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Seek and ye shall find


Veteran Member
I take this as advising people to question everything and actively find their own spiritual truths rather than blindly accept the established opinion of others. What does anyone else think?


Depends on the person I think. You must do what makes you comfortable. A friend of mine for example is unable to create theories on his own. He keeps finding loopholes in his own theories and therefor rather follows someone elses theory :D

Myself however, I never really wanted to follow anybody else. Almost so stuborn that once I hear a theory I'll do my best to recreate it for myself or counter it in first place even if I agree with it. (once my countering misses I will have to except ofcourse(or want to accept))


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Depends on the person I think. You must do what makes you comfortable. A friend of mine for example is unable to create theories on his own. He keeps finding loopholes in his own theories and therefor rather follows someone elses theory :D

Myself however, I never really wanted to follow anybody else. Almost so stuborn that once I hear a theory I'll do my best to recreate it for myself or counter it in first place even if I agree with it. (once my countering misses I will have to except ofcourse(or want to accept))

I agree; Jehova's Witnesses would agree with that, but interpret it as "Read the Bible in its entirity, and follow everything to the letter"; to me, seek and ye shall find applies to meditation, and to my own form of Spirituality..........

Frank Castle

Active Member
I too agree, I've come to the conclusion that all religions, sects, denominations, buddhism, hinduism, wiccans, pagans, satanists, stoogisms and every other belief written by mortal men are false, misleading, and wrong.

None of these have access to the Creator not by these means to be sure, proper channels do exist and I have concluded that they are found within each and everyone of us, therefore, I am resorting to the "inkless God" anything written, goes out the window.

From now on, I look within me and ask whatever it may be, and it makes sense, why would God put us on this earth without access to God? This would only have us trying to decide which belief has the direct codes? We would be jumping from belief to belief until we hit Gold, "God." So all I did is look and see if any of those different beliefs are any different from others, are those believers happier than others, are they more successful, do they date better looking girls, does the beer taste better, I think not.

If the True God's address is; 123 Heaven ave, and I'm sending prayers & requests to; 234 Christian st.

or to; 123 Islam rd.
or to; 777 Torah bl.

Will God ever get them? RETURN TO SENDER

The One who designed us certainly designed us as we design our world, how would you design a human if you could today? Would you give them a manual to read on how to operate yourself, or embed them with a chip? (manufacturer settings for toubleshooting in the events of problem solving) Would you put a direct online communcating feature, or have him/her face statues and engage in a ritual of dances and chants to make requests?

All of these religions never worked, the proof is in pudding, we have more problems today as we did in the yesteryears, maybe more. I think the time has come for a new beginning, I think we've been pulled the wool over our eyes too many times, my wool has torn, I'm no sheep, I'm a man.

Who out of you are satisfied with what has been written is you're faith, and if you could, would you change any of it? If you would, then just throw it out the window! I now know why atheist are, they have concluded that these so-called scriptures are bogus, they realised they have no bearing on making the world a better place, and resorted to some other form of explanation (science). I can relate with their disatisfaction, but I will not go from sheep 2 monkey I will hop over this link and become that which I always was, a Man. And I will remember that I have become Man, by missing the link.


Well-Known Member
I too agree, I've come to the conclusion that all religions, sects, denominations, buddhism, hinduism, wiccans, pagans, satanists, stoogisms and every other belief written by mortal men are false, misleading, and wrong.

All are wrong if you mean none are empirical.

But the 'truth' or part of it can be found in all viewpoints, and the methane breathing monsters of Sigma Secondus might think that every star is a God and planets are the wombs of Gods...the life forms the children of that God.
An interesting theism, but not actually true, or is it?
Perhaps it depends on interpretation, after all, we are all stardust...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I take this as advising people to question everything and actively find their own spiritual truths rather than blindly accept the established opinion of others. What does anyone else think?

It's been sometimes thrown at me as something equivalent to "anyone who really tries will end up thinking like me, so if you don't agree with me, you're lazy."


Mr Invisible
I take this as advising people to question everything and actively find their own spiritual truths rather than blindly accept the established opinion of others. What does anyone else think?

I thought it meant, "You know the truth deep down".

Frank Castle

Active Member
All are wrong if you mean none are empirical.

Ofcourse, why else would they be wrong?

But the 'truth' or part of it can be found in all viewpoints, and the methane breathing monsters of Sigma Secondus

Sigma Secondus? What is that?

Perhaps it depends on interpretation, after all, we are all stardust...

Why stardust?
In scriptures stars are angels, why not Universal-dust or God-atoms? Unless ofcourse you believe angels created us, but then I would ask "how do you know this?"

And I agree with you that parts of truth can be found in all of them, how else could they have sold a lie without the sugar-coating.


Premium Member
I too agree, I've come to the conclusion that all religions, sects, denominations, Buddhism, Hinduism, wiccans, pagans, satanists, stoogisms and every other belief written by mortal men are false, misleading, and wrong.

There is a chance that all of these may be right, too.


Let's go racing boys !
When it comes to religious beliefs, I always read the bible and decide for myself. Never take anyone's word, when you do your taking their opinion.:)



I don't know about all of this seek and ye shall find nonsense because i have studied many different religions and still haven't found one that suits me swell.

Frank Castle

Active Member
When it comes to religious beliefs, I always read the bible and decide for myself. Never take anyone's word, when you do your taking their opinion.:)


The bible is someone elses opinion, I am not ruled by other men, especially dead ones, I look within myself and communicate with the Eternal One "alone," because I need no one else to convey God's message.

But that's just me!

Frank Castle

Active Member
There is a chance that all of these may be right, too.

You could be right, if you enjoy all that those beliefs have made to take place in the World, then you are right at home, I on the other hand am disgusted with the wars, poverty, the impity and the list would go on, but, why should I state that which pleases you all the more?


Sweet n Spicy
I take this as advising people to question everything and actively find their own spiritual truths rather than blindly accept the established opinion of others. What does anyone else think?

I think it means that if you take a small step towards God, God will come running to you. (Although God's Spirit is already inside of us and we just have to look within to experience it) :)


Well-Known Member
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

Yep, I couldn't agree with you more I sought and I found after following the simple directions above.


Premium Member
I have found that if someone searches for something he or she will find it. Once I had just gotten up and my mother looked at me and told me I was grumpy, I told her I was not grumpy (and I wasn't) and she insisted that I was and I insisted I was not. She kept going on and on until I got a bit miffed and said in a somewhat loud tone "I am not grumpy!" and she said "see? you are grumpy." (If I was grumpy then it was because she made me that way, she had to be right and too many people have this desperate need to always be right.
Note- I am not talking about anyone on this board, I am speaking generally.