I take abilify.
I basically was having an imposing inner dialogue with myself as other people, and what they might say to me. My very own imagination was more of an effect than something i had command over. And my ability to focus, and remember was severely limited. I also totally lost my sense of self awareness.
It started happening when i was 30. Its been 17 years and several medications later, here i am. Most medications would mess with my muscles, and nerves making me very restless.
Abilify really seems to help me focus and gain back many of my cognitive abilities without messing with me.
Now i only have trouble when i am extremely depressed.
If you ask me schizophrenia is something triggered by overwhelming unhealthy pressures and environments. I used to work with toxic chemicals, and toxic people for that matter. I had a very, very religious upbringing that was totally unwanted. And ive had some really drag down friendships in my youth. I guess over the years it all added up, and i snapped.
I do wonder if poor nutrition plays into it as well. I definetly do not ever touch alcohol anymore. Its been 17 years and only 2 beers in that time.
I would never ever recommend going off medication. But i definetly spoke up when the medications i was taking gave me worse experiences.
I totally recommend healthy habits, and healthy environments as a way to counteract the illness. And work closely with a trusted doctor to get the right medication.
Im currently working on positive self expression to get in touch with my best self. I draw, and keep journals, read books, and take notes on what i read.
I wonder how many schizophrenics experienced major trauma growing up like i did experience it.