And now we're back to the old "put them up for adoption" argument. Well, that requires carrying the fetus for nine months first. It may be a good option for some, but not-so-good an option for those who can't afford it, or who have health problems that could be exacerbated by a pregnancy.
And now we're back to the old, "I can murder someone if they are inconvenient to me" argument.
Which brings us back to my point that the world is already filled with hundreds of thousands of unwanted children as it is. Forcing women to have babies isn't going to magically make this problem go away. It's going to exacerbate it.
First off - no one is "forcing" any woman to do anything.
Not allowing people to murder children is not "forcing" anything on anyone.
Also - if you asked any of those "unwanted children" if they would rather be dead than be alive in the system - I think I'd know what their answer would be.
And what is wrong with all of these "unwanted children" anyway? You believe they are less valuable than "wanted children"? You don't think the world is a better place with them in it? You believe they will never amount to anything? Never be happy?
I have met a lot of unproductive and sad people who grew up "wanted" with a mother and father - and they are just as valuable as anyone else - but having parents isn't a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
Having a chance to become "wanted" or be happy is better than no chance at all.
Besides - as I have pointed out already - the list of couples waiting to adopt newborn babies is long - people wait years - so adding newborns wouldn't be adding to the "unwanted children" you believe are "less than" other people.
My position is that there are so many scenarios and situations that can come into play, that it isn't up to me to decide for anyone else what is best for them. That should be left up to the individual.
Why doesn't what is best for the not-yet-born child factor into your scenario?
Just so you know - millions of women give birth in the U.S. every year with no complications - whilst an "abortion" always kills the not-yet-born child.
Well - technically - not all "abortions" are successful - which has led to many cases of after birth "abortions" - so straight up infanticide.
Those couples should adopt some of the thousands and thousands of children that are already in the system.
Hold up - didn't you just say that, " isn't up to me to decide for anyone else what is best for them" - yet here you are now deciding what is best for these couples?
I guess you only feel that way about women who are considering murdering their children?
I find that the only consistent thing about more Left-leaning people is that they are inconsistent.
I'm all for promoting birth control, but the problem seems to be that some conservative types think even that should be outlawed. Which makes me question their motives in the first place.
Why aren't you "all for" promoting abstinence, self-control, personal accountability and not murdering babies?
Why only "birth control" - when abstinence and self-control are the most effective forms of "birth control"?
Anyways - I understand that there are religious people that don't want to use contraception - I disagree with them - but I believe their "motive" is to discourage sex outside of marriage.
That children used to be babies? Please tell me you're joking.
If people on the Right cannot make claims about men not being women and such without being a "biologist" - then no one can make any claims at all without being one.
I am joking - of course - but I am also pointing out glaring inconsistencies found in the ideology of the Left.
Yes - you are.
You claimed that women putting their newborns up for adoption would "exacerbate" the "problem" of "unwanted children" being in the world.
Goodness - imagine if I swapped our "unwanted children" with a particular race or class - then you would notice how immoral what you are saying is.
Anyways - there are more couples seeking to adopt newborns than there are newborns - so obviously a woman putting her newborn up for adoption would not be "exacerbating" that "problem".
The way to fix the problem is not to exacerbate it by forcing more unwanted children into the world.
And you just double downed on the claim you said you weren't making.
Imagine if I swapped in "Black" or "poor" in for "unwanted children" - my goodness - you'd be another Margaret Sanger.
If babies are being murdered, those people should be arrested. Blastocysts/zygotes/fetuses aren't babies and don't fit the definition.
Of course they should be arrested and you are right - I should have said "child" rather than "baby" - that's my bad - but it hardly matters - because a human being is still being murdered.
I refer to all my children as "baby" (or "monkey") even though my oldest is nine.
I just hope that my "baby" designation doesn't make him "less than" in your eyes - since you believe that the terms we use to describe our development can affect if we can be murdered or not - and the "less developed" are worth less than the "more developed" - right?
And their life shouldn't trump that of the actual fully grown and developed, fully sentient human being in which they reside.
I don't believe people become more valuable the more developed or older they become.
Contrarily - in most life and death situations - the "less developed" people are often given priority over the "more developed".
We make sure the children are safe first - especially babies - and we don't claim that they are "less than" the adults.
Not only that - if there was only one spot left on a lifeboat - yet there were two women who needed a seat - one of them being obviously pregnant - who do you think the seat would go to?
And everyone - even the other woman - would consider that saving two lives.
Also - no one is asking to exchange the life of the mother for the life of the newborn - that is ridiculous.
And notice how you fuzz the qualifier of "sentience" by saying "
fully sentient" - which is what exactly?
Someone hopped up on some pain killers may not be "fully sentient" - are they now disposable?
Actually, I'm not looking for a "cure-all" answer.
Yes - you are.
You just mocked people for suggesting adoption because it won't "solve everything".
Murdering the not-yet-born also doesn't "Solve everything" - so that isn't a good argument.
My answer is to let every individual decide for herself what is best for her, in her situation.
That is a stupid answer if it means she gets the right to murder her child.
You won't let couples wait to adopt a newborn - but you are fine with mother's murdering their children?
So much for letting people decide for themselves what is best for them. No consistency.
Not having some outside parties dictating to her what they think is best for her. The latter seems to be what you want.
Everyone is always bombarded by the opinions of others - that's just living in society.
And why are you so opposed with someone learning all sides of an issue before making a decision?
Only demagogues, propagandists, fearmongers, rabblerousers and fanatical idealogues want to stop people from learning about all their options and receiving all relevant information before making a life-changing decision.
Human beings have sex. That's a fact of life.
Yeah - I am well aware - but being irresponsible and selfish are not "facts of life".
Many people in the world are being responsible and not murdering their children as a result.