Master of the Art of Couch Potato Cuddles
Please share anything related to this topic if you can think of anything. Otherwise politely discuss the topic based on other findings and related knowledge. The articles below are to start a conversation about such studies.
Electronic voice phonomena (EVP) might explain voices "in people's heads": What You Need to Know about Electronic Voice Phenomena
A decade-old old article based off experiments surrounding orbs in digital pictures. It has some good points that are still relevant: Is this the proof that spirits DO exist? | Daily Mail Online
Einstein's Laws and the existence of ghosts: Do Einstein's Laws Prove Ghosts Exist?
Chakra science based off quantum physics: Chakra Science
Chakras in neuroscience: The Anatomical Proof of the Existence of the Chakras
Near-death experience studies: New Evidence Suggests that the Near-Death-Experience is the Spirit Leaving the Body and Not Just a Dying Brain
Feel free to offer other explanations or provide counter-claims that can be supported scientifically on the topic of spirits existing. If you must dispute with another person, take it to a different thread. This thread is for discussing scientific opinions and proof (or lack thereof) for the spiritual. Opposing claims here should be talked about in a respectful and knowledge-based way, not used as emotional ammo against each other.
Electronic voice phonomena (EVP) might explain voices "in people's heads": What You Need to Know about Electronic Voice Phenomena
A decade-old old article based off experiments surrounding orbs in digital pictures. It has some good points that are still relevant: Is this the proof that spirits DO exist? | Daily Mail Online
Einstein's Laws and the existence of ghosts: Do Einstein's Laws Prove Ghosts Exist?
Chakra science based off quantum physics: Chakra Science
Chakras in neuroscience: The Anatomical Proof of the Existence of the Chakras
Near-death experience studies: New Evidence Suggests that the Near-Death-Experience is the Spirit Leaving the Body and Not Just a Dying Brain
Feel free to offer other explanations or provide counter-claims that can be supported scientifically on the topic of spirits existing. If you must dispute with another person, take it to a different thread. This thread is for discussing scientific opinions and proof (or lack thereof) for the spiritual. Opposing claims here should be talked about in a respectful and knowledge-based way, not used as emotional ammo against each other.