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Should my mother have had me aborted?

Would it have been better for me and the world if my mother had aborted me?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 100.0%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
My foster mother informed me my mom was in med school when she was pregnant with me. It was recommended she should get an abortion. I told her she should have aborted me. I sometimes still wish I had been aborted. It might have been the lesser of two evils. But still would have been the killing of me. Maybe that would have been nice. But I've also known a lot of people who benefited from my existing.

I still have yet to see the day where I have firm conviction that it is good my mother chose life. So, I truly feel you pro-choicers.

Abortion always seemed like a compassionate approach to me. Believe it or not, this OP is actually more pro-choice than pro-life.

I was going to list my charges, but I read it is against the rules to talk about illegal activity. Let's just say I'm grateful I'm not a sex offender, but I've been to jail more than 13 times. I pray that wasn't against the rules and I love the Lord my MOD. :p

I have been to multiple psyche wards, foster care, group homes, crisis centers, and am schizoaffective bipolar and an addict. I have had a few jobs as janitor, multiple fast food places, and car detailer, but in 2017 I had a head injury and broke multiple bones in a suicide attempt, and it hurts a lot to stand for more than an hour, so I may not work again.

I say all these things to let you have reason to feel like I should have been aborted. As I said, I've always felt abortion was compassionate.

I don't feel it is a personal attack on me if you feel I'd be better off aborted. I see it rather as you speaking from compassion and what would be better for society.

I love liberals and I apologise for my sudden right-wing views and convictions. They came when I started praying the daily Rosary and going back to daily mass and felt visited and haunted by the spirits of aborted babies.

I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me for being this way. It is important to me that you give an honest answer and it isn't a personal attack. It is stating what you feel is charitable and best for society.

Best wishes and regards to you.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! God bless and enlighten us all! :)
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Premium Member
Should of, Would of, Could of, the past only matters in that you learn from it. What you do today based on what you learned to this point is all that matters. Lamenting the past doesn't help the present. Learning is always what matters. Can you still learn, then you can still change. As long as you breath you can set off a chain reaction that will better the world, even though you may never know it.

You weren't aborted now what will you do?


Veteran Member
Should of, Would of, Could of, the past only matters in that you learn from it. What you do today based on what you learned to this point is all that matters. Lamenting the past doesn't help the present. Learning is always what matters. Can you still learn, then you can still change. As long as you breath you can set off a chain reaction that will better the world, even though you may never know it.

You weren't aborted now what will you do?
I'm praying for the grace and hoping and trying to be humble, meek, poor in spirit, law abiding, sober, pure of heart, and charitable to all I come in contact with.

I have volunteered and lived at a mission in the ghetto, fed the hungry, given clothing to those in need, helped provide the homeless with a roof over their head, volunteered at nursing homes and humane society, and I look forward to doing such work if I get better physically.

My caseworker and I are looking for volunteer options.


Active Member
Good luck with it all. As a Catholic you are at least in a 'genuine' denomination with a rich history to draw from. I hope you find solace within in.
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Well-Known Member
What is past is past, there is nothing we can do about it. Dwelling on that past is giving to evil. You could call it a sin. It is better to give in to a brighter future... when you are old, do you want to remember all the bad things you did when you were young? No. You want to remember the good things you did when you realized there was a better future to be had.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Others have said most of the best things already.
All I can think to add specifically is this. You have an unfortunate history of self destruction. I see this dwelling on the ugliest parts of your past nearly as self destructive as the old drug habits and such.
Try to find something positive you've done or want to do and whenever you start thinking about bad stuff from before force yourself to think about that instead. Maybe write it on your hand or something, a reminder to change your thought processes. I dunno.
I wish you the best.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I am going to say probably not. Your mother probably got on fine and knew that she found a safe have for you. You, even though you and I will disagree on many points, still probably enjoy life. You have no real problems except for the problems that you make for yourself.

That does not mean that abortion is wrong for others. Also, even though you turned out fine, I am sure that there are many others that did not. I am not advocating that they should have been aborted either, but one can't judge on whether abortion is proper or not based upon those that were not aborted.


Premium Member
I'm praying for the grace and hoping and trying to be humble, meek, poor in spirit, law abiding, sober, pure of heart, and charitable to all I come in contact with.

