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Scientific Falsification of the Theory of Evolution (ToE) and


Active Member
What hint? That you are so arrogant to think that you understand a field in which you have zero experience and education better then those who have dedicated their lives to studying said fields?


I don't ask my car mechanic to make me sandwich.
I don't ask my doctor to fix my car.
I don't ask a biologist about quantum gravity.
And I won't be asking an engineer about biology.
Why? Do you think that I do not have eyes, or nose, or ear etc and not to know the living world?


Active Member
The cognitive science are best to ask about intelligence since it is an ability living brains have. There are different types of intelligence and they all involve describing types of problem solving and learning ability.

So if there is some sort of intelligent design to nature it would be helpful to locate the brain that did the designing.
Not really, they messed the topic of intelligence. We have now 70 definitions of intelligence.


Veteran Member
I told you that I will submit. Do not worry. I will be giving the whole world the article if rejected for FREE.
I find it odd that you start a discussion about a revolutionary and controversial idea that you are not prepared or willing to explain beyond the fantastic claim.

But I can win and if they fight squarely, I will surely win, for if not, I am the most stupid person on Earth in science...
Science isn't a fight. Experts submit their findings and they are assessed for their soundness. It sounds much like you are making an excuse, blaming fraud in science if your work is rejected, much the way trump claimed fraud before the election so he could use that as an excuse why he lost. So I agree that you are not the most stupid person on Earth.


Veteran Member
There are too many info in my head, but basically, this will be the outline:
1.ToE, what it is?
2. Who falsified ToE?
3. Falsification of ToE
4. New Replacement

Some major outline... It will probably change, I am trying to make it short but since ToE is a developed theory, my article will be long. Probably, I will be consuming three or four pages of a normal science normal, if they will let the article to be published. I have many pictures...
So how do you replace the hundreds of thousands of experiments that demonstrate evolution is a real and natural phenomenon? One by one? What about genetics? Does your hypothesis explain why children can be born with genetic flaws that give them cancer? How does that fit in with intelligent design? You have pondered this already, yes?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Proposals, a nearest term for INVENTED.
Please --
The answer to your first question is that nobody knows. The answer to the second is that the elements that were formed by the big bang were hydrogen, helium and a small quantity of lithium.

If a god created the universe in an initial high-temperature high-density state (the 'big bang'), that fact would not vitiate the evidence that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, that the solar system (including the Earth) is about 4550±20 million years old, and that living things have evolved from a small number of common ancestors that came into existence within the first thousand million years of the Earth's existence.
So the proposition must be that nothing was there before the mass that caused the "big bang," or that the mass was always there. Right? Yes -- kind of like it or not, it's related to the ToE. Because without something being 'there" before evolution on the earth then evolution as proposed would not have happened. So -- let's work logically and honestly if possible. There should be only two possibilities for the elements that supposedly caused evolution on the earth. One is that the mass that exploded called the "Big Bang" was always there before the explosion or the second possibility is that it was not there and -- the mass came from nothing. Could there be any other possibilities? Now if that's too hard to answer, or you feel it's not integral to the discussion, can you please give the basic scientific answer as to what elements started life on the earth (by life for this discussion I mean evolution)..


Active Member
I find it odd that you start a discussion about a revolutionary and controversial idea that you are not prepared or willing to explain beyond the fantastic claim.

Science isn't a fight. Experts submit their findings and they are assessed for their soundness. It sounds much like you are making an excuse, blaming fraud in science if your work is rejected, much the way trump claimed fraud before the election so he could use that as an excuse why he lost. So I agree that you are not the most stupid person on Earth.
Actually, science is not a fight, but you know, there are many supporters of ToE that instead of rejoicing and be happy that we can replace the 163 years old classic erroneous Theory, many are very afraid and probably angry!


Active Member
So how do you replace the hundreds of thousands of experiments that demonstrate evolution is a real and natural phenomenon? One by one? What about genetics? Does your hypothesis explain why children can be born with genetic flaws that give them cancer? How does that fit in with intelligent design? You have pondered this already, yes?
Of course, yes... if you know how to cut a tree, then, you will know how to falsify...

rational experiences

Veteran Member

Men thinking.

