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Should Everyone have a Right to Freedom of Speech?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you? Why not if not everyone?

If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Free speech, even in the States, was never intended to and does not protect all kinds of speech. You can and will be persecuted for libel, and you can and will be persecuted for hate speech in certain situations, and you can and will be persecuted for yelling "bomb!" in the middle of a crowded area that results in a panic stampede and loss of life or injury.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you? Why not if not everyone?

If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?

Freedom of speech does seemingly have it's limitations, but the limitations really boil down to where one's right to swing one's arm ends where another person's nose begins. So, sure, you can speak about anything you wish provided that it doesn't infringe upon other's freedoms. Slander, libel, incitement to harm, child porn, plagiarism, copyright protections, patent protection, defamation of character, and intelligence secrets are all considerations of when it is best to limit speech.

People can talk about their homophobia and racism all they want. Such speech is protected. People are free to talk about their distaste for a political party, a religion, even an office-holder. What they cannot do is incite others to commit harm or property damage because of their distaste for said party.


Well-Known Member
I think that freedom of speech should be a guaranteed right but I am not so sure about the more extreme forms of hate speech.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you? Why not if not everyone?

If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?

I can envision situations where free speech might not be great, but if you're asking do I support the right simply to make racist or homophobic remarks, generally yes because it shows society just how seriously we should take that individual LOL

I say for the most part because schools might should be an exception


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
We in the US are fortunate that we can express hate speech, unlike our more domesticated &
controlled brethren & sistern in Europistan. I relish the right to call "poopy head" when I see one.


Well-Known Member
We in the US are fortunate that we can express hate speech, unlike our more domesticated &
controlled brethren & sistern in Europistan. I relish the right to call "poopy head" when I see one.

Well I understand that and all but hate speech can be incredibly harmful to the minority or whatever that is being hatefully talked about or at.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well I understand that and all but hate speech can be incredibly harmful to the minority or whatever that is being hatefully talked about or at.
I agree with you, but I see greater harm when government can decide what what
is hate speech, & then enforce it severely. Political discourse becomes riskier.


Higher and Higher
Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you? Why not if not everyone?

If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?

Everyone should, otherwise the right is no right at all.

Of course, I also don't think the right of free speech includes direct threats, or incitement to violence.


If everyone doesn't have the right to free speech, then no one has the right to free speech, just the privilege. The notion of free speech is pretty much void when it ceases to be free for everyone.

That being said... we have relatively good laws about free speech, most people treat them terribly regardless and wonder why the concept is eroding. It's not cool to point at someone and said "murder them," and things like libel are disputes between individuals... not a criminal case.


Well-Known Member
The Sum of Awe said:
If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?

What's wrong with Homophones? :p


Premium Member
Freedom of speech should never be taken away. And it's true, freedom of speech can be abused by some- we have to use common sense. Sometimes words can entice a riot- and that is something to avoid.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Freedom of speech does seemingly have it's limitations, but the limitations really boil down to where one's right to swing one's arm ends where another person's nose begins. So, sure, you can speak about anything you wish provided that it doesn't infringe upon other's freedoms. Slander, libel, incitement to harm, child porn, plagiarism, copyright protections, patent protection, defamation of character, and intelligence secrets are all considerations of when it is best to limit speech.

People can talk about their homophobia and racism all they want. Such speech is protected. People are free to talk about their distaste for a political party, a religion, even an office-holder. What they cannot do is incite others to commit harm or property damage because of their distaste for said party.


People dont have different rights. There are just some things that no one has the right to say, and an all else they can.

Then again, I am just commentary, Mystyc explained it well enough.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Limiting self-expression is an attempt at controlling thought and behavior. I don't know of anybody who thinks all the correct thoughts and engages in all the correct behaviors enough to rightfully claim they know what others should think and how they should behave.

Karl R

Active Member
Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you?
I enjoy hearing people intelligently articulate their opinions, even if they differ from mine.

I'm irritated by people who hold their opinions out of ignorance, especially if they are trying to ignorantly support an opinion that I hold.

Example of Ignorance in Action:
The local Fox correspondence brought two commentators (one conservative, one liberal) to debate a recent court ruling. A nearby city had passed an ordinance prohibiting day laborers from soliciting work on the street. The court had overturned this ordinance based on it being a violation of the laborers right to free speech.

The conservative commentator claimed the court had overstepped its bounds, because "The constitution does not guarantee people the right to congregate."

The liberal commentator was too ignorant to notice her mistake.

I've started referring to the commentators as "Dumb and Dumber" whenever I see them.


Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you? Why not if not everyone?

If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?

I believe there isn't anything anyone can't say, including bigoted remarks, hate speech, and threats. I think people are becoming TOO sensitive lately to the point where it's infringing upon freedom of speech. There are constantly shifting "politically correct" definitions to everything, and if you don't keep up with what word offends what group of people, everyone's quick to judge and place themselves in a class above you. At this point it's just ridiculous. Midgets are "little people" and handicapped people are "handicapable"... School "bullies" who have NEVER hit someone in their life are being labeled criminals, and kids have become so thin-skinned they kill themselves because they get teased... Give me a break... These labels get progressively more and more condescending to the point where it's enough to make you sick. Just let people say what they want to, it doesn't do any physical harm, and contrary to popular belief, your pride CAN recover...

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Do you think everyone should get a right to free speech or just people who are of the same opinion as you? Why not if not everyone?

If everyone (sometimes people consider these people not part of the everyone these days for some reason): Does this include homophones and racists and such? If not, why not?

Unless it's harassment, threats, or false claims that can lead to harm (such as yelling "fire" in a theater), then yes, every belief, viewpoint, and ideology should be permitted to be openly spoken and expressed, no matter how irrational or offensive it may be considered by others. Incorrect views should be addressed by educating, informing and rebutting, not by censoring and silencing.

Attempts to police thought are quite Orwellian and alarming.
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Freedom of speech should never be taken away. And it's true, freedom of speech can be abused by some- we have to use common sense. Sometimes words can entice a riot- and that is something to avoid.

We could do with a few more riots; might pull people's heads out of their butts