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Should I fear the Islamic religion?

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I really don't know much about Islam, but I understand it is the case that as a non-believer I am considered an enemy of Islam.

If I went to an Islamic state and tried to set up my own religion there I would be executed. If I go to many Arab countries I would have to pay a tax just for not being a Muslim.

It seems so imbalanced that we in the west as non-believers, not only tolerate Islam, but we encourage its growth in our country and promote the freedom to practise, and yet we are not shown the same courtesy.

I saw recently in the papers a picture of a group of young Islamic men protesting here in the UK with placards which stated "Freedom can go to Hell"
I just don't understand it? It seems so utterly absurd.

Please can someone explain.

Do all Muslim people see me as their enemy, as someone who ultimately must be eradicated?

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Veteran Member
As a non-believer I am considered an enemy of Islam.

If I went to an Islamic state and tried to set up my own religion there I would be executed. If I go to many Arab countries I would have to pay a tax just for not being a Muslim.

It seems so imbalanced that we in the west as non-believers, not only tolerate Islam, but we encourage its growth in our country and promote the freedom to practise, and yet we are not shown the same courtesy.

I saw recently in the papers a picture of a group of young Islamic men protesting here in the UK with placards which stated "Freedom can go to Hell"
I just don't understand it? It seems so utterly absurd.

Please can someone explain.

Do all Muslim people see me as their enemy, as someone who ultimately must be eradicated?


yes, that's absurd cos it is the same freedom who gave them right to say "freedom go to hell"..ironic

IMO today world is way too chaotic. you fear Muslim nations and i fear Western nations. though we have the same reason for fear; personal security.

i personally chosed to stay right here where i am used to, where i know culture. i would not want to go to USA today, i also would not want to go Suudi Arabia today. i rather stay where i know well enough. i suggest you do the same. keep learning, friend. internet is a great chance to learn. you are not my enemy. we (people in Tasavvuf) are commanded to love others. we condemn hatred regardless what reasons or excuses lay behind it because hate itself is from satan. that's how i know, anyway. we are also commanded not to accept or see someone as our enemy even though he perceives us as one.

long story short, fear ignorance. i do fear ignorance. people might have different labels thanks to different cultures, different languages...etc but one of the main sources of all wrong-doings appear to be ignorance.

ps: no, you don't pay tax for "not being Muslim"


All of your post is full of either wrong conceptions , mis-conceptions, presenting just half or one side of a story. I think its not your fault, its what the media trying to show you and I appreciate your efforts as you just don’t believe any thing blindly and try to hear other side or the story and other views.

I am not a scholar but just try to answer to the best of my knowledge and effort.

I really don't know much about Islam, but I understand it is the case that as a non-believer I am considered an enemy of Islam.

Well, sister, nobody consider you or other common non-Muslims as our enemy, Islam is a religion of peace and give too much emphasis on establishing peace, love and brotherhood in the society. We all are the children of same parents Adam and Hawa (Alayhis-salam), so you are considered as our brother/sister in humanity. Its just your mis-conception that we consider you as our enemy, I donot know who told you this? I can just laugh at it that what people/media is telling to some ignorant and innocent people.

If I went to an Islamic state and tried to set up my own religion there I would be executed. If I go to many Arab countries I would have to pay a tax just for not being a Muslim.

First of all there are many Muslims countries whose laws are not completely Islamic, Some tried to implement it wholly, some only had implemented partially. So don’t consider any law in Muslim country as an Islamic law , it might be or might be not.

According to Islamic Law in an Islamic state non-muslims have complete right to follow their religion and their customs and its the duty of the government to protect their lives , wealth, dignity and places of worship . You can take the statistics of any Muslim country, you can see that no non-Muslim is ever even hurt just because he is not muslim (if you find some cases , the reason might be political or material wealth not religious ) . It’s against teaching of Islam that you even say a bad thing against any non-muslim or their religion.

About your question regarding tax, did you know that in Islamic law all Muslims must also have to pay zakat too (some conditions apply) ? (For your ease with out going into complexcity, I can simply define zakat to you as a tax which is taken from rich people and given to poors) irrespective whether they are living in muslim state or non muslim state or whether their country law asked them to do so or not , they must have to give it.

(By the way zakat is not only thing there are many other things necessary upon muslims to pay with certain condition I don’t want to go into deep so I am skipping that)

So what you will say about that only muslim have to pay that and non-muslim won’t? so their must be some tax on non-muslim too , whats the problem?

Secondly, if non-muslims are paying tax then on the other hand its also necessary for the government to protect their lives, wealth , dignity , places of worship or any other kind of help , so its just not a one side story , and note that this tax will not applicant to poors , olds, disable and any other people that can not pay it , it will be only apply to those who are rich and can able to pay that and the amount must not be too much that create problem to them.

