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Shag, marry, Shove off a cliff


To Extinguish
I'd shag Nikola Tesla because (wait for it) it would be electrofying!


I'd marry Seuss 'cause I'd imagine he's the richest.

I'd throw Mother Theresa off a cliff so I can unlock the medal and the Hydra you get when you kill her.

Chuck Norris.

Shag - Rambo. Because Rambo rhymes with Slambo, and Trambo, and Gumby.

Marry - Ghandi. Ghandi is amazing in all respects. Good person to grow old with.

Exposure to a Tesla Coil - Chuck Norris. I really want to see what happens.

List -
That Baby Sun from the Teletubbies

*Takes Quagmire's parachute* Because who WOULDNT shag that hideous, purple taste bud?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Wandered off



Because for me that would just be a typical Saturday night.


Because we're practically soul mates as it is. Yeah, we're both hetero males, but no relationship is perfect.

Shove off a cliff---Wandered off



Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation

Because for me that would just be a typical Saturday night.

Who are you kidding with "Saturday night"? Wouldn't it be more accurate if you just took out the "Saturday"?

Shag - Lao Tzu
No real reason.

Marry - Buddha
Why not?

Shove off a cliff - Jesus Christ
Don't get me wrong, he sounds like a nice guy and all, but he's caused a hell of a lot more trouble in the world than the other two, even if unintentionally. And, besides, he was supposed to be killed anyway.

Who are you kidding with "Saturday night"? Wouldn't it be more accurate if you just took out the "Saturday"?

Shag - Lao Tzu
No real reason.

Marry - Buddha
Why not?

Shove off a cliff - Jesus Christ
Don't get me wrong, he sounds like a nice guy and all, but he's caused a hell of a lot more trouble in the world than the other two, even if unintentionally. And, besides, he was supposed to be killed anyway.


Shag RIngo
Shove Paul off a cliff ,(he annoys me)
Mary John

Lady Gaga
Mylie Cyrus


If I'm allowed to shag all three simultaneously and then push them all off a cliff, I'm willing to forgo the marriages. Is that permitted?


OK. 8^(

What about shag lady gaga (only once?), marry madonna, take out an insurance policy on my wife, and then push madonna off the cliff? Would that be doable? Who was the other girl again?Am I allowed to shag lady gaga while I'm married to madonna?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Shag RIngo
Shove Paul off a cliff ,(he annoys me)
Mary John

Lady Gaga
Mylie Cyrus

Shag Madonna - for nostalgia's sake
Marry Mylie Cyrus - my nieces would think that was awesome
Shove Lada Gaga off a cliff - 1) Poker Face, 2) Yuck


Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
I would shag Moe six ways from Sunday. Larry would have to go off the cliff. And I guess that leaves Curly to marry.

Rue McClanahan
Marge Simpson
Shirley Phelps-Roper

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I would shag Moe six ways from Sunday. Larry would have to go off the cliff. And I guess that leaves Curly to marry.

Rue McClanahan
Marge Simpson
Shirley Phelps-Roper

That's pretty easy.

Shag - Rue McClanahan
Marry - Marge
Shove off a cliff (but only after ripping out her finger- and toenails and letting mice chew on her for a while) - Shirley Phelps-Roper

Crying Smiley
"Stick out tongue" smiley
Embarrassment smiley
That's pretty easy.

Shag - Rue McClanahan
Marry - Marge
Shove off a cliff (but only after ripping out her finger- and toenails and letting mice chew on her for a while) - Shirley Phelps-Roper

Crying Smiley
"Stick out tongue" smiley
Embarrassment smiley

Shag Crying Smiley (from the I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT) school of tough love
Marry Stick out tongue smiley we're together so much anyway it wouldn't be much of an adjustment
Shove embarrassment smiley off a cliff, that's where he belongs

Barrack Obama
Michelle Obama
Oprah Winfrey


To Extinguish
Shag - Michelle Obama. Because I have reasons for the other two, last choice.

Marry - Barack Obama. He's rich.

Burn in a Hydrogen Fire - Oprah Winfrey. The b**** canceled her show, now my database of subjects to ridicule has been cut.

List -

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Shag Plutonium. It's explosive in the sack.

Shove Helium off a cliff. It has "He" in its name and I'm too much of a redneck homophobe to allow that sort of sin in my life.

Marry Argon. The name sounds like "Are gone". If they're gone, you don't hear 'em bicker, right?

Albert Einstein
Michael Faraday
Niels Bohr