I claim nothing was first because where I live on earth knowing space nothing is empty is the coldest position.

As a scientist you must have coldest first. Otherwise you could not convert by heat. So I know what I personally impose as the theist.

Yet in material reality the coldest mass upon which that man existed was earth a planet mass. Not nothing space.

As the gases he knew were only a spatial evolution of hot gases

So he could never theory cold relating to the gas. But he could only convert by using paths of gases.

So he heated changed evolution cold gas himself.

He proved he never owned origin mass change of coldest position.

His real argument is want greed based. As and by being a human in civilization with invention.

Invention doesn't exist in created natural reality.

So his science is based on lying as the practice.

Today he says cold gases filled in heavens nothing is his new attempt of claiming infinities filled in known by mind as a pre mass form. Gases cold with heated star particles.

Yet gases above us are burning itself.

His theories gases evolved into mass with particles. Is only a pretend belief the heavens existed before the earth.

As in his human control is a want in theory he imposed.

As thesis involves human self innate aware presence also. He knows he cannot disclude a human in the gas terms he uses from earths heavens. In thesis itself.

Knows is using the same conscious human mind we all use.

So he agreed to include humans in his theories with his I care less attitude if life is destroyed.

The personality type of the choices a greedy human power mongering with want of life control on earth in total thinks.

Eternal in my thoughts spiritual says never known. Isn't cold by your belief as it was termed unknown by reasoning. Not by thesis.

It is described as had always existed in its eternal form. Not described as hot or cold. Is what you lie about.

Your claim is space is coldest. Is infinite. Space nothing will be eternally held as nothing coldest place in creation as it cannot become anything else.

Is your man's used historic description.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You're confused, it seems. The formation of Earth took billions of years after the Big Bang. Abiogenesis is different from evolution. Evolution remains a fact regardless of the specific circumstances of how the universe first formed or how the first lifeforms came to be.

You're also using "elements" in a confusing way. Or are you referring to chemical elements of the periodic table?
Yes, I realize the term elements is a bit off-setting. So what again are supposed to be the first 'items' (better term?) that began life on earth (called evolution by some). To repeat in case you didn't understand the question and I'm not talking about HOW the 'items' go to the earth, but rather which items began the process of socalled evolution? NOT abiogenesis, thanks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You're confused, it seems. The formation of Earth took billions of years after the Big Bang. Abiogenesis is different from evolution. Evolution remains a fact regardless of the specific circumstances of how the universe first formed or how the first lifeforms came to be.

You're also using "elements" in a confusing way. Or are you referring to chemical elements of the periodic table?
I'm referring, NOT to abiogenesis, but to what scientists consider to be the first 'things'(?) that moved into plants and animals on this earth. (This seems to be a very difficult question to answer(?)
OK, I looked up (again) the word abiogenesis. Therefore, let me elucidate: one definition of abiogenesis is:
"the original evolution of life or living organisms from inorganic or inanimate substances."
So -- I rephrase -- what do scientists say are the first living organisms on earth??

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Nature garden earth rooted grown as mens claim from underground upwards. Naked bare earth.

Theists said water animals came out of sea water to be land animals.

Yet land animals compared by a scientist to sea animals. Answer land animals don't live in sea water.

One of many ignored ego statements of I don't know. Evolution.

Two birds...are two birds.

I will use old sciences terms created by two.

One bird very similar beak changed.

Mutations he says diversify species.

Also not any thesis. All advice reviewed is given a thought belief only.

As two birds are similar. One birds beak lived similar yet changed.

Not any true answer it is a belief.

Humans by peer status claim what a human believed is the highest human intelligent statement.

Now compare human owned self expressed body advice as sexually created baby adult DNA. To apes.

Claiming I identify closest body type is the advice.

Doesn't claim I know anything other than what comparing proved itself naturally

Yet natural did not compare itself a human by pretence does all the comparing.

How you came about claiming you knew the creator as theists

Hence a theist by life's science inventive machine caused attacks gave us our advice....we knew a theist owned an evil human mind.

And said so factually.

