A chef can put ingredients in a pot, let it cook for a while and then taste it and add things to make it tastier. What's to stop God from doing the same thing? (note: theology not science) Maybe God enjoys watching life unfold just like a gardener watches flowers grow and bloom.
Or, as the button says: God wrote the program, evolution is the output, meteor strikes are the reset button.
I can see that, sunrise, but only up to a point.
So...metaphorically...God samples the soup, and decides it needs a little more spice. He throws in redheads. Or whatever, but you get the picture. Makes sense.
God samples redheads, and decides the outcome is to his liking.
But applying the same metaphor as it would pertain to various mutations, and their impact, you get a slightly different picture. God samples the soup, and decides it needs a little more... something. Green eyes, baldness, colour-blindness, a longer second toe...into the pot. Whilst I'm at it, I'll chuck a few other things in. There...that should be tastier...
God samples a green-eyed bald dude who doesn't stop at red lights, and has trouble finding comfortable shoes, and says...err...I knew I shoulda ate out tonight.