EEWRED said:
TVOR, do think that all bigotry comes from Christianity or that Christianity is responsible for all intolerance?
Of course not, and I'm sure you know that I do not believe that. Bigotry and intolerance can be found in all religions and all belief systems. We have all seen evidence of that on this site. We have both seen Atheists come on here and simply trash Christians, Muslims trash Christians, Muslims trash Atheists, Agnostics ... well, Agnostics seem to be pretty level headed - but you get my drift. I understand full well that each belief system has people claiming inclusion that espouse hatred, bigotry, intolerance and moral righteousness.
I simply point it out, whenever I encounter it - regardless of what belief system the offender claims to be from. In this instance, the person claims to be a Christian, but I have no qualms about calling an Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, or anyone else on bigotry. My point is valid - that bigotry and intolerance are born of an unreal bias toward those that do not share our values, morals, or religious bent.
To me, one of the best barometers for any belief system is how it's members treat those wearing the same robes that espouse this crap. Do other Christians distance themselves from Fred Phelps - they certainly seem to, to me. Do most Muslims disavow Osama Bin Laden - again, most of them seem to, to me. You can accept, reject, defend, or distance from anyone on this board, as you see fit, but do not expect me to stand idly by while someone claims exclusive rights to God, or a moral superiority - no matter what it is based on.
There are good people in every belief system, there are people that are "middle of the road" in every belief system, and there are people that are heinous in every belief system. Give me the SOGFPP's, NetDoc's, Melody's, and Martha's from the Christian world (there are others, but I can't turn this into a roll call). Someone else can take the Pat Robertson's, Jerry Falwell's, and Robert Tilton's, as I have no use for them (other than the occasional belly laugh).
Bottom line - I don't want anyone to ever confuse me with someone that turns a blind eye to this garbage. Take your stand wherever you will.
Draka said:
EEWRED - I don't think that TVOR is saying that...just responding to certain people's prejudices in this thread I believe...though he can always correct me if I am wrong.
I have yet to find you in the wrong, Draka.