So what problem in that being a citizen of a country every body has to pay taxes so that the government can run their normal functions.

Hope this clarifies you, you might already being giving almost the same type of tax (with different name) to your government already.

It seems so imbalanced that we in the west as non-believers, not only tolerate Islam, but we encourage its growth in our country and promote the freedom to practise, and yet we are not shown the same courtesy.
I saw recently in the papers a picture of a group of young Islamic men protesting here in the UK with placards which stated "Freedom can go to Hell"
I just don't understand it? It seems so utterly absurd.

Please can someone explain.

Well , As I already told you that Islam is a religion of peace and give emphasis to show tolerence and respect to non-muslims, , it might be media showing you the wrong things and obvisly there are always black sheeps within us irrespective of muslims or non-muslims society.

About protesting, I don’t know why they are protesting and what the reason , but one thing that coming in my mind that it might be possible(might be I am wrong , its just thinking coming in my mind) that they are talking against the abuse of freedom of speech. I agree with you that we must have freedom of speech but that also have some limits, on the name of freedom no body has a right to abuse or say any thing bad against any religion, person, country etc. It might be possible that in your country someone has misuse the term freedom of speech so thats why they might be protesting that on the name of freedom don’t hurt other people’s beliefs.

Do all Muslim people see me as their enemy, as someone who ultimately must be eradicated?
No, not at all, we considered you as our brother/sister in humanity, and we never want this, if we see you are going wrong we will correct you so you don’t get any loss , we will welcome you with our hearts.

Finally, I would like to say that by reading your post its seems that in your mind there are lots of confusion and mis-understanding about Islam and you don’t really know much about the teaching of Islam, so try to learn what Islam says, what was its teaching that will clear you mind.

If you have any other question, please feel free to ask we will try to explain to the best of our knowledge.

May Allah guide you and all of us to the true


Active Member
you shouldn't fear islam, but you should fear some idiots that happen to be muslims, i'm a muslim and i'm fearing them too.
thank Allah they are very neglectable numbers.

I really don't know much about Islam, but I understand it is the case that as a non-believer I am considered an enemy of Islam.
only when you in declared war on Islam :yes:

If I went to an Islamic state and tried to set up my own religion there I would be executed.
no, it happen this morning that i was with a hindus friend in the middle of Riyadh (saudia) streets, and no problems happened.
my home city which is big Arabic city has hundreds of churchs and aslo some jews temples.

If I go to many Arab countries I would have to pay a tax just for not being a Muslim.
maybe if you where in the 10th century, but not in these days.

It seems so imbalanced that we in the west as non-believers, not only tolerate Islam, but we encourage its growth in our country and promote the freedom to practise, and yet we are not shown the same courtesy.
well, to much propaganda fruits in misconceptions, keep repeating the thing on ears do much than magic.

I saw recently in the papers a picture of a group of young Islamic men protesting here in the UK with placards which stated "Freedom can go to Hell"
I just don't understand it? It seems so utterly absurd.
me too.
maybe they are ignorants, or maybe they mean this kind of freedom given to iraq or afghanistan, and planned to be given to iran soon.

Do all Muslim people see me as their enemy, as someone who ultimately must be eradicated?
not at all, this thing is only on the eyes of two groups: terrorists and anti-islamic


Veteran Member
maybe they are ignorants, or maybe they mean this kind of freedom given to iraq or afghanistan, and planned to be given to iran soon.

good point. never thought that could be what they meant and it sounds logical. thank you for sharing your opinion friend :)

there are a lot of Muslims around here so why don't we all help you to get to know the true Islam
its that simple ... any info you hear or get about Islam run through us


Well-Known Member
I really don't know much about Islam, but I understand it is the case that as a non-believer I am considered an enemy of Islam.

If I went to an Islamic state and tried to set up my own religion there I would be executed. If I go to many Arab countries I would have to pay a tax just for not being a Muslim.

It seems so imbalanced that we in the west as non-believers, not only tolerate Islam, but we encourage its growth in our country and promote the freedom to practise, and yet we are not shown the same courtesy.

I saw recently in the papers a picture of a group of young Islamic men protesting here in the UK with placards which stated "Freedom can go to Hell"
I just don't understand it? It seems so utterly absurd.

Please can someone explain.

Do all Muslim people see me as their enemy, as someone who ultimately must be eradicated?


