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Science is the new religion


I have decided to adopt this theory...

1) There are higher powers, so far advanced from ourselves as to be considered in a way "God-like". One (or more?) of these higher powers initiated the creation of this universe, but not in the sense that they created all the individual objects within it. These higher powers reside in multiple dimensions separate from our own. And all of these higher powers at one point were nothing more than a collection of sentient beings much like ourselves.

2) The universe follows a grand and complex design that is beyond our ability to understand right now but it was created for a distinct purpose (see #4).

3) Humankind is not the only sentient life in the universe.

4) The "meaning of all life" is this: achieve the technological singularity. If you don't know what this is, look it up. But, basically, it is the last invention mankind will ever create - and we might not be that far away from doing it? The beginning of life on this planet, evolution, extinctions, the creation of religion, wars, famine, every human endeavor up until this very moment has been leading us towards this singularity. The closer we get to achieving it, the greater the peril and risk of failing due to our own human nature (i.e. wars, technology "mishap" that sets us significantly backwards or even destroys us).

5) Achieving the singularity is no guarantee, but if we do, there are still several possible outcomes that would not lead to a favorable result. Species that are able to actually achieve the technological singularity in a beneficial way will eventually be able to transcend their physical forms and project their intelligence / consciousness into the universe itself. This is why there must be other sentient life in the universe, achieving a singularity that produces a favorable result is difficult.

6) "Transcendent" intelligences from multiple species will eventually merge and the grand design of the universe and "multi-verse" will be understood.

7) This one "supreme-intelligence", which could be interpreted as "God" by those of a lesser capacity, will at some point be capable of creating a new universe in another dimension and the same cycle will begin anew there (go back to #1).

8) At some point the true end-state of the "multi-verse" will be achieved and then...??

There, that about sums it up I guess.

So, if my theory is true, or even partially true, then we has a human race should be doing everything we can to make the technological singularity a reality - and to do so in way that maximizes the possibility that the resulting "intelligence" we create is favorable to humankind. This theory is no more far fetched than any other religious belief system out there, is it? I say, instead of worshiping a higher power based on religions that reject science, why not have faith that our true destiny and purpose in this universe is to become a part of that higher power through science and technological innovation?

Who is with me on this one??
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I'll concede that "worshipping science" might be a poor choice of words. I used both terms very very loosely. But it's funny that out of my entire post you picked that one statement to comment on. ;)

Under this 'religion' (used very very loosely), any activity or research that doesn't get us closer to achieving this singularity is a waste of resources and effort. :)


You theory is that we should be worshiping observation. This makes little sense as our observation are inherently tainted. :areyoucra


MY theory is not about worshiping "observation" at all. I made a poor attempt at a play on words there by stating "worshiping science", Ill go back and fix the post to make my point a little clearer.


Its only a Label
Friend TedTech,

why not have faith that our true destiny and purpose in this universe is to become a part of that higher power through science and technological innovation?

Am with you on this one!

Love & rgds


You demean religion.

First, religion has been a necessary step in our evolution towards the singularity. Whether it continues to be so going forward is the question.

But, whenever organized religions seek to impose their belief systems on the greater society by influencing policy / laws that prevent knowledge or advances which lead us closer to achieving this singularity, then that is not in our best interests. I suggest that we as a society need to truly open up our minds.

For those of us that have redefined our concept of what "God" is, or could be, then the possibilities which present themselves are far greater than anything organized religion teaches.


Eternal Dreamer
I have decided to adopt this theory...

....why not have faith that our true destiny and purpose in this universe is to become a part of that higher power through science and technological innovation?

Who is with me on this one??

Sounds good.

Do I have to wait a nano-second before death before my consciousness is transferred to a man-made virtual body in a man-made virtual world?

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Sounds good.

Do I have to wait a nano-second before death before my consciousness is transferred to a man-made virtual body in a man-made virtual world?


If man is able to create, or indirectly bring about, an artificial-intelligence that becomes self-aware and is capable of enhancing its own capabilities outside of our influence, then it becomes its own unique entity. While it may have originally been "man-made" it is no longer "of man". In fact, the tecnological singularity is based on the concept that once an AI is able to enhance its own intelligence faster than our ability to keep pace and understand it, then that is the point of singularity.

Humans uploading their consciousness into the "machine" is only one possible outcome. There is also the possibility that humans would be shown how to augment their own intelligence without the need of an interface. There is also the possibility that the AI will view us as a threat or ignore us completely.

Virtual worlds is also one of many possibilities, and might be necessary to allow us to take the next evolutionary step, which is separation of intelligence and body.

I would like to think that if this were to ever happen, humans would have a choice in the matter.

It's an interesting possible future to consider.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Providing a specific point here would be helpful. :)
First example is found in the title of this thread, the suggestion that science is a religion is demeaning to science. Science is not based on faith and it is not meant to tell you how you should live your life. I realize you were likely using these terms loosely, just as you were using the term worshiping loosely, so I will let this one go. Except I will also point out that using terms loosely like this is demeaning to science, and not a good way of establishing an argument.

But moving on.

I have decided to adopt this theory...

1) There are higher powers, so far advanced from ourselves as to be considered in a way "God-like". One (or more?) of these higher powers initiated the creation of this universe, but not in the sense that they created all the individual objects within it. These higher powers reside in multiple dimensions separate from our own. And all of these higher powers at one point were nothing more than a collection of sentient beings much like ourselves.
This is not science. You may choose to believe (“adopt the theory”) that there are higher powers, advanced aliens, whatever. But that is not a scientific theory. It is a theory in the same sense that my belief that my socks are being stolen by elves is a theory. To imply that your idea here is in anyway more aligned with science than the standard religious ideologies is an insult to science. Science is about a method, it is not just about replacing “gods” with “extra-dimensional aliens”, or miracles of “god” with miracles of “technology”. Science is about skepticism, empiricism, evidence, the quest for knowledge and understanding. It is not about making stuff up because it sounds good to you.

I don’t need to go on, just repeat what I said about point #1 the rest of your points.

I am sorry to be harsh. I don’t mean to disrespect your beliefs, for all I know you may be right. So believe this if you want, but don’t conflate it with science.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
First, religion has been a necessary step in our evolution towards the singularity.

Religion hasn't been a necessary step towards anything. It's an unfortunate side-effect of the social evolution of our species, and a hindrance which we seem to be stuck with for the foreseeable future.