Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
*** Blind Post ***
Somehow, I knew it was Prager U before I even clicked the video. A pure fountain of religious indoctrination and scientific illiterates promoting pseudoscience, logic errors and indoctrination at its finest.
I can't even begin to wrap my head around the logic that "if it is astronomically unlikely that we are here, and we are here, then god is the reason". I can't even begin to wrap my head around the logic that SETI found nothing, so that means there's nothing out there. I can't wrap my head around the logic that we have no idea how many planets there are in our galaxy (let alone the universe) -- thus we don't know how many planets out there can support life -- so therefore, there is no other planet out there that can support intelligent life, so voila, God! The entire argument is utterly nonsensical. Prager U at its finest.
Somehow, I knew it was Prager U before I even clicked the video. A pure fountain of religious indoctrination and scientific illiterates promoting pseudoscience, logic errors and indoctrination at its finest.
I can't even begin to wrap my head around the logic that "if it is astronomically unlikely that we are here, and we are here, then god is the reason". I can't even begin to wrap my head around the logic that SETI found nothing, so that means there's nothing out there. I can't wrap my head around the logic that we have no idea how many planets there are in our galaxy (let alone the universe) -- thus we don't know how many planets out there can support life -- so therefore, there is no other planet out there that can support intelligent life, so voila, God! The entire argument is utterly nonsensical. Prager U at its finest.