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seven year old guns

When I was seven years old, we were informed that a rapist was going after babysitters. We were in a dangerous violent neighborhood. We had firearms loaded in every room. I heard someone who broke into our home. I sit in the hall where I can see the armed invader.
I have given him a verbal warning. He pointed his gun in my direction. I pulled both triggers on my shotgun, killing him. Our Babysitter woke up, turned on the lights to the hallway to see what happened. She went back into the guest room and called the Police. No one was prosecuted because it was self defense and protecting everyone in the home.

The Police and School provided me with Counselling.

A year ladder, someone broke in coming thru the Kitchen window. I used my Mother's hair spray and a lighter to set him on fire. The Police showed up to arrest him and laughed like crazy.

Within the same year, three armed men broke in. This time, I had my 30-30 Winchester. I learned from the Police not to have a warning. This time I laid at the top of our closed in stairway. I waited for all three to be in the stairway and opened fire killing all three.

Over the years, there was several armed invasions, some we had multiple shooters.

What advice would you have a family in that neighborhood?

We were not born again back then.
“If a thief is killed while trying to break into a house at night, then no one will be guilty for killing him. But if this happens during the day, the one who killed him will be guilty of murder.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
What advice would you have a family in that neighborhood?
Exactly what you did. If your life and the lives of your family or innocents are threatened, the only moral thing to do is defend. And especially if you are a child, or woman, or man not trained in fighting, defense means using a weapon. You did well.

Leviticus 19:16 You shall not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor: I am the LORD.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Why do you think that happens in that neighborhood?
Let's consider the characteristics of poor neighborhoods: financial desperation, lack of resources (limited education, social services, and healthcare), weaker community resources, inadequate policing, high stress and instability, gang activity, and deteriorating infrastructure, higher levels of pollutants, denser population. Lack of food during the first five years of life raises stress hormones that alter the brain., interfering with learning and the capacity to make better choices. Sure, you will occasionally have that resilient child who manages to flourish despite the hardships and make it out to greener pastures. But most don't. They are stuck there, and many will choose crime rather than live in that squalor.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Thanks. I think that is interesting, if they are poor, there would be nothing to steal, and no reason to brake in.
I had a relative who grew up in the barrio and became part of a gang. They routinely stole cars, and broke into homes for cash, jewelry, electronics, and drugs. Most of these break ins were not in the poor section of town, but were in the better off neighborhoods that were adjacent. Thankfully, today he has completely left that lifestyle, no longer steals, is a responsible employed adult, and in fact has become religious. He still misses the "thrill," but he wants to protect his fiance from that life. He also had an experience where he was almost shot by the cops, and believes that God protected him, but with the idea that he needed to change.
My advice therefore would be to teach them to love their neighbors as themselves.
Do you think that is going to work equally well for all people in all situations? I think people quite often look around them and notice what others have who are no better than them. When they cannot have the same things, it's not fair, and they feel cheated, and so they take these things.


Veteran Member
" seven year old, guns "
  1. Exodus 22:2, I understand, is neither authored by One G-d nor by Moses, please, right? It is the work of the priestly clergy, so not a reliable source of guidance for our deeds, right, please?
  2. Children are innocent/sinless, whatever they do is, one must say, as per the environment they live in and brought up and as per the thinking of their family/parents/society, it is for this that children are tried in special Juvenile Law, right, please?
  3. In my childhood I lived in villages which were still on the barter system, not only the children had no guns even the adults did not have them and they had little money to hoard, the only valuable were the Silver/Golden Jewellery. All family slept in the open place in the courtyard or the roof-tops in Summer, and in winter in a large central room and their beds(/charpais) were close by, except the married-ones in nearby small rooms and everybody was alert for some incident at a voice-call, even the neighbors would wake up at a call, so never heard any such happenings. What a beautiful life of the villages, one would agree, it remains always fresh in my memory, right, please!?
  4. Instead of the human- altered Scriptures, in secular matters, one must follow the Law of the Land one lives in, right, please.
One and only One G-d says and I quote here for guidance:
And as for the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off their hands in retribution of their offence as an exemplary punishment from Allah. And Allah is Mighty, Wise.
But whoso repents after his transgression and amends, then will Allah surely turn to him in mercy; verily, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful. Holy Quran: Read, Listen and Search


