I actually don't. You want to change laws, I'm suggesting the status quo (in broad terms) causes no harm.
I would say that it can cause harm if two adults who both consent to have sex with each other are banned from doing so.
Similarly, a law banning people from wearing green hats with feather's stuck in the top harms no one. Laws are not passed because they harm no one, they are passed because they protect people from harm. I do not see where the harm is in two consenting adults having sex, even if they are closely related.
Yes, but talking about 5 year olds really is just an edge case that avoids my point.
And if you'd read my OP, I was very clear that I was not talking about children, I was talking about consenting adults.
Again...40 is an edge case that avoids my point. Can a 17 year old give informed consent for sex with a 40 year old?
That's getting into a grey area, and that is why some places have ages of consent that are lower (in the majority of Australia, the AoC is 16), and other places have an age of consent that is higher.
But it is beside the point in terms of my OP. I was very clearly using the example of consenting ADULTS. Not "barely legal" teens, but actual adults.
Well...no. You're talking about legal changes that would be applied across the board, just like age of consent laws are. They don't deal with individual circumstance at all. They can't.
Actually, that would be the law we already have, the one that says ANY act of incest is banned. That's the one that puts the "two consenting adults" in the same category as "40 year old dad who molests his five year old daughter." I agree that the latter should be banned, but not the former.
And if you've been paying attention, you'll see that I've already pointed out that we don't need laws against incest to deal with the latter. Laws against sexual contact with children already exist and would serve to provide due punishment to an adult who does such things.
Indeed, the presence of incest laws could actually be detrimental. I read a case where a parent was convicted of sexual activity with a minor, and they were looking at a very heavy punishment after being charged with sexual contact with a minor. But the defense attorney got the charge changed to an incest charge which carried a much more lenient sentence.
I'm thinking it's best you don't be so sure we can say that. I wouldn't say that.
Why would you not say that Billy and Sally could have sex if they both consent to it?
Yup. Is there some person somewhere who needs to have sex with their sibling/mother/father/son/daughter? Really? Who?
Following this line of reasonming, we should ban any sex that is not done for the purposes of procreation.
People like to shag. They are going to shag for fun.
Get over it.
Indeed not. You already mentioned above that you're sure we can agree that 'Billy is an adult and Sally is an adult, therefore if both Billy and Sally consent to sexual activity with each other, that sexual activity is perfectly fine.' This was an example...given before you suggested you are sure we'd agree, incidentally...that shows I don't think that, and I think there are circumstances where it's not fine. Hence my comments all the way through about engaging with my argument. You don't need to agree with it.
Yeah, and funnily enough, you didn't give any reason as to WHY they shouldn't be allowed to. So I'll just wait for that reasoning, okay?
Not if you want this to be more than an idealistic discussion. I don't believe the law can be removed without it running the risk of opening up instances of grooming or emotional manipulation. How would the replacement law be worded? Would there be one, or are all bets off?
As I've said repeatedly, I don't think we need incest laws at all. Any crime that could be committed would be covered under other laws. Is it not consensual? We have laws against rape that would apply. Is it with a child? We have laws against that too. Was a person emotionally manipulated into it? We have laws against grooming. And funnily enough, all of these laws were designed to protect people regardless of their relationship to their abuser. Rape victims are not always raped by family members. Kids who get molested are not always molested by family members. Kids who are groomed are not always groomed by family members. And so the laws against these things were not made so that they only apply to family members. The law against grooming applies to any adult who grooms any child, regardless of whether that child is a family member or not. And if a parent is grooming their child, this law would apply in just the same way as it would if the adult who was doing the grooming as a teacher or a priest.
But you're also slightly missing the rationale here. Yes, I think the pool of available people does make a difference, but I'm talking more about people's holistic sexual identity. If I am heterosexual, then I could argue a 'need' at some level for sexual relations with women. Of course, I can abstain, and I'm talking a little loosely, but I am certain you understand what I mean. If I am gay, I could argue a 'need' at some level for sexual relations with a man. Who is arguing a 'need' for sexual relations with their sister/brother/father/mother/son/daughter?
I would argue that a person has the right to have sex with whoever they want, provided that the other person consents to it.
If I am dating a black woman, I could, by your argument, claim that I have a need to have sex with my partner, but not that long ago this would have been banned. The idea of what needs are acceptable and not is subjective. So if you want me to accept your position, you're going to have to do a lot better than your subjective opinion. So your argument about "needs" is really unconvincing.
No offence, but I'll sleep okay. I'm merely trying to offer you an alternative perspective than the 'religious/icky' ones you seem determined to reduce all opposition to.
Your argument is even worse. It seems to me to boil down to, "It's wrong because it's wrong, and therefore it is wrong."
Whereas your situational descriptions are controlled and unrelated to how this would work in reality, in my humble opinion.
Yeah, because two closely related adults have never felt sexual attraction towards each other... *rolls eyes*