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Separation of Religion and State

Separation of Religion and State

Does not matter of what your belief, whether of God created the earth or the big bang formed the earth; these two are from the same source of Creation, the supernatural power created the earth, everything above, below and on earth. It means there is something formed the earth, or without something exist the earth never formed.

The so call big bang theory created the earth.

Explosion result loud sound from gas tank, gas plant, and bombs of natural power; result from these sounds destroyed things not created.

Take a giant hammer and bang on liberty bell caused big bang, result the bell cracked or destroyed the bell.

Conclusion of the big bang theory: The big bang theory created the earth is devil supernatural power imagination in human minds; devil intends for people focus on him as atheists, only know themselves, themselves are only one; turned their backs to Master of universe and His creations. It is devil attempted be equal power to God through atheists. The “Big Bang” is fiction theory not how the Almighty create the earth.

Master of universe or sole owner of the earth, Master of universe’s heirs, Master of universe creations of the earth and human life on earth.

Definition of Universe: Universe has no beginning and no ending that human minds unable to image, unable for full understand, unable to learning all through researches of space and natural, such as mental illnesses and physical diseases, air and none air, stars, planets and objects in space.

Universe is Almighty Eternal God in various and uncounted supernatural and natural identities because Master of universe is invisible God Spirit; Spirit of God is almighty eternal supernatural power; the only source of creations of all things, orbits, earth, planets, stars, human life, object and etc.

God and Religion are two Different Identities:

Almighty Eternal God and Man:

God is Spirit. Spirit of God is almighty eternal supernatural power, such as wind, supernatural power [energy/electric] or spirit work formed human physical body parts, moving blood, nourishes human cells and etc to generates power for human thought, memories, words and actions.

Universal God the Mater created His Laws before created his two children, Messiah and Divine Queen, in which before created the world for governing human race.

Living creatures included human spirit alone do not create physical body because it is not a main element of living creatures/human life on earth; the center element of all living creatures and human life is souls; and invisible main element for spirit surrounding it. Spirit is lose and it can travel in airspace and influence another human being thoughts, became words and actions. Once soul departed from living creatures/human physical body living creatures/human body became an object, or death body. Soul is eternal while physical body is temporary.

There are two sources of supernatural powers, one from God and another one from devil. Devil supernatural power created by God for discipline human race, and as the same time, devil can destroy human life on earth, included chained human souls in his power, generates mental illnesses and physical diseases, earthly wealth when people chosen to do devil destructive will. Although, devil must obtain permission from God before he harm people.

Once people give their free will to God, the spirit [supernatural power] surround their souls coming from God; but once a people give his free will to the devil, the spirit [supernatural power] surround their souls coming from the devil. Normally people are drawn spirit from one not another, because once devil surround any human soul there will be no present of God within him or her. From time to time, devil does not have power to destroy human immediately, but he moves in little by little until he completed control human minds and body and he manifesting destructive power heading toward destroy people over all aspects.

Once people souls surrounding with supernatural power from God, they pray to Spirit of God alone, person normally have good discernment and able to know the different between right and wrong, unless God chosen his or her as undercover and forces his or her done minor mistake as natural substances for teaching human race; these case normally prophets in the old testaments.

It is hard to believe but they are truth, majority of spiritual leaders and ministers are lack of discernment and wisdom, they unable to discern the different from right to wrong, such as Christian false teachings the truth meanings of the Bible, Catholic priests sex abuse minors and their leaders protected them of transferred them from parish to parish, hidden evil activities by the vow of secrecy, and etc. There are more of high ranking in government worldwide, lack of discernment, majority of the pretend to do good, but they are serving themselves before serve other, and etc.

Government Identity:

Each and all of nation government are organizations that created by God in spiritual realm and came down to natural by works through worldwide government leaders and officials, by elections or appointed positions for managing earthly power for provide services to human race. Worldwide government laws created by legislative branch, or in some country by head of the nation. Whether laws made by head of the nation or by legislative branch are okay by God, as long the laws are in the frame of universal God the Master, the sole owner of the world Laws, and government laws must enforce. There is no such of dictatorship, but instead of one person who responsible and liable for everything in his country. Rather one person made the laws and enforces the laws than group of people made laws and their laws not enforce, or contradict one another and unable to enforce.

