There are absolutes in my list of those four things. Just because I do not get into particulars does not mean there are not any. In the name of self defense people do a lot of dishonest things obviously. And obviously your examples are not grounds for self defense.
Willful relationships are relationships entered into by will of the person at a responsible age.
(grin) Define 'responsible age.'
Perhaps you may be beginning to see the problem.
there have been cultures through the ages which have defined 'responsible age' (the age at which one can be married) to be at puberty...12 to 13 for both males and females. Some cultures have arranged the marriages of their children soon after birth. Some claim that 'marriagable age" is anywhere from 1 to 21...and right now the age of marriage through out the world varies greatly. Those whose culture and practices allow marriage at, say, 15 or 16 for women might get really upset if someone attempted to get married at age 12. Most people in the west would figure that people should be AT LEAST 18, and that's usually far too young.
.............and some marry their kids off at 11, 12, or 13. And they are adamant that this IS a 'responsible age.'
They might even be right, considering their cultures.
So how can any of us make such dogmatic absolute requirements for anybody else?