I'm sorry you've also gone through such a hard time.I am sorry to hear of your experience - I had experiences outside the church, before joining, and now I have had experiences inside the church - a place I thought was safe - I thought the Spirit guided callings etc. and I was wrong. My patriarchal blessing says I "was tested at a young age" and that I will be tested my entire life... was that blessing from g-d? is this how g-d "tests" people? because that is what my blessing states.
This thing has me so messed up - I hate g-d, I hate people I used to look up to, nothing beyond the veil to look forward to, and nothing but pain and misery here too. I want to go back to the naive/happy/security/faith I had before this, where I had faith in g-d, believed g-d was loving etc. and I cannot go back.
Honesty. I have delt with a lot of lies as well. Honesty is very important to me, and if I am honest - I honestly do not believe g-d is loving anymore.
I was too young when my naiveté was taken to remember ever having it. Honestly, I spent years of my life resenting those who showed naive views-- thinking they were stupid weak children going to walk off a cliff (not a very Christ-like attitude, I'll admit). I grew up always watching the exits and always plotting a defense strategy- for me, it was like breathing.
Still... while I do not wish the pain I have felt on anyone else, and I totally rejoice in the healing I've experienced... I do not wish my experiences to be erased from my mind--- they are part of me. Yes, the royally sucked, but they are part of me, and I do not wish them gone. I learned. I grew stronger. I fought dragons in my life-- and I killed them. I know more about trust, safety, happiness, and real love. For me, love & trust are not a default setting, but a conscious one. I'm aware of my surroundings. I'm aware of myself so thoroughly because I've been through so much-- I feel the power I have, the power broke the cycle and killed the dragon of shadows. When I love... it is SO powerful. I do not wish for any part of me to be taken away or to ever go back.
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