canadianhorsefan said:
"in fact was not created by a We at all, but instead evolved entirely on his own. " Interesting. Yes, we get babies, they get babies, the cycle goes on. But where are our "souls" from?? From Allah.
Since this thread - including the quoted reply from above - is in the
Science and Religion forum, and science deal with something that observable and testable, like evidences for example, then can provide evidences to support the existence of the
How do you know the soul exist? Or spirit? Or Allah?
So unless you can provide observable and testable evidences, science confirm nothing about the Qur'an.
The Qur'an is a theological book, not a science textbook. That Muslims, like yourself, continued to interpret some passages, here and there, as "scientific", they will continue to shoot themselves in the foot, proving that the book (and its contents) is irrelevant in reality of science.