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Shameless CNN A.K.A PHN (Political Hack Network) Exploits People of Colour for Political Purposes


Thats because it is something. Like the gay vote (Democrat), Evangalical vote (Republican), youth vote (Dem), old vote (Rep), or any other voting bloc that elections are strategized around.

Are you o.k. with a mainstream news media outlet politicizing and exploiting race and false claims of racism regardless of what divisive effect it may have on greater society?

Please remember that this is the same CNN that heavily edited the video in Covington to make the MAGA hat wearing teen Nick Sandmann appear to be a racist and the aggressor when clearly he was not. I remember numerous shows when it first came out with guests going on and on about "Trump's america", racism, white nationalism, etc.
and it was all based on a lie.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Are you o.k. with a mainstream news media outlet politicizing and exploiting race and false claims of racism regardless of what divisive effect it may have on greater society?
You haven't really demonstrated they did anything but bring up a voting block that does factually exist.


You haven't really demonstrated they did anything but bring up a voting block that does factually exist.

Maybe you need to reread this thread or not purposely omit and ignore all other supporting evidence, CNN has a proven track record of exploiting racial division even if they have to invent it.

Are you o.k. with a mainstream news media outlet politicizing and exploiting race and false claims of racism regardless of what divisive effect it may have on greater society?

Please remember that this is the same CNN that heavily edited the video in Covington to make the MAGA hat wearing teen Nick Sandmann appear to be a racist and the aggressor when clearly he was not. I remember numerous shows when it first came out with guests going on and on about "Trump's america", racism, white nationalism, etc.
and it was all based on a lie.


Woke gremlin
As we get closer and closer to 2020 and the democratic party is getting more and more desperate it is no surprise that race and racism is being used by politically aligned media networks to further attempt to divide and conquer for votes. This was expected as we got nearer and nearer to the election but in the first article it clearly denotes race as some type of factor by stating Black voters instead of just saying U.S. voters, it's pretty blatant and disturbing. Race has been exploited by the democrats and their running dogs for years but I never saw it so blatantly done as in this case where a U.S. voter is referred to as nothing more than a demographic and a political tool. It seems the real racists are the ones that want to keep black Americans pickin' cotton on the democratic plantations.

Jan 20, 2020
"Black voter: By any interpretation, Trump has broken law"
Black voter: By any interpretation, Donald Trump has broken the law - CNN Video

Jan 17, 2020
"8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows"

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows - CNNPolitics

So, acknowledging and talking about race is the same thing as exploiting race?

Get a grip.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Maybe you need to reread this thread or not purposely omit and ignore all other supporting evidence, CNN has a proven track record of exploiting racial division even if they have to invent it.
All you established was they talked about a voting bloc. Nothing more.


Woke gremlin
Okay, how about finding us a picture of Trump in blackface or wearing a Kluxxer hood.
Here, let me help you:

View attachment 36428
Oh look - fake news!

Emphasis mine:

CLAIM: Donald Trump, pictured with boxing legend Muhammad Ali and civil rights activist Rosa Parks, received the Ellis Island Award in 1986 for contributing to the conditions of inner city black youths.

AP ASSESSMENT: Mixture. The photo is authentic, but only half of the claim about Trump’s award is true. The caption on a photo circulating widely on Facebook correctly claims that now-President Trump was one of 87 people given the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986 along with recipients Ali and Parks. However he was not being honored for his work with “inner city black youths,” as the photo caption falsely claims.

THE FACTS: Trump was among the first group of Americans to be given the award, which recognized people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds who have made significant contributions to the country, Otto Coca, communications director for the Ellis Island Honors Society told The Associated Press Monday. But Trump was honored for his work as a successful developer in New York City and his German heritage, Coca said, not for helping inner city youth.
SOURCE: Trump won 1986 award, but not for helping black youths

So, in other words, Trump got an award for being a wealthy industrialist who just so happened to have had German heritage.

I thought "participation trophies" based on people's ethnic background was something the right were against?
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Woke gremlin
That also isn't the/a hallmark of what indicates whether or not someone is racist. Interesting deflection, but inconsequential to your argument none-the-less.
No, The Hammer, don't you understand? The only racism that exists is really obviously extremely overt racism, because trying to identify any other kind of racism that isn't indicated by waving a Nazi flag or wearing a clan hood requires actually thinking about and assessing what people say and do and the way in which they do them, which is FAR too much effort.

Unless of course we're talking about the alleged racism of the left or racism against "white people". Then it's totally obvious in everything and needn't ever be questioned.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I support any tactic that weakens Trump and the Republicans.

Up to and including exploitation and appeals to race even when they have to lie about it no matter the divisive effect it may have on greater society?

I don't see exploitation there and don't mind mentions of race, especially about how black Americans feel about Trump. As I mentioned, I am surprised that only 8 in 10 black Americans consider Trump racist.

It's also a little late to be concerned with greater American society or its divisions. Those are by design, and they're only going to get worse, also by design. It's what Putin wants for America and Americans, and American citizens have no say in it.

And frankly, I support secession, the ultimate division. I realize that there are logistic barriers, as liberal America is not one contiguous region, but I still support the concept. American conservatives and liberals don't like or respect one another and don't want to be tied to one another's voting preferences. How about one country with a wall and the other without one. How about abortion legal in one but not the other?

