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Sherman & Peg - Gentiles & Mosaic Law - to follow or not to follow?


If i lay out a banquet with many different types of food and tell you to eat whatever you like.... do you think i'm expecting you to eat the plates and spoons too?
Therefore, the pigs and roaches are not necessarily included with "All animals". However, as we see below, the issue is "Eat whatever FOOD you like", the key issue being the word "Food" in the text. If I said "All these plants may be as food for you" and I handed you some hemlock, I'd be being pretty evil wouldn't I.

God gave them permission to eat whatever they wanted in the garden, he gave Noah permission to eat whatever type of animal he wanted...that means the choice is ours and God allows us that choice.
No, he said "They shall be FOOD for you", I made that quite clear. Poison ivy is not food. Hemlock is not food. Thus, "All plants" does not really mean every single plant, and the same logic can apply to "All animals" not meaning dung beetles and vultures. End of story.
You can keep arguing over words but you cannot deny what the scriptures state.
You are denying that the scriptures state AS FOOD for you.

Look at the account about Abel's sacrifice and we read that God looked upon his sacrifice with approval. Surely Abels brothers and sisters and cousins knew that the particular animal offered by Abel was acceptable to God and they kept offering that animal.
Okay, so why would they assume pigeons and doves were acceptable then?

likewise, if God gave the direction to eat the green vegetation, why not mention animals along with it? And if God had plants AND animals in mind, why only mention the plants??
Why not mention the water too? There is no reason to conclude that just because it says "All the green plants shall be as food for you" that it means "ONLY the green plants". Anything more or less is pure presupposition and assumption.

Why would he need to mention the eating of animals to Noah if Noah and his family were already familiar with eating animals???
My point was very clear, Noah was on the ark for a long time, it could have been like "okay now you can slaughter those noisy ******** already", you cannot assume he wasn't able to before.

God does not view the eating of pork as defiling. It cannot mar your relationship with God...the only thing that mars a persons relationship with God is his own moral corruption and disobedience.
Talk about denying the scripture. Are you unaware of the passages that expressly state that eating those animals is an "Abomination"? What do you think that means?

If an Isrealite ate pork they were being disobedient to the covenant and for that reason, they would be rejected by God. Not because Pork is defiling but because they were being disobedient.
We have a different opinion of the word "Defiling". Oh wait, did you even state your opinion of what you think it means? Why would G-d even want them to avoid this "Abomination"? Why is it an abomination? Is something that's an abomination today not necessarily an abomination tomorrow?

No, he didnt like the idea but he allows us free will.
Psalm 40:6 Sacrifice and offering you did not delight in;
These ears of mine you opened up.
Burnt offering and sin offering you did not ask for
You want to get into the actual context of that passage in that cherry picked verse? Kinda contradicts where it says that the sacrifices cause a sweet odor.
1 Samuel 15:22 In turn Samuel said: “Does Jehovah have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of Jehovah? Look! To obey is better than a sacrifice, to pay attention than the fat of rams;
As much as. Do you know what as much as means?
Psalm 51:16 For you do not take delight in sacrifice—otherwise I would give [it]; In whole burnt offering you do not find pleasure.
Read the rest of Psalm 51. You are deliberately taking these verses out of context like MANY christians do when discussing the sacrifices. I encourage the reader to note that Psalm 51 after this says that the sacrifices will commence after David repents and that G-d will be pleased by them. Has Pegg actually read the whole passages here or is she going by cherry picked out of context verses? Let the reader decide.
Isaiah 1:11 “Of what benefit to me is the multitude of YOUR sacrifices?” says Jehovah. “I have had enough of whole burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed animals; and in the blood of young bulls and male lambs and he-goats I have taken no delight.
Context, context. He has taken no delight because they are done improperly with a heart of sin. If you're going to use these passages, please be prepared to discuss their entire context in the entire passage or kindly admit you are in fact cherry picking.

humans knew of the promise God had made to redeem mankind...they used sacrifices in the hope that the blood might redeem them from their own sin & death and thus they could gain forgiveness and everlasting life. But mankind were obviously wrong that animal sacrifices might redeem them.
Apparently G-d was wrong too when He specifically commanded them to be done for redemption.
God knew the only redeemable sacrifice could be a perfect human - Adams equivalent.
Why would that be in the first place? Explain why a sacrifice would even be necessary even as a perfect human sacrifice.