Religions Identity:

Each and all religions are organizations, religions are formed by one individual or group of people, allowed by God for assist people spiritual life focus on God, do good and reject the wrong. Religions rules and regulations made by the founder(s) of each religion, and from time to time, leaders modified to their religion rules and regulation for their operation systems. Religions rules and regulations combined from universal God the Master’s Laws and from religious leaders.


Therefore, the separated State and religions must enforces; government can not endorse any religions or any religions laws reason all religion founders are not God and not owner of earth, and religion laws are man made laws like government laws.

[FONT=&quot]But worldwide government, government leaders and officials never can separate from God, because the elements of human souls and power of the souls working through human minds, words and actions, even people being chained under devil supernatural power, and God is sole owner of the earth. God is the one give each and everyone life, and sole owner of the earth; everyone must comply with universal God the Master’s Laws. It means without God the earth and human life on earth never exist. [/FONT]

divinemission said:
Separation of Religion and State

Does not matter of what your belief, whether of God created the earth or the big bang formed the earth; these two are from the same source of Creation, the supernatural power created the earth, everything above, below and on earth. It means there is something formed the earth, or without something exist the earth never formed.

The so call big bang theory created the earth.

Explosion result loud sound from gas tank, gas plant, and bombs of natural power; result from these sounds destroyed things not created.

Take a giant hammer and bang on liberty bell caused big bang, result the bell cracked or destroyed the bell.

Conclusion of the big bang theory: The big bang theory created the earth is devil supernatural power imagination in human minds; devil intends for people focus on him as atheists, only know themselves, themselves are only one; turned their backs to Master of universe and His creations. It is devil attempted be equal power to God through atheists. The “Big Bang” is fiction theory not how the Almighty create the earth.

Master of universe or sole owner of the earth, Master of universe’s heirs, Master of universe creations of the earth and human life on earth.

Definition of Universe: Universe has no beginning and no ending that human minds unable to image, unable for full understand, unable to learning all through researches of space and natural, such as mental illnesses and physical diseases, air and none air, stars, planets and objects in space.

Universe is Almighty Eternal God in various and uncounted supernatural and natural identities because Master of universe is invisible God Spirit; Spirit of God is almighty eternal supernatural power; the only source of creations of all things, orbits, earth, planets, stars, human life, object and etc.

God and Religion are two Different Identities:

Almighty Eternal God and Man:

God is Spirit. Spirit of God is almighty eternal supernatural power, such as wind, supernatural power [energy/electric] or spirit work formed human physical body parts, moving blood, nourishes human cells and etc to generates power for human thought, memories, words and actions.

Universal God the Mater created His Laws before created his two children, Messiah and Divine Queen, in which before created the world for governing human race.

Living creatures included human spirit alone do not create physical body because it is not a main element of living creatures/human life on earth; the center element of all living creatures and human life is souls; and invisible main element for spirit surrounding it. Spirit is lose and it can travel in airspace and influence another human being thoughts, became words and actions. Once soul departed from living creatures/human physical body living creatures/human body became an object, or death body. Soul is eternal while physical body is temporary.

There are two sources of supernatural powers, one from God and another one from devil. Devil supernatural power created by God for discipline human race, and as the same time, devil can destroy human life on earth, included chained human souls in his power, generates mental illnesses and physical diseases, earthly wealth when people chosen to do devil destructive will. Although, devil must obtain permission from God before he harm people.

Once people give their free will to God, the spirit [supernatural power] surround their souls coming from God; but once a people give his free will to the devil, the spirit [supernatural power] surround their souls coming from the devil. Normally people are drawn spirit from one not another, because once devil surround any human soul there will be no present of God within him or her. From time to time, devil does not have power to destroy human immediately, but he moves in little by little until he completed control human minds and body and he manifesting destructive power heading toward destroy people over all aspects.

Once people souls surrounding with supernatural power from God, they pray to Spirit of God alone, person normally have good discernment and able to know the different between right and wrong, unless God chosen his or her as undercover and forces his or her done minor mistake as natural substances for teaching human race; these case normally prophets in the old testaments.

