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Humans have more than just ego consciousness; conscious mind. We can also become conscious of the unconscious mind processing data. For example, say you meet a new person who seems nice on the surface, but you have an unsettled feeling. This assessment is not due to your personal memory, but the unconscious mind, picking up something subliminal, that you can become aware of, but which, due to lack of personal memory, one is not able to put your finger on.One leading theory suggests that consciousness is related to how much information is integrated between the different parts of the brain. The more information is connected and integrated, the more conscious a being is thought to be.
Another posits that conscious mental states are driven by top-down signaling in the brain. Top-down signaling refers to the process by which higher-level brain regions send information, expectations or context to lower-level brain regions.
But Pravica's theory ventures outside the realm of neuroscience and into theoretical physics.
He suggested that in moments of heightened awareness, like when we enter a dream state or use our brains for deeply creative or intellectual tasks, our consciousness could transcend our physical dimension and enter a higher plane.
Scientist says human consciousness comes from another dimension (msn.com)
This should reach all audiences on every level.
If these theories really understood consciousness, they would know we have two centers of consciousness and not just one. The ego is the center of the conscious mind, while the inner self, which is older on the evolutionary scale, is the center of the collective unconscious. When both act together, they give us a 3-D effect, like having two eyes, that can see at different angles, to create a 3-D consciousness effect; enlightenment.
As far as the physics theory for heightened awareness, that physics can be modeled with the simple model of space-time and separated space and separated time. Space-time is connected to what is within physical reality, as defined by science. Separated space and separated time is outside that physical limitation, and can be both imaginary or even what can be; innovation not yet in space-time, but which can become added to space-time in a tangle way in the future; iPhone. The iPhone was not an original part of space-time, forming from the natural potentials of the physical universe. Rather was a product of the human mind and imagination; separated space and time. Eventually it can came out of the blue sky research of separated space and time, and landed to become a tangible part of space-time.
Consciousness is also connected to one of the oldest ideas in modern science, that is still also one of the most misunderstood; entropy. The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of the universe has to increase, which is perfect, if the goal of consciousness is to be proactive and inventive. Neuron expend 90% of their metabolic energy pumping and exchanging sodium and potassium ions, which lowers their cationic entropy, against the second law. This energy intense action going against the 2nd law. The neurons pump to lower entropic potential, essentially placing the ions, upstream into pools up on the hill. Once neurons fire, the dam is taken off and the added potential flows toward higher entropy, boosting the natural 2nd law entropy stream, adding complexity along the way; advancing learning potential.
All our sensory systems are designed to fire neurons and start the pools flowing back toward higher entropy, thereby processing the sensory input, not just within our fixed memory, but also via entropic extrapolation of memory; added currents of entropy increase.
The brain is not uniform, but rather it can process the same sensory signals; two sides, with both differential 2-D and integral 3-D data processing areas. This allows us to become aware of both how things are different, and also how they fit into categories.
The thalamus region of the brain, in the center of the brain, is the moist wired aspect of the brain; zone of highest entropy. It is like the coastal wetlands, than can absorb the tidal surges of a hurricane, and then distribute this down stream It is like the central switching station where all the active currents of the brain merge, and and then are sent to all parts of the brain and body, depending on the actions required. This is the place of the primary consciousness; inner self. This is the same in all animals and it uses genetic based firmware that define the nature of each species. In the case of humans, this is pour common human nature. The ego is only common to humans, and my best guess is it is centered in the cerebellum. The cerebellum, is located in the back lower part of the brain. It has 10% of the brain's mass, but 80% of all the brain's neurons.
The cerebellum is primarily responsible for muscle control and smoothing, including balance, movement and timing. It also plays a role in other cognitive functions such as language processing and memory.
The cerebellum smooths human movement in ways that robots can only dream of. The cerebellum has all the tools the ego needs, which are; processing power for memory, language; spoken and body language, and body control for athletic and skilled movement for any job, hobby, or craft. The ego can make any ego mask; persona, with just these tools; add clothes, attitude and markings..
The neurons of the cerebellum differ from those of the cerebral matter in that cerebral neurons have an insulated sheath on the branching, which take up much more space. The cerebellum neuron branches lack this insulation making these neutrons, space saving. These neurons, by virtue of their numbers replicate a little longer than cerebral neuron. This lack of branching is more designed for the signals to bleed across the neurons, for the integrated effects; smoothing.
The insulation of the cerebral neurons, are designed more for isolated/insulated signals; clean or more distinct memory. The ego can use the cerebral for distinct memory, via thalamus feedback, while the cerebellum is more useful for subjective bleeding between distinctions; conversation wit and spontaneous athletic movement. Both receive currents from the thalamus, via the inner self, designed to increase entropy; creative spontaneity in conversation and movement. It is the creative entropic enhancement effect that makes us feel conscious and not just a robot; repeat the program. I think therefore I am.
Evolution of consciousness will be connected to a more direct ego connection to the inner self, that can take thalamus signals, process and then fepd back to the inner self; CPU, for another more willful layer of cortical-thalamus-cerebellum loops; more main frame support.