Original narration/text from Muhammad's time, is below:
وَالسَّارِقُ وَالسَّارِقَۃُ فَاقۡطَعُوۡۤا اَیۡدِیَہُمَا جَزَآءًۢ بِمَا کَسَبَا نَکَالًا مِّنَ اللّٰہِ ؕ وَاللّٰہُ عَزِیۡزٌ حَکِیۡمٌ ﴿۳۹
فَمَنۡ تَابَ مِنۡۢ بَعۡدِ ظُلۡمِہٖ وَاَصۡلَحَ فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ یَتُوۡبُ عَلَیۡہِ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰہَ غَفُوۡرٌ رَّحِیۡمٌ ﴿۴۰

"The name of Moses is not evidence for the exodus

As of today , the scholarly view on the existence of Moses is divided , while most scholars agree that the biblical narrative is probably false , some think that the name of Moses might prove the existence of a leader of the Israelites .
The reasoning behind this argument is based on the fact that the name of Moses is not Hebrew but Egyptian , which supports a narrative in which there is an Egyptian person named Moses who leads a small and non divine exodus .
My objection to this argument is pretty simple , a smart Hebrew author would realise that it would be more likely for Egyptian parents to name their kids with an Egyptian name , even if he is adopted like Moses ."
It's a common Egyptian court name, usually attached to a theophoric like Rah-moses (aka Ramses) or Thutmoses or Ahmoses.
The Hebrew etymology given for Moses' name "because he was drawn from the water" is somewhat nonsensical. Why would an Egyptian princess give the baby a Hebrew name? How would she even know Hebrew?
https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/comments/1471gm6 View attachment 96552
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
" seven year old, guns "
  1. Exodus 22:2, I understand, is neither authored by One G-d nor by Moses, please, right? It is the work of the priestly clergy, so not a reliable source of guidance for our deeds, right, please?
Well that all depends on whom you ask, doesn't it?

One of your underlying assumptions seems to be that UNLESS it is written by God or Moses on behalf of God, it is therefore worthless as an inspirational source for moral development. That is just not the case.

For those who accept the documentary hypothesis, only 20-25% of Exodus is written by the Priestly source. As to Exodus 22:2 specifically, such scholars disagree as to whether it was written by the Yahwist or the Elohist, but they ALL agree it was not written by the Priestly source.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
When I was seven years old, we were informed that a rapist was going after babysitters. We were in a dangerous violent neighborhood. We had firearms loaded in every room. I heard someone who broke into our home. I sit in the hall where I can see the armed invader.
I have given him a verbal warning. He pointed his gun in my direction. I pulled both triggers on my shotgun, killing him. Our Babysitter woke up, turned on the lights to the hallway to see what happened. She went back into the guest room and called the Police. No one was prosecuted because it was self defense and protecting everyone in the home.

The Police and School provided me with Counselling.

A year ladder, someone broke in coming thru the Kitchen window. I used my Mother's hair spray and a lighter to set him on fire. The Police showed up to arrest him and laughed like crazy.

Within the same year, three armed men broke in. This time, I had my 30-30 Winchester. I learned from the Police not to have a warning. This time I laid at the top of our closed in stairway. I waited for all three to be in the stairway and opened fire killing all three.

Over the years, there was several armed invasions, some we had multiple shooters.

What advice would you have a family in that neighborhood?

We were not born again back then.
“If a thief is killed while trying to break into a house at night, then no one will be guilty for killing him. But if this happens during the day, the one who killed him will be guilty of murder.
Whay a sad, ****ty community.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that is going to work equally well for all people in all situations?
Even if it doesn't work in all cases, I think it is the best way to make things better.
I think people quite often look around them and notice what others have who are no better than them. When they cannot have the same things, it's not fair, and they feel cheated, and so they take these things.
It is sad that some people have so flawed understanding of justice.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It is sad that some people have so flawed understanding of justice.
There are generally two different ideas that we use the word Justice for. This is long, so if you want to skim, just look for the bold portions.

The first is fairness. Fairness is the quality of making judgments that are free from discrimination, bias, favoritism, or injustice.

When you have a birthday party with 10 kids, you give the same party favors to them all. If you gave more to one kid, and less than another, that would be unfair, since there is no reason to justify a difference.

