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Shag, marry, Shove off a cliff

Pick which of these 3 lovely ladies you would shag, which you would marry and which you would shove off a cliff then pick 3 new choices for the next person. Reasons are requisite , naturally :D

Lady Gaga


Sarah Palin


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Shag---Sarah Palin

Because according to my understanding of fairytale curses it's the only way to turn her back into a human being.


because she's rich and has connections in the music industry.

Shove off a cliff----Lady Gaga

Because she's the only one left.



Jean Grey



Tu Stultus Es
Pick which of these 3 lovely ladies you would shag, which you would marry and which you would shove off a cliff then pick 3 new choices for the next person. Reasons are requisite , naturally :D

Lady Gaga


Sarah Palin
I'd feed Palin to the offspring of the wolves she'd killed.

I wouldn't touch Madonna's geriatric emaciated body because I'm happily married, but even if I were a bachelor her corpse-like appearance would prevent shagging.

Would Lady GaGa fall to her death quietly? 'Cause if she actually sang all the way down I don't know if I could answer any of the above.


Tu Stultus Es
Sorry, beaten by Quag' by mere minutes.


Jean Grey

Shag all of the above.

Or... Shove Jeam Grey off a cliff 'cause she'd end up destroying the universe otherwise.
Shag Mystique 'cause she can look like anyone including Christina Hendricks.
Marry Storm 'cause she's a wealthy queen now.

Scarlett (G.I. Joe)
Shag---Sarah Palin

Because according to my understanding of fairytale curses it's the only way to turn her back into a human being.


because she's rich and has connections in the music industry.

Shove off a cliff----Lady Gaga

Because she's the only one left.



Jean Grey


I know the right answer is probably marry mystique coz of the shape shiftiness but I am going to go with Storm, she is lovely.

Shag Mystique because the Jean Grey thing , just not an option , and shove Jean grey off a cliff avec plaisir.

An all Irish cast :)

Colin Farrell
Jonathan Rhys Meyers


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

Just to be able to say I did.

Marry---Scarlett (G.I. Joe)

So that when we get divorced I can say, "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn"

Shove off a cliff----Jem

Cuz I don't know who she is and that's how we treat strangers 'round heyre!




Henry Kissenger

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Well, since Quag didn't give a new list, I'll step up to the most recent one:

Shag - Colin Farrell
That seems to be his best use
Marry - Bono
That way I wouldn't have to have sex with him, but I'd get to talk to him a lot, which would be great.
Shove off cliff - Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
Don't know much about him, but I'll refer to Quag's previous logic, he's the only one left.

Taylor Swift
Anna Paquin
Jenna Jameson


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Shag---Taylor Swift, Anna Paquin, Jenna Jameson.

What were the other two questions?




Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Shove off a cliff---Bea Arthur

Because I think she would make a really cool sound when she hit bottom.

Marry---Dakota Fanning

Because there are only two choices left and the other one would get me arrested (and rightly so).

Shag---Liv Tyler

Because she's Liv Taylor



That was the idea. ;)

This is entrapment, it will never hold up in court, look at the way she was dressed, I never touched her, that's not me that is my identical twin and I defy you to prove otherwise, I am happily married with 3 kids.

Moderator cut: image removed
re look how she was dressed, is Meg Ryan posessing the child or is it the crank?
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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Shag - Terminator
Have you seen the TV show? Hell yeah!
Shove off a cliff - Alien
Do I need to state a reason?
Marry - Predator
At least I'd be well-protected.
Marry Predator, read the comics they seem like an ok people if a bit rude

Shove alien off a cliff, scary *******

Shag terminator, coz alien is a scary ******

aw one for the kids

The Fat controller
Curious George
Billie Crystal
Princess Diana (now, not years ago)

Marry satan (atheist it's a faites acomplait :shrug:)
Shove princess Diana off a cliff - already dead
Shag Billy crystal (would be thinking of satan)

Monica Lewinski
Marylyn Monroe
Wallis Simpson