Not just third grade. Evolution is part of the curriculum in every grade until high school. Whatever you were taking about doesn’t change the fact the students have literally weeks of evolution classroom time. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders each get taught about evolution. Plus every student will get taught about evolution yet again during high school. That’s what I’m talking about. Weeks and weeks given over to a subject that 1) doesn’t require that much time, 2) uses time that can not be used to teach anything else, and 3) teaches a topic of dubious value.Third grade? Seriously third grade? You are *****ing and moaning about what is taught in third grade. I can't believe it. I was specifically taking about high school. None of the topics that you brought up when you complained about other topics that could be taught are in a sixth grade classes much less a third grade one. Yes, by the time that students graduate from high school they should have a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of science. That includes evolution. But it is going to be taught in high school. In the appropriate classes. The smattering one gets in elementary school will not get in the way of the other topics that you wish to have taught.
Yes, a person could function perfectly well enough without any knowledge of evolution in today’s society. Yes, you read that right. How often does the difference between macro and micro evolution come up in someone’s job? Never, unless someone is in that field of evolutionary science. On the other hand, there is not a single field in our technological society that is not impacted by computers. Yet evolution must, must, must be taught, but basic computer science is optional? Your evaluation of how much emphasis to give which subjects is distorted. Furthermore you are doing a disservice to today’s youth. They will curse us for providing them with a poor education.
You just don’t get it. There are only a certain number of hours of classroom instruction. There is more content that could possibly be taught than there is time available. Therefore every subject that is taught means other things will not. The import of evolution does not justify how much time it takes up in the limited time available. It should be taught, yes. But it takes up too much of the limited time available.