Understanding the relationships between beliefs, thoughts, and emotions and the effects it has on the physiology of the body, the overall attitudes and outlooks, and activities is something everyone should understand towards the goal of overall emotional health and well-being. We can create life as a living hell for ourselves, living inside our dark imaginations believing whatever lie we like to tell ourselves as a form of sadistic self entertainment. That can lead to emotional and psychological disorders, such as depression, paranoia, social anxieties, and a list of other mind-related maladies.
One thing I have found is that understanding the nature of mind and its holistic relationship with everything, physically, socially, emotionally, etc., everyone who is so-called "normal", that is not in a state of an active disorder, for the most part simply find ways to "cope" with all of that internal chaos. That coping is to blot it all out, to assume all that noise inside the head is "normal". What is normal about replaying the same six narratives to yourself in your thoughts all day everyday? That's not actually living in the world. That's living in "thought-world". That's not "Reality" as you've said.
BTW, I just saw some of your posts this morning after I saw some young skeptic call your post "word salad", I thought to myself, "Dear God, that's a term I've had thrown at me more than a few times", by these emerging skeptics, usually with a background in Christian fundamentalism, carrying all that mode of thinking forward with them. As I read what you wrote, I was like, "Oh my! Someone who is like me!"
Trust me, your words are not word salad. I understand them and all that goes into and behind those thoughts. "Word salad" is a favorite response from cynics (which goes by the popularized, but misapplied term "skeptic"), when they encounter things that they cannot grasp yet. So they auto-response in a knee-jerk fashion, from an purely emotional level, to cynically assume it to be "beneath" their reasoning. "Woo!" is another favorite. God bless 'em.
Think of that response within this context. A fundamentalist Creationist does not grasp how evolution can work. Therefore, it's nonsense to him. It's, as was leveled at me today, "Bull****". Then you end up with pseudo-rational responses to evolution characterizing it with a "Crocoduck", that stupid combination of duck and crocodile. "That is what we should expect if evolution is true," reasons the Creationist.
"Word salad" as a response, is exactly, precisely on the same level as Crocoduck is from a Creationist. Word Salad is the atheist's version of the Crocoduck, assuming what they don't understand must be a jumble of gobbledigook (another favorite go to word). Whenever I hear that used as an immediate, emotional knee-jerk response to intelligent, articulate, and well-informed posts, I see it as a display of emotional fear, ignorance, and
lazy intelligence. It shows no more intelligent and understanding of what was being explained, than Kirk Cameron Crocoduck is to the Theory of Evolution.
It's frustrating, but we're all at different places in our path to Reason.
What I think this is is an allergic reaction to anything that sounds like the magical beliefs they've been trying so hard to free themselves from on their path to Reason, which we all travel. It's like hating the word "faith" when applied to atheism. It's not a bad word, and in fact is very much accurate - if you understand the meaning of what a faith actually is when used to speak of one's view of Ultimate Reality, as Tillich used the term. It's a perfectly valid way to imagine what the Absolute truth of reality is. That is what faith is. Be proud of it, if that's your belief!
The thing is with words like belief, or faith, or God, is that how it is associated in their minds with past experience. There is no knowledge of it as a thing beyond that world they know. If you are familiar with the philosopher Ken Wilber (saw him referenced in this thread elsewhere), he call this the Pre/Trans Fallacy. It's a brilliant insight, and it bears out as true time and again when you see it. It is supported in any developmental framework, if you're familiar with them.
What that means is if our only exposure to religion is magical-level, pre-rational, pre-modernity religions and you are now beyond that operating at the level of Rationality, or with the domain of Modernity, seeing anything beyond Rationality and it's world of direct-causation relationships, into at Pluralistic, Postmodernist world of reality with its complexity sciences, systems theories, and holistic systemic causation relationships, that all will sound like prerational "Woo" or "
Word Salad" to you.
It does this because the mind tries to find something in a common frame of reference that it can try to relate it to. Since it is literally beyond the current framework of reality's capability, it gets located down into the pre-rational pile below that current structure or framework of reality they are using. So today's "Word salad" response to you, was just simply that Pre/Trans fallacy in action.
So belief, faith, God, and things like that are all associated as in the prerational domains, of magic and mythic structures by them naturally. But all of those, mean so very, very much more than those views of they are at the magic and mythic levels. That allergy, that knee-jerk response also demonstrates that they do not have yet a Rational level's understanding of what those terms point to in the grander scheme of human development and spiritual makeup. Rather than being silly stupid things, they are profoundly significant, and a great deal of depth and understanding can be mined from them, using our reasoning, rational minds -- as well as our emotional and spiritual aspects of our being (those "woo woo" parts