It is hard to believe but they are truth, majority of spiritual leaders and ministers are lack of discernment and wisdom, they unable to discern the different from right to wrong, such as Christian false teachings the truth meanings of the Bible, Catholic priests sex abuse minors and their leaders protected them of transferred them from parish to parish, hidden evil activities by the vow of secrecy, and etc. There are more of high ranking in government worldwide, lack of discernment, majority of the pretend to do good, but they are serving themselves before serve other, and etc.

Government Identity:

Each and all of nation government are organizations that created by God in spiritual realm and came down to natural by works through worldwide government leaders and officials, by elections or appointed positions for managing earthly power for provide services to human race. Worldwide government laws created by legislative branch, or in some country by head of the nation. Whether laws made by head of the nation or by legislative branch are okay by God, as long the laws are in the frame of universal God the Master, the sole owner of the world Laws, and government laws must enforce. There is no such of dictatorship, but instead of one person who responsible and liable for everything in his country. Rather one person made the laws and enforces the laws than group of people made laws and their laws not enforce, or contradict one another and unable to enforce.

Religions Identity:

Each and all religions are organizations, religions are formed by one individual or group of people, allowed by God for assist people spiritual life focus on God, do good and reject the wrong. Religions rules and regulations made by the founder(s) of each religion, and from time to time, leaders modified to their religion rules and regulation for their operation systems. Religions rules and regulations combined from universal God the Master’s Laws and from religious leaders.


Therefore, the separated State and religions must enforces; government can not endorse any religions or any religions laws reason all religion founders are not God and not owner of earth, and religion laws are man made laws like government laws.

[FONT=&quot]But worldwide government, government leaders and officials never can separate from God, because the elements of human souls and power of the souls working through human minds, words and actions, even people being chained under devil supernatural power, and God is sole owner of the earth. God is the one give each and everyone life, and sole owner of the earth; everyone must comply with universal God the Master’s Laws. It means without God the earth and human life on earth never exist. [/FONT]


mmmmmmmmmk...in the conclusion, are you speaking, of the figurative "god", or the literal version?


Active Member


Welcome Devine Mission to RF!

I completely agree of seperation of church and state. :clap

Peace and blessings brother-PureMuslim

divinemission said:
Separation of Religion and State

Does not matter of what your belief, whether of God created the earth or the big bang formed the earth; these two are from the same source of Creation, the supernatural power created the earth, everything above, below and on earth. It means there is something formed the earth, or without something exist the earth never formed.

The so call big bang theory created the earth.

Explosion result loud sound from gas tank, gas plant, and bombs of natural power; result from these sounds destroyed things not created.

Take a giant hammer and bang on liberty bell caused big bang, result the bell cracked or destroyed the bell.

Conclusion of the big bang theory: The big bang theory created the earth is devil supernatural power imagination in human minds; devil intends for people focus on him as atheists, only know themselves, themselves are only one; turned their backs to Master of universe and His creations. It is devil attempted be equal power to God through atheists. The “Big Bang” is fiction theory not how the Almighty create the earth.

Master of universe or sole owner of the earth, Master of universe’s heirs, Master of universe creations of the earth and human life on earth.

Definition of Universe: Universe has no beginning and no ending that human minds unable to image, unable for full understand, unable to learning all through researches of space and natural, such as mental illnesses and physical diseases, air and none air, stars, planets and objects in space.

Universe is Almighty Eternal God in various and uncounted supernatural and natural identities because Master of universe is invisible God Spirit; Spirit of God is almighty eternal supernatural power; the only source of creations of all things, orbits, earth, planets, stars, human life, object and etc.

God and Religion are two Different Identities:

Almighty Eternal God and Man:

God is Spirit. Spirit of God is almighty eternal supernatural power, such as wind, supernatural power [energy/electric] or spirit work formed human physical body parts, moving blood, nourishes human cells and etc to generates power for human thought, memories, words and actions.

Universal God the Mater created His Laws before created his two children, Messiah and Divine Queen, in which before created the world for governing human race.

Living creatures included human spirit alone do not create physical body because it is not a main element of living creatures/human life on earth; the center element of all living creatures and human life is souls; and invisible main element for spirit surrounding it. Spirit is lose and it can travel in airspace and influence another human being thoughts, became words and actions. Once soul departed from living creatures/human physical body living creatures/human body became an object, or death body. Soul is eternal while physical body is temporary.