I have volunteered and lived at a mission in the ghetto, fed the hungry, given clothing to those in need, helped provide the homeless with a roof over their head, volunteered at nursing homes and humane society, and I look forward to doing such work if I get better physically.

My caseworker and I are looking for volunteer options.

Sounds like your like everybody else and done good and bad, as long as you learned from what you've done stop holding yourself hostage to the past. You future path seems brighter.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
"It does not do well to dwell on dreams (the past) and forget to live."

You live in the past and you will be doomed to never live in the present. What's done is done, you can't spend your whole life lamenting past grievances, it is unhealthy.
Try to live positively and enjoy your time here. Otherwise what's even the point, right?
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Well-Known Member
My foster mother informed me my mom was in med school when she was pregnant with me. It was recommended she should get an abortion. I told her she should have aborted me. I sometimes still wish I had been aborted. It might have been the lesser of two evils. But still would have been the killing of me. Maybe that would have been nice. But I've also known a lot of people who benefited from my existing.

I still have yet to see the day where I have firm conviction that it is good my mother chose life. So, I truly feel you pro-choicers.

Abortion always seemed like a compassionate approach to me. Believe it or not, this OP is actually more pro-choice than pro-life.

I was going to list my charges, but I read it is against the rules to talk about illegal activity. Let's just say I'm grateful I'm not a sex offender, but I've been to jail more than 13 times. I pray that wasn't against the rules and I love the Lord my MOD. :p

I have been to multiple psyche wards, foster care, group homes, crisis centers, and am schizoaffective bipolar and an addict. I have had a few jobs as janitor, multiple fast food places, and car detailer, but in 2017 I had a head injury and broke multiple bones in a suicide attempt, and it hurts a lot to stand for more than an hour, so I may not work again.

I say all these things to let you have reason to feel like I should have been aborted. As I said, I've always felt abortion was compassionate.

I don't feel it is a personal attack on me if you feel I'd be better off aborted. I see it rather as you speaking from compassion and what would be better for society.

I love liberals and I apologise for my sudden right-wing views and convictions. They came when I started praying the daily Rosary and going back to daily mass and felt visited and haunted by the spirits of aborted babies.

I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me for being this way. It is important to me that you give an honest answer and it isn't a personal attack. It is stating what you feel is charitable and best for society.

Best wishes and regards to you.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! God bless and enlighten us all! :)
I am elated that you weren't aborted. The choice of your life was given to you, no matter what you do with it.

"What we are is Gods gift to us. What we become is our gift to God"


Veteran Member
I'm surprised with the results of the poll as I thought I made a good case for why I should have been aborted. Don't be shy :p


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I have contemplated this myself. Twice with the taste of a .45 caliber pistol in my mouth. Much like you I was robbed of a childhood. Forced to grow up too soon. Forced to do things a 10 or 11 year old child should never be forced to even think of.

Life was rough the first 30 years of my life. Some of it due to just luck, fate, circumstance, but I am not afraid to admit, most of it was of my own doing. Bad choice, after bad choice.:cry:

Until the last 10 years or so. Things have begun to turn around. I have finally found happiness. Which made me think. What if i had pulled that trigger/been aborted? I would have missed out on all these good things that I now call my happy life. That would have been real tragedy.

I can't guarantee you will ever find happiness. But if you can carry on, even if just for 1 more day. Then your future self and happiness deserve that chance. Don't take that away from him. He may thank you one day.

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
POPE obviously you were aborted and this is where the baby spirits go. I mean really, look around pope the place seems like it's filled with has beens, wanna be, losers, derelict and every other retched form of humanity that exists!!! I say hey your normal Dude and you are are with your people!!!!!!! Yea a bunch of losers but hey smile it ain't all bad... I lied but I am a loser!!!!.


Friendly skeptic
Premium Member
I can't vote on this poll. It's not my decision. What she should have done was her choice. It looks like she made a choice, so I stand behind that.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
My mom actually had an appointment to had me aborted. I still wonder if she should've went through with it. Anyway, you keep making these threads expressing your desire to die. It's up to you to decide what your life is worth, not us. Probably best to discuss it with a therapist.
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