The moment of conception is literally not when human life begins because if it doesn't implant into the uterine wall, it's going to just be flushed out and that life is gone.
You realize that you immediately and totally contradicted yourself?
The moment of conception is literally not when human life begins because if it doesn't implant into the uterine wall, it's going to just be flushed out and
that life is gone." (Bold and italics added)
What "life is gone" when the fertilized egg does not implant into the uterine wall if human life does not begin at the moment of conception?
So if you think that life happens at the moment of conception, then every time a woman has her period, she could potentially be "killing" a baby (in your opinion).
I understand the horrible and illogical point you are trying to make.
If a pregnancy does not occur by the time the woman sheds her uterine lining - the fertilized egg will be "flushed" out - and I do not see at all how that could be seen as a "killing" of any kind.
"Abortion" - the actual topic of our discussion - is the intentional termination of a pregnancy - the killing of a not-yet-born child.
What you are describing is not an "abortion" or "killing" since no action or inaction caused the death of the not-yet-born child.
This would be like arguing that someone who unknowingly and unintentionally infected someone else with the flu should be accused of "killing" that person if they were to die from complications involving the flu.
Most things are outside of our control, and no one can be blamed for what is outside of their control.
It is supreme arrogance, perversion and cruelty to try and claim that a woman should be held responsible if her menstruation causes the death of her not-yet-born child and thank God she will most likely not even be aware of it.
And I used the term "baby" to describe the not-yet-born one time - and I immediately recanted and corrected once it was pointed out to me.
So - you and yours need to stop trying to claim that I am constantly referring to the not-yet-born as "babies" - it simply isn't true.
Which is the very same point I was pointing out to you before about not thinking through the logic of your position.
The position I have been maintaining is not connected to your line of reasoning at all.
All you are trying to do is claim that I would somehow blame victims of circumstance - and I would never do that - because it would make no sense.
Not to mention it would be totally evil.
Following your line of logic, women who have miscarriages are potential murderers. And women who have their periods are potential murderers.
Not at all. That makes literally no sense.
Yes, bodily autonomy is paramount. It's all we have, when you really get down to it.
Bodily autonomy is not an absolute - especially when it comes to how we interact with other people.
When it comes to "civilized society" - we place a lot of limits on what people can and cannot do with their bodies.
There are all kinds of laws restricting what we can do - such as those regarding public nudity/urination/defecation, sexual assault, the classic shouting "Fire!" in a theater, purposely exposing other people to secondhand smoke - or really any action that can hurt another individual.
Yet - these limitations are rarely criticized as unjustified infringements upon one’s "bodily autonomy" - so why is limiting "abortion" criticized as unjustified?
The claim of "My body - my choice" is a form of begging the question - because it assumes that there is no second individual involved in the pregnancy - the not-yet-born child.
Not only this - but it also commits the fallacy of special pleading - claiming that the mother had the "right" to "bodily autonomy" while failing to acknowledge that such a claim would inherently mean that others have a "right" to "bodily autonomy" as well.
We shouldn't kill others because that would violate their "bodily autonomy".
Please stop comparing fully grown and developed, sentient human beings with full lives and social connections to blastocysts/zygotes/fetuses.
You realize that this is the same mentality used by those who commit unspeakable acts against the already-born?
You are claiming that the "fully grown" are more valuable - more worthy of living - than the "not fully grown".
- Please don't kill children.
You are claiming that the "fully developed" are more valuable - more worthy of living - than the "not fully developed".
- Please don't kill the mentally handicapped.
You are claiming that those that are "sentient" are more valuable - more worthy of living - than those that are "not sentient".
- Please don't kill people in comas.
You are claiming that those with "full lives" are more valuable - more worthy of living - than those who do not have "full lives"
- Please don't kill those who do not have "full lives" (whatever that means).
You are claiming that those who have "social connections" are more valuable - more worthy of living - than those who do not have "social connections".
- Please don't kill the introverts.
It's a terrible comparison.
I believe that all human beings should receive equitable treatment under the law.
It does not matter if they are not "fully grown and developed, sentient human beings with full lives and social connections" or "blastocysts/zygotes/fetuses" - no one has the right to murder them.