I won't quibble, 4, 4.82, 5%, just answer the question, explain the composition of dark energy in terms of its constituent parts and its structure? The same question for dark matter?
And please don't even think about adding to or changing the subject or question!
I haven't change the subject, I did give you answer already, that the calculations of these percentages of the masses in the observable universe came from the mapping of the CMBR (eg COBE, WMAP & Planck).
The composition of the universe were that of ordinary matters, dark matters and dark energy.
I have no idea what Dark Energy and Dark Matter are made of, but astronomers and astrophysics have detected that there are gravitational effects on galaxies, but it don't interact with electromagnetism, hence the reason why these dark matters and dark energy cannot be observe directly.
They are physical descriptions of what cause galaxy together, in place (dark matter) and what cause the expansion (dark energy), not supernatural descriptions.
I am quite sure, you know about the Standard Model (referring to the particle physics), where certain elementary particles interact with certain forces (fundamental forces or interactions, eg strong nuclear, weak nuclear, EM and gravity) and what forces don't have any effect on the particles.
For instances, we know that ordinary matters are made of elementary particles, especially quarks, which have mass, charge and spin, as well as force(s) that interact with it, and in the case of quark, strong nuclear force.
Then there are neutrino that have no charge, and interact with weak nuclear and gravity, but not the other forces. And then there are both gluons and photons, both have no mass and no charge, but photons interact with EM force, whereas gluons only interact with strong forces.
The points with the Standard Models are fine with our current knowledge of particle physics, but the only real information with Dark Matters and Dark Energy, is that interact with gravity, not with EM forces, AND we don't have enough information if these have mass, charge or spin.
So I have given you what I know about Dark Matter and Dark Energy, but that's pretty little, and I didn't change the subject, as you predicted.
I simply don't know what Dark Matter or Dark Energy are made of, no one do, but what we do know is that have effect with gravity on objects (eg galaxies) at astronomical and cosmological scales.
I gave you what little I know about particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, without changing the subjects.
The question is, what can you tell me about them (Dark Matter or Dark Energy), without you changing the subject? Can you answer your own question?