Your human claim. I am innocent of what I couldn't know is a worn out excuse on your own behalf scientist.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I find it odd that you start a discussion about a revolutionary and controversial idea that you are not prepared or willing to explain beyond the fantastic claim.
Probably he does not want anybody to steal his well deserved Nobel prize.


- viole


The Lost One
Evolution is the main culprit and source of errors.

Excuse me, but you have shown any example where intelligence is involved in formation of life.

NOT ONE EXAMPLE to support Intelligent Design.

All you have done is make claims that Evolution is wrong, but again, you have shown any evidence-based (or even logic-based) example where Evolution got it all wrong.

If you cannot even present a little example with evidence, or at the very least, some data, to support your claims, then I don't think peer-reviewed scientific journals are going to bother with your papers.

Religious Forums isn't a peer-reviewed organisation, but if we cannot take your claims seriously, how do you expect publishers will take it?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
There are too many info in my head, but basically, this will be the outline:
1.ToE, what it is?
The theory explaining the observation that change occurs in the manner genes are expressed in biological populations across generations.

(I thought you'd have found that out for yourself, made yourself familiar with both the evidence and the modern theory derived from that evidence, before setting out to refute it.)
2. Who falsified ToE?
No one. It remains a theory in very high standing in the scientific community. (More than sixty years of modern Young Earth Creationism has failed to put even the tiniest scientific scratch on it.)
3. Falsification of ToE
How, exactly? On the basis of what examinable evidence?
4. New Replacement
You mentioned Intelligent Design, but as I said before, that crashed and burnt with no survivors at the >Dover Trial< (2005). You'll need a thorough understanding of the case before proceeding.

It would be nice if there were a polite way of saying this, but you sound altogether clueless about the whole business.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
I bring up the universe which of course you would probably agree was there before the first item that burgeoned into building life on the earth. )(Well maybe not...maybe you won't agree that the universe -- by that I mean the sun, the moon, the stars the planets that were there when life began to evolve so-called - on the earth)

First, the universe existed LONG before the Earth formed and LONG before the sun formed. There were stars that went through a whole cycle of formation and explosion before the sun formed.

So I ask if you know if scientists conjecture what that first item on the earth was. I hope you understand the question. (I don't mean the elements of the periodic table, which of course I studied in chemistry class, but whether scientists know for sure what exactly was the first item -- that began evolution on the earth. ok? I hope you understand the question...thanks.) OK, not "know for sure," because even though I learned evolution and studied biology in school, I realize science, it seems, doesn't know anything for "sure." So forget that. Just what do scientists think, believe, or conjecture was the first item that moved to life that was on the earth. (Whew, that was hard to ask since there are so many caveats with these questions...<smile>)

No, I do not understand your question. The Earth formed by a bunch of rocks and gases coming together gradually over time. At first, it was very hot from the energy of those collisions.

Your question is very strange. No 'item' moved to life. There were chemical processes going on in many different ways. Life was the result of certain of these chemical processes. We do not know the specifics, though. It was, remember, 3.8 billion years ago and not much remains from that time period to ell us precisely what happened.

But the crucial point is that life *is* a complex collection of chemical reactions. And many of those reactions were going on before anything we would call life was there.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
What was the piece of physical evidence that supports the first element or particle of life evolving on this earth? Please do know that I am not speaking of abiogenesis, but of the first item that scientists say burgeoned, evolved, moved along to progress to life evolving.
Um, that *is* abiogenesis. The question of how the first life formed is the study of abiogenesis.

The first life was bacterial. It was single celled.

Realizing you consider me unlearned and possibly dumb, hopefully you will answer this question, thanks, with scientific reasoning and proposition. Thanks again, sir.

The question, as you asked it, makes no sense. You are asking about an 'item'. What do you mean?

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm referring, NOT to abiogenesis, but to what scientists consider to be the first 'things'(?) that moved into plants and animals on this earth. (This seems to be a very difficult question to answer(?)
OK, I looked up (again) the word abiogenesis. Therefore, let me elucidate: one definition of abiogenesis is:
"the original evolution of life or living organisms from inorganic or inanimate substances."
So -- I rephrase -- what do scientists say are the first living organisms on earth??

They would have been single-celled organisms.