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Set, Thoth, and Lady Sekhmet


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Yes every though I am Setain other God to talk to me too....hehe.

As I sit here meditating, I start to feel this pull, I have felt it before. At the end of the meditation I find myself in the Astral. At first I think this is Set, because he has done it before, no, but it is Thoth:

T: hello it's been awhile.
Me: What, oh hello there, I though you where Set for a second.
T: No but he ask me to bring you here, we would like you to update us on how you're doing.
Me: Okay, though this seems a bit wired.
(We enter a were Set is and there is a table and some chairs).
Set: Let me get a look at you.(Now this was freaky, he walks up to me and holds me chin up, looks straight into my eyes, I felt this energy building up inside).
S: Yes you are doing nicely, never let anyone else tell you other wise. There's a reason why MH sees a lot in you.
Me: So what's this all about, and I didn't know you two knew each other, or rather talk to each other, never seen you two around.
T: Some times as a teacher I go out and find people with Potential and lead them down this path, if it is for them then Set will take over from there.
Sekhmet: What going on now(I just jumped out of me skin).
Set: Nothing much just talk to Azakel here(Azakel is a different name I use, mostly on the Astral plain).
Sekhmet: Oh yes, you're the one that was using that Bow that one time, I hope you're keeping up with that, if you are then I'll teach you something later on.
Me: Thank you Lady Sekhmet, it would be on honor.
Me: Well I have to get going though, it was an honor to talk to you all.


Well-Known Member
Thoth the Atlantean is very cool,even better in the Jewish Pantheon as he has a twin brother Sandolphin...

Lady Sehkmet is also great(ah-ehhem-ahoo),her energy just gets watered down & distorted in later pantheons,the lady of the 10,000 names.

Nice wee Trinity you have there,maybe none better?

Your post begs the question"*** did you have to do more important than discussing matters with these individuals?"



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Thoth the Atlantean is very cool,even better in the Jewish Pantheon as he has a twin brother Sandolphin...

Lady Sehkmet is also great(ah-ehhem-ahoo),her energy just gets watered down & distorted in later pantheons,the lady of the 10,000 names.

Nice wee Trinity you have there,maybe none better?

Your post begs the question"*** did you have to do more important than discussing matters with these individuals?"


It is isn't it...^_^

Not sure, if there where more important matter I don't really remember any of it. Or I do but not suppose to talk to other about it brother :foot:


Well-Known Member
I meant to say Judaeo-christian pantheon,where Thoth is Metatatron & has a very handsome twin brother Sandolphin.

I have heard of the *damage* you are *causing*,cannot say I fully understand it?

Just as long as it wasn't "sorry guys,gtg I'm washing my hair tonight "lulz.

We maybe move in the same circles,I am an independant so can comment without fear or prejudice & rely upon my sense of judgement.

Best keep onside with MH if you are going to *namedrop*?




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I meant to say Judaeo-christian pantheon,where Thoth is Metatatron & has a very handsome twin brother Sandolphin.
That is interesting DW, I was not aware of that. Thank you.

I have heard of the *damage* you are *causing*,cannot say I fully understand it?
Have I done something that I'm not supposed to do. I'm not sure I'm aware of any *damage* that I have *caused*. If you know anything PM me please.

Just as long as it wasn't "sorry guys,gtg I'm washing my hair tonight "lulz.
No lol, I had to get going to a job at the time.

We maybe move in the same circles,I am an independant so can comment without fear or prejudice & rely upon my sense of judgement.
Thank you my friend ^_^

Best keep onside with MH if you are going to *namedrop*?
I haven't been to the forum for a long while, last I know I'm still in good standing with MH(at lest I hope I am). If I've done something, please let me know.





Well-Known Member
The Metatatron Cube is very well defined & could help you understand Thoth a lot better?depending upon the handle you have on him.A christian guided me around the Judeo-christian pantheon,Shekina is wonderful.

Lady Sehkmet is being restored to surpass her former glory in all dimensions,Sun deity of course.

Sutech is seeing to all this,ever met him?

I like how you position yourself at Midgar...:)

For a while I thought you may have lost your mind,it appears not.

All the best,Brother of Void.



Liebe ist für alle da
The Metatatron Cube is very well defined & could help you understand Thoth a lot better?depending upon the handle you have on him.A christian guided me around the Judeo-christian pantheon,Shekina is wonderful.