Abraham supported a true worshiping priest because he was a righteous man...and Gods friend. who wouldnt support one of Gods representatives? Righteous people did not need the mosaic law to support true worship.
Let the reader note, that in no way explains why Abraham would know that such would be the way to serve G-d, this is a non-argument that fails to address the meat of the question: WHY was Malchezdiek a priest, and why would supporting him over priests, tithing to him over other priests, be pleasing to the Father?

i never said he was asked to sacrifice clean animals. People were already offering sacrifices as we see in the case of Abel and Cain.
Ummm, are you forgetting so quickly your reasoning of why Noah was told to pack Clean animals?

perhaps its because the clean animals only produce 1 or two offspring a year. They do not breed as quickly as animals who produce large litters like pigs/dogs/cats etc
If that's the case, what about Hippos and Elephants and Bears? Quite inconsistent to say the least.

these laws are instinctive. They are built into our consciences and are universally accepted as wrong. Adam was created with a perfect mind in harmony with God. Gods 'image' includes his sense of right and wrong and his justice, love & wisdom.
Ah, so now we have an "instinctive" law whenever the text cannot be used to support our presuppositions.

When Adam disobeyed he knew he had done wrong because his inner conscience condemned his actions and he felt shame and remorse over his wrongdoing. There are many things that God does not need to tells us because they are built into us
Please provide a scriptural example that Adam knew he had done wrong in eating the fruit as opposed to being naked.

And again, let the reader note, Pegg completely skipped what I said that it says all the green plants are to be FOR FOOD, not just permitted. Does she not understand the difference in context of her own argument of "using our brains"? Why would we have to use our brains to determine what is and isn't food when it clearly says they are to be for food?
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Jehovah our God is One
Therefore, the pigs and roaches are not necessarily included with "All animals"...

No, he said "They shall be FOOD for you", I made that quite clear. Poison ivy is not food. Hemlock is not food. Thus, "All plants" does not really mean every single plant, and the same logic can apply to "All animals" not meaning dung beetles and vultures. End of story.
You are denying that the scriptures state AS FOOD for you.

notice what God told Noah regarding the food he was to take on the ark:

Genesis 6:21 And as for you, take for yourself every sort of food that is eaten; and you must gather it to yourself, and it must serve as food for you and for them.”
The food here is only vegetation...noah had to take enough to feed his family and the animals on board.
'the food that is eaten' distinguishes between what?

Okay, so why would they assume pigeons and doves were acceptable then?

who's to say they did? The only sacrifices mentioned prior to the mosaic law were the ones offered by Abel from the flocks, and the one offered by Noah from the flock.

My point was very clear, Noah was on the ark for a long time, it could have been like "okay now you can slaughter those noisy ******** already", you cannot assume he wasn't able to before.
the fact that the scriptures show a command given to Adam to eat all green vegetation and fruits means we dont have to speculate or assume anything:
Geneis 1;29 And God went on to say: “Here I have given to YOU (man) all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth and every tree on which there is the fruit of a tree bearing seed. To YOU let it serve as food.
And the next verse specifies the diet of the animals: 30 And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it came to be so.

and then the command to Noah to take only green vegetation and fruits on the ark to feed his family AND the animals is a pretty clear indicator that they were only eating such foods as God specified to them in the beginning:.
Genesis 6:21 And as for you, take for yourself every sort of food that is eaten; and you must gather it to yourself, and it must serve as food for you and for them.”

And if you still have doubts, keep reading the full account of what happened when Noah came out of the ark... ie
Genesis 9: 2 And a fear of YOU and a terror of YOU will continue upon every living creature of the earth... Into YOUR hand they are now given. 3 Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU. 4 Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.

Every moving animal that is alive MAY SERVE AS FOOD FOR YOU. This was a totally new command regarding the diet of man for God goes on to say "AS IN THE CASE OF GREEN VEGETATION, I DO GIVE IT ALL TO YOU"
Then he gives the condition that the blood be poured out of the animal first.

Talk about denying the scripture. Are you unaware of the passages that expressly state that eating those animals is an "Abomination"? What do you think that means?
Why would G-d even want them to avoid this "Abomination"? Why is it an abomination? Is something that's an abomination today not necessarily an abomination tomorrow?

i think it means it was an abomination for any of the sons of Isreal to do so because they had entered into a contract with God. That contract laid out specific requirements of them and if they failed to obey them, they were being disobedient to God.

