Nuke two cities and justify it to your people happened by a secular society. So many sanctions on Iran, not convinced secularism enjoins compassion, to be honest. They always pick on someone, Native Americans were seen as less human, slaves were taken and bred by a secular society founded on human rights. It's self-deception to take away God's voice in a democracy and that he has no role in guiding humans.
I haven't seen any good from secularism. Freedom of speech against oppression has taken a form of everyone is scared to speak because of being accused of being anti-Semitic. Don't accept the oppressive way of the US and Israel, and speak out, and you will be discriminated.
So freedom of speech is allowed but limited to what suits their Agenda.
I don't believe secularism is accurate. The hidden societies that rule the US are mostly Jinn Worshippers, and there is plenty of evidence for this, but for a people who don't know how reflect and see beyond their education systems telling them how to think and what to believe, there is no hope of exposing them.
God exposes reality of the fight between good and evil, don't let slogans blind you to it.
The fact is a certain flavor of spirituality has taken the west away from God's rope, is because, of constantly planning of Jinn Worshippers.
This is the reality and mental clarity that Anselm and Descartes for example provided, is strawman played in education so that they make people disbelieve in their Lord, and they use Atheists as a tool, while not even believing in the things taught by them from history or Archaeology or biology or Theology.
They want to eventually bring their own theocracy but on their own terms.