Many of us disagree:
Science explains the HOW of things, whereas religion explains Who and why.
Properly viewed, they are very much in harmony and compliment each other very nicely!
Each needs the other, and indeed, one of the worst mistakes one can make is trying to use one in the place of the other: Science without religion is gross materialism (bigger and better nukes); religion without science is superstition and witch-burning.
But taken together, they explain things quite well!
I think you are off a bit. The how and why are different aspects of the same thing. Animals (including humans) fuel all their metabolic needs by oxidation of glucose. Why, because this is the most efficient means to do so. Jesus saves (if one believes) by substituting his blood for ours. Why, because out blood is not good enough, because he loves us, etc. There is no validity to the idea that science does not answer WHY questions or religion does not answer HOW questions.
The difference between religion and science has nothing to do with the subject matter or types of questions they address. Though each may have their favorite subjects, either sticks its fingers wherever it pleases.
Both ask how old the Earth is. Science says around 4.5 billion years, religon (Abrahamic) says around 4.5 thousand years. Both ask about the origion of the various species on Earth. Science says evolution, religion says created as is. Both ask WHY there is suffering in the world. Science phrases the question in terms of competition for limited resources by organisms with unlimited reproductive potential, religion addresses the question in terms of either punishment (if it's folk you don't like suffering) or tests (if it's folk you do like suffering).
The primary difference between the two is THE STANDARD OF TRUTH each uses. Science measures the truth of a fact using observation and repeatability. Religion uses authority and revelation.
Science is a means to valid knowledge. And I agree that empirical knowledge is inorganic, uncaring, relentless, and unbiased. I agree that science alone does not constitute life view. But it is not and was never meant to. The other difference between science and relgion is that the purpose of science is TO DEVELOP AND USE A STANDARD OF TRUTH that provides knowledge that is demonstrable, repeatable, and consistent with observation. That's why it's good at what it does.
Science and relgion are not incompatible because they try to teach us about different things, or because they are two different choices of a world view. They are incompatible because our observational based standard of truth debunks so much of the authoritative revelation based standard of truth.
The purpose of religion is to EFFECT, CONTROL, OR REQUIRE BEHAVIOR based on a set of beliefs. The only allusion to knowledge thereof consisting of appeal to revalation and authority. Search for truth and meaning has NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION. You are told what is true and how to behave. The why is unquestionable, the how is irrleivent.
Those who believe that religion is a search for how to live are to at least be applauded because they seem to realize the actual revelation and authority can't be 100% right.
E.g. people who belive the Earth is aournd 4 or 5 thousand years old believe what they are told through the revelation. Those who belive it's around 4.5 billion years old but ask questions about what genesis really means, or say it's symoblic or has someother meaning, at least know enough to know the revelation is not literally correct. But if it's not what good is it? You can spend 2 billion lifetimes contemplating this message and get 2 billion different interpretations. Introspective? Yes. Reliable?
LOL, sorry for the rant.