During those days there may have been a specific reason why God did not want them to eat certain foods... or use them in worship.

Context, context. He has taken no delight because they are done improperly with a heart of sin. If you're going to use these passages, please be prepared to discuss their entire context in the entire passage or kindly admit you are in fact cherry picking.

So its not necessarily the sacrifice that pleases God but rather the condition of the heart of the one offering it.

I think that shows that sacrifices are a waste of time because it is the heart of mankind that brings us close to God or keeps us far from him....sacrifices do not make our hearts good, nor are they acceptable to God if our heart is not good.

Abel was a good righteous man and that is why his sacrifice was pleasing... But cain had a hard heart and for that, God said to him
"if you turn to doing good will there not be a reward?"
The sacrifices are unable to bring us closer to God or redeem us in any way for the sins of our hearts.
So if you think the sacrifices should remain along with the mosaic law, why are no sacrifices offered today?
If God needed those sacrifices, surely he would still have a means for Isreal to offer them? But why not??

Why would that be in the first place? Explain why a sacrifice would even be necessary even as a perfect human sacrifice.

justice. The only way to make an unjust situation just in the law of Moses, was to repay like for like.

'eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life'
Those harsh penalties under the mosaic law are to teach us how the scales of justice are balanced.

Adam lost perfect human life for every one of us, Jesus was sent to repay what Adam had lost. Jesus gave his life in exchange for Adams. Thus the scales of divine justice are balanced out.

Ah, so now we have an "instinctive" law whenever the text cannot be used to support our presuppositions.
Please provide a scriptural example that Adam knew he had done wrong in eating the fruit as opposed to being naked.

firstly, think about the laws found in the nations around Isreal who did not have the mosaic law. There are similar laws to be found in those ancient nations and even modern tribes people have laws against rape, murder, violence etc

Paul spoke of the inner conscience intune with Gods laws:
Romans 2;14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused


notice what God told Noah regarding the food he was to take on the ark:
Genesis 6:21 And as for you, take for yourself every sort of food that is eaten; and you must gather it to yourself, and it must serve as food for you and for them.”
The food here is only vegetation...noah had to take enough to feed his family and the animals on board.
'the food that is eaten' distinguishes between what?
Do you believe the Wolves, Lions, Crocodiles, and Komodo Dragons were fed plants? You should be aware that the word Maakal is often translated as "meat".

who's to say they did? The only sacrifices mentioned prior to the mosaic law were the ones offered by Abel from the flocks, and the one offered by Noah from the flock.
Okay, so therefore how would Noah have known that the clean birds were to be sacrificed? We're kinda back to square one.

the fact that the scriptures show a command given to Adam to eat all green vegetation and fruits means we dont have to speculate or assume anything:
Geneis 1;29 And God went on to say: “Here I have given to YOU (man) all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth and every tree on which there is the fruit of a tree bearing seed. To YOU let it serve as food.
Okay, so you believe that G-d gave Adam hemlock and poison ivy "For food", I'll let the reader decide on that one. As for "Surface of the whole earth", it's "surface of the whole land" which probably does in fact refer only to the garden.
And the next verse specifies the diet of the animals: 30 And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it came to be so.
Does that mean ONLY the vegetation for food? Only in presumption land.

and then the command to Noah to take only green vegetation and fruits on the ark to feed his family AND the animals is a pretty clear indicator that they were only eating such foods as God specified to them in the beginning:.
Genesis 6:21 And as for you, take for yourself every sort of food that is eaten; and you must gather it to yourself, and it must serve as food for you and for them.”
Again, the word "Food" is often translated as "meat", so we're dealing with more presumptions and assumptions, which make up practically ALL of Pegg's arguments. But many of my own views rely on a few presumptions as well, because the text is not exactly clear either way. I try to base my presumptions in a consistent manner though with the text.

