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I am so sorry for you. You are helping to the propaganda of the enemies of Islam.Well , I got this as well , not so important but worthy to give it a look :
According to our belief, our brother Sunnis are Muslim and pure.Grand Ayatullat al-Marji` al-Mirza Hashim al-Aamili “ميرزا هاشم الآملي” who says in his book “al-Ma`alim al-Ma’thoura” 2/258-259:
أقول إن المشهور طهارة العامة ومنشأ الاختلاف إن الاعتقاد بالإمامة هل يكون مقوّم الإسلام أم لا فإنهم وإن كانوا كفرة وكالكلب الممطور في الباطن كما في الجواهر ولكنهم طاهرون بحسب الظاهر ولا يخفى إن البحث يكون فيمن لا يعتقد إمامة الأئمة عليهم السّلام المسمى بالسني
[I say: what is popular is the purity of the mainstream Muslims(`Amah) and the origin of the disagreement is if Imamah is a condition of Islam or not. Even though they are Kouffar and like wet dogs on the inside as was mentioned in “al-Jawahir” but they are pure on the outside. It is not hidden that the matter being discussed is concerning he who does not believe in the Imamah of the twelve (as) or what is called “Sunni”.]
What he means by “al-Jawahir” is the book written by their leader Muhammad Hassan al-Najafi who said on vol.6 pg.57:
فهو من أقوى الأدلة على طهارة هؤلاء الكفرة ، وإن كانوا في المعنى أنجس من الكلاب الممطورة
[It is one of the strongest opinions for the purity of those Kouffar, although in reality they are more impure than wet dogs.]
Why did they use the term “wet dogs” to refer to those who oppose them?
Their scholar Yusuf al-Bahrani explains in “al-Hada’iq al-Nadirah” 8/370:
يعني الكلاب التي أصابها المطر مبالغة في نجاستهم
[Meaning dogs who have been exposed to rain to exaggerate their impurity.]
I said you that, you can send your question regarding this case to the sites of our jurisprudents. They will certainly reply, "Sunnis are Muslim and pure."
Translations are not correct and are an evil translation.
فهو من أقوى الأدلة على طهارة هؤلاء الكفرة ، وإن كانوا في المعنى أنجس من الكلاب الممطورة
True translation, " It is one of the strongest opinions for the purity of those Kouffar, if they are fi al-Ma'ni(i.e., spiritualy) more impure than wet dogs. ".
This part "if they are spiritualy more impure than wet dogs" does not have a bad meaning. Indeed, it means that if we suppose that they are spiritualy more impure than wet dogs, this does not mean they are Physically impure.
The author has used this part for Emphasizing to their purity.
But why have the authors called Sunnis as Kafirs[disbelievers]?
Kufr(disbelieving) has two types,
1. disbelieving from the faith (ایمان)
2. disbelieving from Islam(اسلام)
The authors themselves have emphasized that in their sayings, Kufr means the first type, not the second one which results in the impurity. So, Sunnis are Muslim and pure.
Muhammad Hassan al-Najafi has said on “al-Jawahir” vol.6 pg.57
ولانحصار مقتضى النجاسة في كفرهم بذلك، وقد ثبت ضده، وهو صفة الاسلام بشهادة ما دل على حصوله بابراز الشهادتين من الأخبار، كخبر سفيان بن السمط المروي هو وما يأتي بعده أيضا في باب الكفر والايمان من الكافي، قال: (سأل رجل أبا عبد الله (عليه السلام) عن الاسلام والايمان ما الفرق بينهما؟ فلم يجبه، ثم سأله فلم يجبه، ثم التقيا في الطريق وقد أزف من الرجل الرحيل، فقال له أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): كأنه قد أزف منك الرحيل، فقال: نعم، فقال: فالقني في البيت، فلقيه فسأله عن الاسلام والايمان ما الفرق بينهما؟ فقال: الاسلام هو الظاهر الذي عليه الناس شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله، وأن محمدا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وإقام الصلاة، وإيتاء الزكاة، وحج البيت، وصيام شهر رمضان، وقال: الايمان معرفة هذا الأمر، مع هذا فإن أقر بها ولم يعرف هذا الأمر كان مسلما وكان ضالا ".
Their Kufr(type 2) to this[Imamah] proves their [physical] impurity, while in Hadiths [of Imams] has proven its opposite, and it is the attribute of Islam, testifying to two Shahadahs(ie, testifying to oneness of Allah and Messengership of Muhammad). Such these Hadiths [of Imams] is the Hadith which has narrated through Sofiyan ibn al-Samt al-Marwi[from Imam Sadiq], and it has been narrated in al-Kafi in the Chapter of "Al-Kufr wa al-Iman[disbelieving and faith]" that he said," A person asked from Imam Sadiq about Islam and Iman[faith] and the difference between them. Then Imam replied, ' Islam is what the people are now apparently in it, that is testifying that there is no god but allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and doing Salah, paying Zakah, going to Hajj, and doing the fasting in the month of Ramadhan.' and also said, ' Iman[faith] is the knowing of this matter[i.e., Imamah]. If a person testifies those things but does not have the knowledge to this matter[Imamah], so he is an astray[from Imamah] Muslim' ".So, according to our belief, our brother Sunnis are Muslim and pure.
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