And are you sure that you want to use the word shameless? Your president is shameless, and you support him. And did you really want to remind people that we should judge others by the content of their character? Trump is a bigoted, vengeful, narcissistic compulsive liar, a self-admitted serial sexual predator. a serial adulterer, a lifetime fraud and cheat, and now add murderer.

So you didn't want to address any of this? How is a CNN poll shameless but not Trump?

I remember numerous shows when it first came out with guests going on and on about "Trump's america", racism, white nationalism, etc. and it was all based on a lie.

I disagree about the lie part - Trump is racist to beat the band. But even if I agreed, I wouldn't have any problem with any lying that or any other tactic that weakens Trump or the Republicans. This is a cold war now, and the only rules are that there are no rules. Subpoenas? Meh.

Trump is clearly quite racist, and if one can't see that with all that he has said and done over the years, then the problem is really theirs.

So you don't see racism when you look at Trump, but you do see it in your governor? I'm with @metis on this one. At this point, there's no value in taking evidence of what Trump is to Trump supporters. It they haven't seen those things yet, they never will.


What? Me worry?
I don't see exploitation there and don't mind mentions of race, especially about how black Americans feel about Trump. As I mentioned, I am surprised that only 8 in 10 black Americans consider Trump racist.

It's also a little late to be concerned with greater American society or its divisions. Those are by design, and they're only going to get worse, also by design. It's what Putin wants for America and Americans, and American citizens have no say in it.

And frankly, I support secession, the ultimate division. I realize that there are logistic barriers, as liberal America is not one contiguous region, but I still support the concept. American conservatives and liberals don't like or respect one another and don't want to be tied to one another's voting preferences. How about one country with a wall and the other without one. How about abortion legal in one but not the other?

So you didn't want to address any of this? How is a CNN poll shameless but not Trump?

I disagree about the lie part - Trump is racist to beat the band. But even if I agreed, I wouldn't have any problem with any lying that or any other tactic that weakens Trump or the Republicans. This is a cold war now, and the only rules are that there are no rules. Subpoenas? Meh.

So you don't see racism when you look at Trump, but you do see it in your governor? I'm with @metis on this one. At this point, there's no value in taking evidence of what Trump is to Trump supporters. It they haven't seen those things yet, they never will.

I've never seen Trump in blackface or wearing Klan garb. Have you? Or is it alright for your guy to display his racist bent in the most vile, and vicious manner possible?

The Hammer

Premium Member
I've never seen Trump in blackface or wearing Klan garb. Have you? Or is it alright for your guy to display his racist bent in the most vile, and vicious manner possible?

Is that the only I dictator of being racist... This "blackface"? Or are there other measures of a man's character. Because you seem pretty bent on this blackface thing. Is it a fetish?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If one doesn't think that Trump is a racist, then I do believe we know where the problem lies because he's made that quite clear over the years in both what he has said and what he has done. If one is still confused, then maybe google "Trump + racism", as there are numerous links that can help eliminate that ignorance.

BTW, someone here should maybe look up the word "pandering", as that especially tends to get used a lot during election years by all sides.

The Hammer

Premium Member

Ah yes, he does one good thing, and that redeems the countless things he has said or done, as stated in my previous posts.

That's it stop the presses, Trump is redeemed, he honored a man that has black skin that was assassinated.

Do you honestly believe this stuff? You didn't answer my question btw, what is a better standard or marker for racism, blackface isn't it.

Edit: "legislation expands the boundaries of the former Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta"
He 'created' nothing, and only expanded upon what already existed. It was nice of him to do though.


I wouldn't have any problem with any lying that or any other tactic that weakens Trump or the Republicans.

Thank you for this, never claim the moral high ground again or pretend to not be partisan.

And frankly, I support secession, the ultimate division.

Do you actually live in Mexico or was it a play on words and you actually live in the U.S.? It smacks of armchair revolutionary if the former. Funny thing is you state you support secession and division in the U.S. yet claim yet that Putin is the one trying to cause division in the U.S., you have to be putin me on.


What? Me worry?
If one doesn't think that Trump is a racist, then I do believe we know where the problem lies because he's made that quite clear over the years in both what he has said and what he has done. If one is still confused, then maybe google "Trump + racism", as there are numerous links that can help eliminate that ignorance.

BTW, someone here should maybe look up the word "pandering", as that especially tends to get used a lot during election years by all sides.

Ah yes, he does one good thing, and that redeems the countless things he has said or done, as stated in my previous posts.

That's it stop the presses, Trump is redeemed, he honored a man that has black skin that was assassinated.

Do you honestly believe this stuff? You didn't answer my question btw, what is a better standard or marker for racism, blackface isn't it.

Edit: "legislation expands the boundaries of the former Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta"
He 'created' nothing, and only expanded upon what already existed. It was nice of him to do though.

So facts have absolutely no relevance when it comes to your particular biases? Okay, no use to waste any breath on this...

The Hammer

Premium Member
So facts have absolutely no relevance when it comes to your particular biases? Okay, no use to waste any breath on this...

Nice spin, but my point is that one "fact" on the positive for Trump, doesn't outweigh the amount of "facts" that are to the contrary.

Edit: Shiite... I even said the expansion was a good thing, but no I'm ignoring it for some preconceived bias. SMH