And if you still have doubts, keep reading the full account of what happened when Noah came out of the ark... ie
Genesis 9: 2 And a fear of YOU and a terror of YOU will continue upon every living creature of the earth... Into YOUR hand they are now given. 3 Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU. 4 Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.
As in the case of "Green vegetation" indeed. Pegg here wants the reader to believe that G-d gave Poison Ivy and Hemlock to Man "for food" by this logic. If not, then obviously the same kind of meaning for "All" applies to animals. To go by Pegg's interpretation, you must believe that Hemlock was given "For food" to Noah. Do you, the reader, believe Hemlock would be given "as food"? Do you believe Noah was told he could eat Vultures?

Every moving animal that is alive MAY SERVE AS FOOD FOR YOU. This was a totally new command regarding the diet of man for God goes on to say "AS IN THE CASE OF GREEN VEGETATION, I DO GIVE IT ALL TO YOU"
Then he gives the condition that the blood be poured out of the animal first.
So again, for Pegg's use of "every" to apply, she must accept that she believes that Hemlock was given to Adam for food. I will repeat this point as necessary. Pegg, if you wish to believe that man was given Hemlock for food, I can't stop your presumption, but I will say I disagree with your interpretation to say the least. Many Rabbis have said similarly.

i think it means it was an abomination for any of the sons of Isreal to do so because they had entered into a contract with God. That contract laid out specific requirements of them and if they failed to obey them, they were being disobedient to God.
Does that in any way explain WHY it is an abomination? No. All Pegg is doing here is restating the basics that we already know. No details about why the foods are abominations. In Pegg's view, it's basically arbitrary. What does "Abomination" and "Defilement" mean to Pegg? I've asked. No answer yet. Maybe we'll get one next post.
During those days there may have been a specific reason why God did not want them to eat certain foods... or use them in worship.
If it was just for "those days" it wouldn't say FOR ALL GENERATIONS. The word "Abomination" means "a horrible horror to be avoided at all costs". In Pegg's view, what is an abomination one day, is not an abomination another? I disagree. However, Pegg has yet to offer her own take on what exactly the Jewish concepts of "Abomination" and "Defilement" are, I've given my explanation, she hasn't yet. Perhaps her lack of explanation has something to do with her answer.

So its not necessarily the sacrifice that pleases God but rather the condition of the heart of the one offering it.
That's right. That's a step in the right direction. Context sure changes things, doesn't it.

I think that shows that sacrifices are a waste of time because it is the heart of mankind that brings us close to God or keeps us far from him....sacrifices do not make our hearts good, nor are they acceptable to God if our heart is not good.
So then, Pegg is saying that the elaborate Sacrificial System that G-d commanded was just a "Waste of time". I wouldn't want anything to do with this god who spends hours describing intricate 'wastes of time" that you aren't supposed to do.
Abel was a good righteous man and that is why his sacrifice was pleasing... But cain had a hard heart and for that, God said to him
More assumptions. The traditional idea is that Cain didn't offer the finest of his fruits while Abel did.
"if you turn to doing good will there not be a reward?"
The sacrifices are unable to bring us closer to God or redeem us in any way for the sins of our hearts.
So then, Pegg is in de facto calling God a liar, hasn't read Leviticus, or both.
So if you think the sacrifices should remain along with the mosaic law, why are no sacrifices offered today?
There is no temple. Thus, we are in a similar situation as in the Babylonian Exiles. However, as I've said on numerous threads, which is rarely if ever answered for some reason, the book of Zechariah and Ezekiel squarely plain out say there will be sacrifices again in the end days. Thus, Pegg will have to come up with some kind of "metaphorical" meaning for those passages.
If God needed those sacrifices, surely he would still have a means for Isreal to offer them? But why not??
It says they will be there in the end days. Until then, I believe it has something to do with the Moshiach serving as a temporary Guilt offering as outlined in Isaiah 53.

justice. The only way to make an unjust situation just in the law of Moses, was to repay like for like.
That's still how it is.
'eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life'
Those harsh penalties under the mosaic law are to teach us how the scales of justice are balanced.
Adam lost perfect human life for every one of us, Jesus was sent to repay what Adam had lost. Jesus gave his life in exchange for Adams. Thus the scales of divine justice are balanced out.
Okay, and?

firstly, think about the laws found in the nations around Isreal who did not have the mosaic law. There are similar laws to be found in those ancient nations and even modern tribes people have laws against rape, murder, violence etc
Your point?
Paul spoke of the inner conscience intune with Gods laws:
Romans 2;14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused
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