There are two sources of supernatural powers, one from God and another one from devil. Devil supernatural power created by God for discipline human race, and as the same time, devil can destroy human life on earth, included chained human souls in his power, generates mental illnesses and physical diseases, earthly wealth when people chosen to do devil destructive will. Although, devil must obtain permission from God before he harm people.

Once people give their free will to God, the spirit [supernatural power] surround their souls coming from God; but once a people give his free will to the devil, the spirit [supernatural power] surround their souls coming from the devil. Normally people are drawn spirit from one not another, because once devil surround any human soul there will be no present of God within him or her. From time to time, devil does not have power to destroy human immediately, but he moves in little by little until he completed control human minds and body and he manifesting destructive power heading toward destroy people over all aspects.

Once people souls surrounding with supernatural power from God, they pray to Spirit of God alone, person normally have good discernment and able to know the different between right and wrong, unless God chosen his or her as undercover and forces his or her done minor mistake as natural substances for teaching human race; these case normally prophets in the old testaments.

It is hard to believe but they are truth, majority of spiritual leaders and ministers are lack of discernment and wisdom, they unable to discern the different from right to wrong, such as Christian false teachings the truth meanings of the Bible, Catholic priests sex abuse minors and their leaders protected them of transferred them from parish to parish, hidden evil activities by the vow of secrecy, and etc. There are more of high ranking in government worldwide, lack of discernment, majority of the pretend to do good, but they are serving themselves before serve other, and etc.

Government Identity:

Each and all of nation government are organizations that created by God in spiritual realm and came down to natural by works through worldwide government leaders and officials, by elections or appointed positions for managing earthly power for provide services to human race. Worldwide government laws created by legislative branch, or in some country by head of the nation. Whether laws made by head of the nation or by legislative branch are okay by God, as long the laws are in the frame of universal God the Master, the sole owner of the world Laws, and government laws must enforce. There is no such of dictatorship, but instead of one person who responsible and liable for everything in his country. Rather one person made the laws and enforces the laws than group of people made laws and their laws not enforce, or contradict one another and unable to enforce.

Religions Identity:

Each and all religions are organizations, religions are formed by one individual or group of people, allowed by God for assist people spiritual life focus on God, do good and reject the wrong. Religions rules and regulations made by the founder(s) of each religion, and from time to time, leaders modified to their religion rules and regulation for their operation systems. Religions rules and regulations combined from universal God the Master’s Laws and from religious leaders.


Therefore, the separated State and religions must enforces; government can not endorse any religions or any religions laws reason all religion founders are not God and not owner of earth, and religion laws are man made laws like government laws.

[FONT=&quot]But worldwide government, government leaders and officials never can separate from God, because the elements of human souls and power of the souls working through human minds, words and actions, even people being chained under devil supernatural power, and God is sole owner of the earth. God is the one give each and everyone life, and sole owner of the earth; everyone must comply with universal God the Master’s Laws. It means without God the earth and human life on earth never exist. [/FONT]


WOW!!! So how do you like it up there on your soapbox


Well-Known Member
Seperation of Church and State has led my country, Ireland, to great prosperity and greater cultural diversity and development. It seems to be a very good thing. But most politicians still attend Church and profess to believe in God, which is fine so long as it doesn't interfere with the unbiased flow of politics.


Religion is the antithesis of individual freedom.
Just felt like saying that.:D

mostly harmless

Endlessly amused
Godlike said:
Seperation of Church and State has led my country, Ireland, to great prosperity and greater cultural diversity and development. It seems to be a very good thing. But most politicians still attend Church and profess to believe in God, which is fine so long as it doesn't interfere with the unbiased flow of politics.

I am a firm believer that matters of religion and state must be kept separate.:yes:


The Lost One
Not only in politics.

Religion should also be kept separate from science and education. I'm all fine with people believing their own personal god(s) and all, but religion shouldn't be able to dictate what is taught in classroom (unless it is religious school), nor should religious dogma and doctrines interfere with science development.

But definitely not in politics. While I am on it, no religion should command an army.