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Should I wear my pentgram to work?


Well-Known Member
I have tomorrow off maybe I'll go in for some reason like checking what time I go in Thursday & wear it & see how it goes. People might not even notice but if I get some stange looks I won't wear it again. YOu all are right I should be able to wear it & not get into trouble but then again knowing my luck! :cover:


Active Member
Kcnorwood said:
We've sort of touched on this before here, I have a friend there who thinks I should wear it after all it is a free country so I should be able to express my belifes just like anyone else she says. There's also a part of me that worried about someone saying something not the people I work with but customers. I'm just about to get past my 90 days there & get promoted to the dept I want to me, I've had nothing bad ever said about me, just that I'm a hard worker. Any advice would be good please! :bow:

So just you newcomers out there I am not doing this for shock value I want to be able to show my faith just like anyone else.

OH, I do live in the biblebelt.

Be very weary of letting anyone see it or know your beliefs at work. I also live in the bible belt and you will be judged more times than not. I wear a symbol that is offensive to christians myself. I am just very discrete so that it is never seen.


Well-Known Member
When I go out to eat or to a movie I wear it but I know what you mean. Work is a very different thing, like I said before it's not so much the people I work with it's the customers.


A fool
If you are asking whether you should be able to wear it then yes! Absolutely!

Realistically, people will make you wish you hadn't. That is my experience anyway and coming from Godless England. Maybe in a couple more generations.

Edit: The way I look at it is even if the vast majority of your customers are open minded and tolerant, it only takes one bigot to screw up your day.


Well-Known Member
After reading all you post I think I'lll wait until after I get my promation,thanks for the advice. It is a shame that out in the real world that some times we still get chaisted for what we believe in. No matter what they faith might be. At this point & time I don't think it's a good idea to wear it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Next thing I know I was let go, the night mamager said I had tried to run over him with a pallet jack! Just so you know this is IMPOSSIBLE with pallet jacks have wheehs as big has a skateboard.
I could see a foot getting run over, and crushed, but not run over someone. I don't even think it would be possible with a sto jack.


Well-Known Member
Open their minds and if not their minds tell them to open their hearts we all have a right to display our differences
People should be able to like you and respect you for who you are and what faith you follow. Wear it and if people do have a problem with it ask them why and explain to them why you wear it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I don't assign any significance to pentagrams. Do US people in general?
Yup. By wearing one, you can expect the follow to be said;
You are a devil worshipper
You are demonically possesed
You are in need of salvation
You steal kids and kill and eat them
I think I covered the main ones.


Mother Heathen
Kcnorwood said:
We've sort of touched on this before here, I have a friend there who thinks I should wear it after all it is a free country so I should be able to express my belifes just like anyone else she says. There's also a part of me that worried about someone saying something not the people I work with but customers. I'm just about to get past my 90 days there & get promoted to the dept I want to me, I've had nothing bad ever said about me, just that I'm a hard worker. Any advice would be good please! :bow:

So just you newcomers out there I am not doing this for shock value I want to be able to show my faith just like anyone else.

OH, I do live in the biblebelt.

If you want to wear it, wear it.

It's kind of like me...back in my good old grocery store days. I used to color my hair manic panic Vampire Red, knowing that the ladies and gents from the retirement community would comment. They did. But I didn't care because I was into my super groovy red hair.:D
dawny0826 said:
I used to color my hair manic panic Vampire Red,

Ah, those were the days! I used the same manic panic color and had hair down to my knees. Yeah, it couldn't be missed. :D (I've also had purple hair, blue hair, orange hair, black hair and dreads - all usually down to my knees. Anyway.....)

However, bright red hair isn't the same as a religious symbol. With hair it's "just a phase." With religion it's "we need to save you from the harm you are doing to yourself but just don't know it."

Kcnorwood: While I won't tell you if you should or not, because ultimately it is up to you, I will say that you have to be prepared to deal with some of the things that people will say and the attitudes that go along with it. If you feel that you can deal with the comments/attitudes/stares/etc. then I say that there should be no problem with it. Think of what you might say to potential commentors, good and bad, if they are to ask you a few questions.

I'm going to tell you about an experience I had while wearing one in public, so that you get an idea of some of the things that may happen. But I will let you know that this is an extreme example. I used to wear a pentagram when I was younger (when I was about 16) as I thought that this was a way to express my beliefs. I had some situations that were great when talking to people and some that were very uncomfortable - like the time I was sitting at a resturant with some friends.

This lady was talking to a friend of hers but I wasn't really paying attention to her, so I didn't know what they were talking about. I think it made her mad that I wasn't, so she started talking louder and louder until everyone in the immediate area could hear. She was talking about my necklace. Soon, everyone was paying attention and soon after that she was preaching to the whole resturant about how evil I was and how the whole world was against me and that I needed to mend my ways. She decided that she needed to pray for me right then and there and tried to get the whole resturant to do so with her.