Lady Sehkmet is being restored to surpass her former glory in all dimensions,Sun deity of course.

Sutech is seeing to all this,ever met him?

I like how you position yourself at Midgar...:)

For a while I thought you may have lost your mind,it appears not.

All the best,Brother of Void.


Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.
No I don't believe I've met Sutech.


Well-Known Member
Maybe cool to compare Thoth & Metatatron on here,if you like?I need a refresher on their *invention*,from scientific/factual/philosophical approach.



Let us get back to the original post, for this question.

If you are meditating, how is it that you feel a pull?

Let us examine this question in mathematical form.

If X=Self

And X is extended in pull, or X to the power of P (where P=pull)

X (excuse the ....)

How is it that you are meditating?

Do you “feel” this pull in meditation, or immediately preceding meditation?
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Liebe ist für alle da
Let us get back to the original post, for this question.

If you are meditating, how is it that you feel a pull?
Don't know, I just did. If it was a god doing it, it is beyond me.

Let us examine this question in mathematical form.
If X=Self

And X is extended in pull, or X to the power of P (where P=pull)

X (excuse the ....)
Math is not a strong point with me, you have just confused me friend ^_^

How is it that you are meditating?
What do you mean, how am I meditating?

Do you “feel” this pull in meditation, or immediately preceding meditation?
It was more right after it, but it close enough that I consider it during meditation.


Well-Known Member
In my personal experience the *pull*(or P) is indifferent to consequence & relies entirely upon *X*,or the self,& can only become apparent by very close scrutiny of Self so as to increase Awareness or consciousness(and other things)

Then you can try to unravel it as best you can *R*ECALL (or *R*ECITE?)

sorry,trying to double guess you here Mr A.




In reply to Azakel,

Let’s assume that you begin your meditation by removing the current extensions of X.


Where h=hunger
a=auditory symbols
i=imagery symbols

For this example we’ll assume that these are the only states that you need to cease to enter into meditation. So, you cease the pangs of hunger. You cease auditory symbols (the words in your head). You cease imagining things, and at this point X is no longer extended.


This equates to 1. If X is extended in no dimension, then whatever X represents is eliminated. No differentiation between “subjective and objective”, only unity. This is meditation.

You may remain in this state for a long time, though like the film strip that is edited from a movie, you will not be aware of it. The movie goes from scene 1 to scene 2 uninterupted, and the strip that hit the editing room floor is not perceived.

If as you say, you feel this pull “right after it”, then what you are experiencing is scene 2. You are no longer meditating, but rather sitting there quietly fantasizing. So why are you attempting to find meaning in scene 2 after you just spent the time to quiet scene 1?


Well-Known Member
In reply to Azakel,

Let’s assume that you begin your meditation by removing the current extensions of X.


Where h=hunger
a=auditory symbols
i=imagery symbols

For this example we’ll assume that these are the only states that you need to cease to enter into meditation. So, you cease the pangs of hunger. You cease auditory symbols (the words in your head). You cease imagining things, and at this point X is no longer extended.


This equates to 1. If X is extended in no dimension, then whatever X represents is eliminated. No differentiation between “subjective and objective”, only unity. This is meditation.

You may remain in this state for a long time, though like the film strip that is edited from a movie, you will not be aware of it. The movie goes from scene 1 to scene 2 uninterupted, and the strip that hit the editing room floor is not perceived.

If as you say, you feel this pull “right after it”, then what you are experiencing is scene 2. You are no longer meditating, but rather sitting there quietly fantasizing. So why are you attempting to find meaning in scene 2 after you just spent the time to quiet scene 1?

Hey Az,your gonna be a speed of thought movie star!:areyoucra

Sometimes I get the pull & will close my eyes then take 3 breathes to see what the rock is going on.

Reading this just makes me hungry.:drool: ,I'm being pulled toward the fridge.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mr A,

I am reasonably with you if you substitute DESIRE for hunger & throw in WILL & INTENT(everything is intent) as bread & butter of the Magickan.

Maybe working upon your intent could sort out your perspective issues,if anyone ever needed to be alligned it is you.


Perhaps you should just read what I had written. For the sake of example I did not find it necessary to list more than three of all possible extensions. If the reader grasps the illustration, there is little need to confuse them with excessive examples.

My use of the word hunger rather than desire was to provide a simple example to start it off with. Even a baby understands that eating eliminates hunger, but desire is far too broad of a statement for a baby to grasp. If it confused you, I apologize.