You can’t tell, in your own heart, the difference between love and hate? Maybe you should learn to trust your heart, and speak it’s language.
A truly moot point. First my personal feelings don't matter to this point.
The point is people have claimed to feel Gods love and to feel love for Gods message. Including the love for the message about homosexuals and then the hate they feel against them. People have felt the love for the message about non-believers and heathens and in turn hated those heretics and found it to be "Gods will" that they be killed.
I can tell what's right. But 2000 years of fundamentalists really cannot. Since it's "Gods word" against homosexuals, non-believers, women speaking in church, then those things will be "hated". For thousands of years these fundamentalists love to do Gods bidding and speak out against gays or other religions.
SO, sorry. Not reliable when Gods are involved. The feelings in your heart clearly need be protected from being brainwashed into myths that promote bigotry, hate, religious separation.
Thousands of people speak the language of the heart, except their version is Allah is the true God, his message is correct. Hate to say it, terrorists are not doing it for the violence. They believe in their heart that Allah wants this.
Jesus clearly hates non-believers. Says he will even shun them to God. Emotional actions need to be tempered with secular humanism. Not pretend divine laws.