.
You really don't know what 'Spiritual Rebirth' is or 'Self-Deification' is? And I have no idea what you mean by "a proper measurement of how these states are evaluated and known to exist".