Response: It would be contrary to the religion of islam and the purpose of all muslims to suggest that non-muslims are enemies of islam. For if the religion of islam that is supposed to be practiced today started with one man, Muhammad (saw), and was supposed to convert non-muslims to follow him, then to say that non-muslims are the enemies would be contrary to that purpose. For how can he convert them if they are to be his enemies? The only way possible for there to be muslims to begin with is if the non-muslims believed in Muhammad's message and converted to islam. So to make non-muslims as enemies would defeat the possibly of there being muslims to begin with.

We should also look at the fact that the West has the most powerful nations today. Each of these nations allow the religion of islam to be practiced. Why would they do so if islam wasn't a religion of peace? I say this to you because this alone should show you that even the head of non-muslim nations know that islam is a religion of peace. The problem that we have today is that people do not realize how the West came into power. It was their defeat over muslim nations which caused them to be the most dominant.

This being the case, who do you think is the most threatening to take away the dominant control that the West has? None other than the muslims. So in an effort to make sure this never happens, the West creates propaganda against islam, portraying them as enemies to non-muslims. After the muslims had to experience the oppression of non-muslims after their defeat, many muslims have vowed to seek vengeance, but do so in an unjust manner, which goes against islam. This however, plays a good role for the West in continuing to portray muslims as evil.

This is why you yourself have so many bad misconceptions of islam. But to address some of your statements, as for taxes, I live in the US and I have to pay taxes. So why would there be a problem if the non-muslim pays taxes? All people pay taxes. It has nothing to do with whether you are a muslim or not.

As for setting up another religion other than islam and being executed, in an islamic government, one is not allowed to set up another religious temple, or place of worship. This is because muslims are to spread the religion of islam, not another religion. So for an islamic government to help establish a religion other than islam would be contrary to their religion. One is free to be whatever religion they choose under an islamic government, as long as it's nothing unjust. But to ask a muslim to help establish another religion other than islam would be like asking a muslim to help cook a pork roast for christmas dinner. It is not that I hate the person or their religion which is why I would not help,but that you are asking me to go against my religion, which is forbidden. And if a non-muslim decided to set up a religious temple anyway, they should not be executed.
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New Member
the west know little about islam. a lot of muslim know about christianity. personally i have the old and the new testament and i read about christianity and my faith in islam got stronger as i compare what i find with my beliefs. they should read the quran and know about our fundamental beliefs to understand what is islam..they know just what the media told them : muslim equals terrorist!
You should be afraid of CERTAIN PEOPLE *cough Saudi Arabia* they have a "hold" on the religion. They've skewed it for everyone and made some of the worst examples of it. True, it's been made a bad example of in a lot more places than Saudi Arabia.

My advice to you: Read through the Koran if you are really interested. Then you'll find out what's really wrong, the people or the religion. Cheers

Too true that certain people do
Deserve to be warned of, too true.
But when I fearfully appeared
In Makkah once, what I had feared
Turned out to be the best of all,
So helpful at a beck or call,
So friendly that I still remember
With joy that pilgrimage December.


Firstly, I'd like to express my deep thanks for all your responses. They have gone far to reassure me of what I had previously believed to be the case - that yours is in essence a religion of peace. I am fully aware that the media controls my whole picture of the siutation. Hence why I am so greatful to be able to post here and hear the truth from real people.

My concerns began when I spoke with a respected friend of mine about the building of a new mosque somewhere in london. There was hooha over whether it should be used for something different to benefit a 'native' (for want of better term!) local community, but the Islamic inhabitants had won the deal and the mosque was to be built.

My elderly friend said he found it very worrying. I failed to see what the problem was and I questioned him further.

He pointed out a few things which is what sparked my concern - please correct him:

He used Saudi Arabia as his exemplar 'Muslim state' because he argued it was the main seat of Islam in the modern world. He highlighted that this 'tax' (and I see no wrong in taxation if it is given to the deserving) in Saudi acted more like a protection tax (i.e. to stop you being executed under Islamic law should you step out of line)

He then said that every day, during the Solar adorations there is a line in which one swears to kill the infidels (or wtte) - is this true? I did wonder :areyoucra

I can see quite clearly there is a difference between extremists and 'normal' muslims, but the heart of the religion today lies in a VERY powerful state which is in itself extremist in its laws.

His fear was that IF this 1000yr long war between the East and West DID sway in the favour of the extremists... which way would the regular muslims side-on?

If they won, they'd have already taken over our country from the inside and they'd be fully established here - ready to impose their extreme laws upon us.

My friend lived through WW2, so I can see why he'd think like this to be honest.

I know I am certainly ignorant about the intracasies of your faith - I will research further for sure - I guess I'm more fearful of the politics of war, and the idea that my freedom really could 'Go to Hell' if extremists get their way.

Thank you again - I will be sure to post any further questions I have here.
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