Energetic proclaimer of Jehovah God's Kingdom.
Nope. Everybody knows that reality extends well beyond what can be observed through our limited senses. For example, radio waves and ultrasound. What you have failed to do is make a case for your creator deity that is even close to being as strong as the case for, say, dark matter.
And, let's be clear, those subjects where logic is most used are exactly those subjects dominated by people on the spectrum (math, physics, etc). Those subjects least likely to be dominated by logic are also those that have the fewest people on the spectrum. Coincidence?
Yes, everyone has seen the CA and most of us know the many flaws in that argument. Why is it that those inclined to belief in deities don't see the obvious flaws?
And research shows that 'high functioning autism is an extreme cognitive processing style that predisposes towards Atheism and Agnosticism.'
As such, there is absolutely nothing anyone can ever do to establish for you the reality of God's necessary existence as an inescapable fact.