Luckily, someone stood up for me and basically pointed out that I wasn't the one that was making a fool of myself and told her to sit down because it was none of her business. She was soon told to leave by the management. The management offered to pay for my meal. I declined as it wasn't their fault.

Of course, while this did happen, it is an extreme example. But I put it out there so that you can think about what you might have to say or how you would deal with something that may come up.

Should you be able to wear it? Oh, yeah. Should you wear it? That is up to you and how you see your situation working out.

Anyway, good luck with your decision if you haven't made one yet, as I see this thread was started a couple of months ago.


Pre-initiate Wiccan
Hey there,

I'm a new poster here but I feel I should give my two cents here. As much as I long to say "Go ahead! Be proud!" like I truly want to, my experiences and gut instinct are telling me this; if you can handle the flack that may come flying your way, and you are truly able to deal with prejudice like "water off a duck's back" then... by all means.

I, however, have found that I'm not yet secure enough with myself to take the abuse that can come with sporting a pentacle (or pentagram... I honestly don't have a preference of what to call it.)

I used to wear mine and sort of rub it like a worry stone when I felt I needed some inner peace to get through my day, but after random strangers on the street, my boss, and my boyfriend's mother have pegged me as Satan himself, I find I don't have the strength to portray my religion so openly anymore. A part of me feels bad for it, but the bigger part of me just doesn't want to deal with the drama anymore.

I wish I could say that explaining logically and assuring those around you that you're still you, not some crazed blood-sacrificer will work... who knows, it may, if you are surrounded by understanding people. But sometimes a person's true nature will be brought out by something as simple as a little metal star surrounded by a circle, and you may be shocked at how cruel and unyielding people can become. I don't want you to get hurt; so please, consider very carefully whether or not you want to wear an emblem of this religion in public... as depressing as that may sound =( Sorry if I sound like a downer.


It's the US, wear it, if they give you ****, there is always court.

If you bring it to court you lost your job. Either becuase you lost it or because you don't feel comfortable working there anymore..

Thread revival btw, WOOT! :rolleyes:

I think it depends mostly on the job. If its a job where you have to walk in expensive suits all day long, don't. If it's a job where you can where torn pants and shirts, DO!
Everything in between is a guess. If you are the only one there, then you have to ask yourself if it's worth the risk just to show the rest what your beliefs are. I mean, those are your beliefs, not those of the company. If it is very important for you to show that, and the company does not agree with it, then maybe you should find better suiting work :p

Tao of Pooh

I have no problem with wearing pentacle jewelry at work. Hell, my boss gave me a pentacle necklace for Christmas! :yes:

Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
We've sort of touched on this before here, I have a friend there who thinks I should wear it after all it is a free country so I should be able to express my belifes just like anyone else she says. There's also a part of me that worried about someone saying something not the people I work with but customers. I'm just about to get past my 90 days there & get promoted to the dept I want to me, I've had nothing bad ever said about me, just that I'm a hard worker. Any advice would be good please! :bow:

So just you newcomers out there I am not doing this for shock value I want to be able to show my faith just like anyone else.

OH, I do live in the biblebelt.

Where it, I wouldn't not wear my eye of horus, It stays with always around my neck.


Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
We've sort of touched on this before here, I have a friend there who thinks I should wear it after all it is a free country so I should be able to express my belifes just like anyone else she says. There's also a part of me that worried about someone saying something not the people I work with but customers. I'm just about to get past my 90 days there & get promoted to the dept I want to me, I've had nothing bad ever said about me, just that I'm a hard worker. Any advice would be good please! :bow:

So just you newcomers out there I am not doing this for shock value I want to be able to show my faith just like anyone else.

OH, I do live in the biblebelt.

Where it, I wouldn't not wear my eye of horus, It stays with always around my neck.



We've sort of touched on this before here, I have a friend there who thinks I should wear it after all it is a free country so I should be able to express my belifes just like anyone else she says. There's also a part of me that worried about someone saying something not the people I work with but customers. I'm just about to get past my 90 days there & get promoted to the dept I want to me, I've had nothing bad ever said about me, just that I'm a hard worker. Any advice would be good please! :bow:

So just you newcomers out there I am not doing this for shock value I want to be able to show my faith just like anyone else.

OH, I do live in the biblebelt.

I suppose that depends. For instance I am extremely open about my Atheistic views, and yes that may cause me certain lost opportunities. But I tend to not worry about the scraps that others are willing to give me if I will only obey them. You lose a bit of yourself by pandering to the will of others, and you discredit your own beliefs by allowing them to be overpowered. This would be different if you were in mortal danger by wearing your symbol, but I would recommend you wear it. Don't make yourself dependent upon the approval of those around you, slaves are made in such ways. That's just my opinion, but there ya go.

And good luck in the Bible Belt ( I lived in TN for 2 years, Agnosticism is not so liked there so I sympathize)