If two people go out to a restaurant and one orders a salad with a coke, and the other orders lobster and several cocktails, it would be unfair to demand the bill to be evenly split, since their choice of foods was so uneven.

If three people are lined up for potential promotion, fairness would necessitate an objective standard that outlines what education, skills, and experience each person has. If the decision is made based on anything biased, such as race, sex, or even just the boss liking one more, that is unfair.

In this sense of the word, society is notoriously unjust. People are routinely discriminated against for no other reason than that they were not born into money, or of a particular race or sex or religion, or that their family doesn't have the right connections, or that (through no fault of their own) they are ugly, disabled, less intelligent, less socially skilled, or simply more fragile emotionally. The huge division between the haves and have nots is one of the best examples of injustice there is.

The second use of the word justice has to do with the lawful investigation, prosecution, and punishment of crime.

Let's say someone you know is murdered. Justice would be to go to the police to find the murderer, and allow the district attorney to prosecute with a lawyer provided for the defendant, and the jury weighing the evidence and coming to a verdict. If someone decides to be a vigilante instead, and goes out and shoots the person they are convinced did the murder, that would be unjust, and in fact classified as revenge.

When it comes to the penalty, the idea of justice means that the punishment should be equal to the crime. That's really what the saying "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" means. It's not really talking about eyes and teeth. It's talking about proportionality. If you sentence someone to death for swiping a piece of pizza, that is unjust. If you give a con artist who bilked billions out of unsuspecting old people a sentence of one year in prison, that is unjust.

The whole idea of developing a legal system is designed to prevent revenge, because the hard core truth is that when people seek revenge, it's never an eye for an eye. It's two eyes for an eye, plus the eyes of your wife and kids. The story in Genesis about the massacre of Shechem is a fabulous illustration of what happens when there is no legal system. Are you familiar with that story?
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
When I was seven years old, we were informed that a rapist was going after babysitters. We were in a dangerous violent neighborhood. We had firearms loaded in every room. I heard someone who broke into our home. I sit in the hall where I can see the armed invader.
I have given him a verbal warning. He pointed his gun in my direction. I pulled both triggers on my shotgun, killing him. Our Babysitter woke up, turned on the lights to the hallway to see what happened. She went back into the guest room and called the Police. No one was prosecuted because it was self defense and protecting everyone in the home.

The Police and School provided me with Counselling.

A year ladder, someone broke in coming thru the Kitchen window. I used my Mother's hair spray and a lighter to set him on fire. The Police showed up to arrest him and laughed like crazy.

Within the same year, three armed men broke in. This time, I had my 30-30 Winchester. I learned from the Police not to have a warning. This time I laid at the top of our closed in stairway. I waited for all three to be in the stairway and opened fire killing all three.

Over the years, there was several armed invasions, some we had multiple shooters.

What advice would you have a family in that neighborhood?

We were not born again back then.
“If a thief is killed while trying to break into a house at night, then no one will be guilty for killing him. But if this happens during the day, the one who killed him will be guilty of murder.
Interesting. At seven you could pull both triggers on a double barrel shotgun and still acquire your target, not injuring yourself? Then, at eight years old you had your own 30-30 rifle? And you managed to cancel the life subscriptions of three armed intruders, without injuring your little shoulder? Three armed intruders? Where did you receive military/police training, at eight years old? Was the 30-30 rifle a pump or lever action?

Was this all in Detroit or east L.A. back in the day? They had a fierce reputation.

What advice would you have a family in that neighborhood?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Get better locks. A good lock may seem expensive for a lock, but it's way cheaper than a gun.
A Doberman or German Shepherd are more fun. Really good locks are important but they're boring. They just hang there doing nothing all day but locking stuff up.


Well-Known Member
...If three people are lined up for potential promotion, fairness would necessitate an objective standard that outlines what education, skills, and experience each person has. If the decision is made based on anything biased, such as race, sex, or even just the boss liking one more, that is unfair.

In this sense of the word, society is notoriously unjust.
I agree with that. Nowadays if you are white male, you are likely discriminated, even if you would have more skills than the other. For example, would Kamala Harris be the president candidate, if she would be a white male, I believe we all know the answer is no.