Sand Dancer
Currently catless
Unfortunately the USA is different from all of the other developed nations. We value individuality and freedom instead of community and compassion. We have not quite shaken off the shackles of authoritarian religion yet. Therefore, we can't have nice things that the other countries have. Not yet anyway. Perhaps we will get there in the future.Only when you admit that the USA is no different than many other nations, and if the USA learnt from these then the deaths might go down, given the policy of widespread gun ownership is a blatantly failed one. And don't point out the current situation as inevitably being the issue - given that getting from a place where gun ownership is quite normal to another where it isn't so will take a long time no doubt, and with problems along the way. But all the other solutions proffered by those keen on keeping the current situation are mainly just optimistic as to their effects rather than being problem solvers.